Meta's developer program is unbelievably brain-rotted. I have not had an active Facebook presence in nigh on forever (I'm sure the data's floating around somewhere). Now I want to syndicate to Threads, and I cannot get a developer account for love nor money.

#indieweb #privacy

Capitalism has invaded the web-ecosystem, what can we learn from invasive species?
#comedy #indieweb #ai #llm

Tremble, brief mortals! I can now shitpost simultaneously on three different social networks from the safety of my terminal! My dominance of the social media automation space shall be swift and brutal!

#POSSE #indieweb #python

Supporting 'like-of’, ‘in-reply-to’ and ‘mention-of’ types of webmentions at the moment. And added a form to send manual webmentions. Not that anyone ever reads my websiindiewebalone has anything to say about it. #indieweb

Spent some time today bringing back Webmentions on my site. Still some work to do but got some basics working for the time being. #indieweb

Bluesky comes up in the latest ActivityPub newsletter update from Ghost:

Another cool thing that happened last week was that we enabled a bridge to BlueSky — an alternative decentralized social network which doesn’t use ActivityPub, but instead uses its own alternative protocol.

I was confused on my first reading of this. They’ve enabled, not built anything specific for Ghost. Also, I’m sorry this is so nitpicky, but no one in the fediverse seems to be able to spell Bluesky correctly.

I spent today *FINALLY* changing from a redirect to my Linktree and made it my own home page, handcrafted with HTML and CSS! :MOULE_Happy:

I've become obsessed with the #IndieWeb movement recently and I'm finally going all-in on my original goal of self-hosting ALL my stuff under MY domain! :MOULE_Happy:

I'll also have a directory of links to others' websites and cool resources, to check out, including 88x31 buttons (feel free to share yours if you'd like to be added)!

我对 2024 年 10 月的 #IndieWeb Carnival 的投稿文,主题为《Multilingualism in a Global Web》,讲述我身为马来西亚华人的线上和线下生活如何受到多种语言的影响:

Bugs, breakthroughs and BlueSky

My contribution to the October 2024 #IndieWeb Carnival, themed "Multilingualism in a Global Web", is about how my online and offline lives are affected by multiple languages as a Chinese person in Malaysia:

If you liked 6 anthologies by Disabled authors., my feed URL is #RSS #IndieWeb

Been jet lagged all day after returning home from Korea. I've been aimlessly meandering around on the web like the times of old, and it's really inspiring seeing all the great indie stuff that is out there.

#indieweb #smallweb

“Movements like the Indieweb and the Fediverse remind me that the ideals I once loved, and that spirit of the early web, aren’t lost. They’re evolving, just like everything else.” — Ben Werdmuller

#Business #Web #Movements #OpenWeb #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #Fediverse #Evolution #Quote

instância nova, #introducao nova! :calicobongo:

oi, eu sou a Tiffs!
paulistana, vegana :vegan:, sapatão, desenvolvedora #java, viajante e cozinheira.

sou apaixonada por artes visuais e HQs, vinhos e cafés. aprendi a gostar de atividade física depois dos 30 anos e pratico yoga aéreo e musculação.

sou entusiasta da #indieweb e dos #blogs, estou retomando essa prática aqui:

gosto de #aprenderempublico e, por isso, mantenho uma wiki pessoal como gerenciador de conhecimentos:

conheci o fediverso pela ursal e logo fui mordida pelo bichinho do self-hosting. o brejinho é meu primeiro projeto auto-hospedado :)


Thinking of running a "secret santa" gift exchange? You might want to use Santa Circles to run it:

It's FOSS, privacy-friendly and run as a hobby project. There's no JavaScript, and it only sends you one email, for registration.

It allows you to make a list of people, define rules about who can give to whom, and then randomly performs the draw.

You do all the communication: Santa Circles stays out of your way.

It's kinda #IndieWeb or #smolweb

🤖 I posted to my photography weblog.

#IndieWeb #photography

6 anthologies by Disabled authors. #IndieWeb