Updated my #nownownow page!

- updated „Currently playing“ since I started Dragon's Dogma 2 a few days ago 🎮
- added a fresh selfie 🤳


#notabrand #personalweb #indieweb #blog

You Can’t Own The Social Web

I know *I* never expected to be blogging about cooking, but it turns out I can publish *whatever the heck I want* on my own dang website :blobfoxdealwithitfingerguns:


#IndieWeb #PersonalSites

Why do I want to get a server again?

This morning, really a few times over the last few days, I’ve had this rush of nostalgia for the days when I was leasing a Rackspace server.

For some reason it’s really attractive…the […]

#Blogging #FunOnTheWeb #IndieWeb #WebDevelopment


Hello #indieweb #openweb enthusiasts! Why does brid.gy and webmentions.io appear to not be in sync with "like-of" yet "in-reply-to" works?

Consider the JSON here: https://webmention.io/api/mentions.jf2?target=https://www.lloydatkinson.net/posts/2024/stupid-problems-require-stupid-solutions-cloudflare-is-breaking-my-svgs/

It ONLY shows "in-reply-to" yet doesn't show any of the likes brid.gy finds?

Yet, other pages it DOES find "like-of"!

Weekends are for #digitalgardening - just built my /now page (albeit in Polish): https://ilonaborsos.com/teraz

#digitalgarden #indieweb

Is there a reason to check out #BlueSky ? I feel like #Mastodon is a more robust Twitter clone with added elements. Going to BlueSky feels redundant. Though I hear it's more normie coded #indieweb #openweb #fediverse

I'm trying to understand #indieweb #webmentions and see if it's worth adding to my site. I think I've set it up correctly, but can someone help me test it? Here's a URL I guess? https://www.lloydatkinson.net/posts/2024/stupid-problems-require-stupid-solutions-cloudflare-is-breaking-my-svgs/

The original idea two years ago for what would become the Pages theme, intended to allow having your own social network via your website.

#socialmedia #indieweb #SmallWeb #smolweb

The two Fediverses

Who all here is also active on #SpaceHey? Looking for some friends over there. I intend to use it for long form casual posts/shit posts that appropriate to post on the personal blog I'm developing lol

Also, is there any ways to connect #Mastodon and #SpaceHey profiles/posts outside of certified links? #indieweb #openweb #fediverse

I've been meaning for a while to migrate my web site to a static site generator. Started poking at that project in earnest in late June if file dates are to be believed. (Sounds plausible.)

The events of the last several days have certainly made me quite a bit more inclined to get that project sorted.

I'm getting closer...

(My goal is that a regular visitor to my web site basically shouldn't know that anything has changed. Including anyone following my blog via the Atom feed.)


This is an excellent idea by @amerpie! I will participate next week 👍🏻


via @feedle

#indieweb #smolweb #blogging

No matter where you look on #Mastodon, you will never escape one of the following:

- #Linux power users
- #Weebs
- #Transgirls
- #Furry gooners
- #Liberal journalist/lawyer
- Disillusioned #sysadmin
- Bright-eyed #IT student
- Memelords with expert level #shitposts
- Niche #indieweb sites
- #bots with mildly-entertaining-to-insanely-annoying automated feeds

and last but not least:

- Wine moms with blogs just having fun 😊


@OohDirectory I just found you folks from @jimniels
Sooo coooooollllll!!!!
#SmallWeb #indieweb

Trombei com o novo sítio da desenvolvedora e artista chinesa Nic Chan, e agora quero deixar o meu sistema operacional com essa cara 8-bit/ Macintosh/ #pixelart.

É uma ótima pedida para quem quer se inspirar em configurar um sítio pessoal. Funciona sem Javascript, mas habilitá-lo vale a pena.

Um #SurfandoWeb via The Jolly Teapot.


In een van de hoekjes van het internet wordt maandelijks het Indieweb Carnaval gevierd. De organisator noemt een thema, (onafhankelijke) bloggers schrijven er op los.

Deze maand is meertaligheid het onderwerp. Het internet spreekt Engels en dit weblog Nederlands (op een enkele post na waarvan ik denk dat het zinvol is een vertaalde versie te schrijven). Het gevolg is dat het aantal […]
