📗 Want to read How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy by Jenny Odell ISBN: 9781612198552
Chase sends 8-digit 2fa SMS codes, which seems excessive compared to the 6 that most other places use, but even weirder is that the first digit of them has always been the same, effectively making it a 7 digit code. Anyone know what's up with that?
Kayo's Ramen Bar

at Kayo's Ramen Bar

First snow of the year!
The painters finished!
Got even more snow overnight!

Clarifying what I mean by “projects”

#music #freelancing #tools #software

Link: “I hope you don't watch this”

Still looking for work queue management stuff

#work #contracting #software #requests needed

Two Months into Daily Blogging and I Hate It

Finally ran out of the August/September batch so time to make some more habanero sauce! This was about one pound of habaneros and made 16 bottles!
#habanero #cooking #365
Didn't do much other than the livestream today and prepping a video to publish tomorrow. Oh, and lots and lots of sorting files on my giant stack of hard drives.

Bitcoin Science

Bedrosians Tile & Stone

at Bedrosians Tile & Stone

The cats wanted to hang out on the couch with me for my very long work day

Link: Say Goodbye to Abe Lincoln

📗 Want to read Relationality: How Moving from Transactional to Transformational Relationships Can Reshape Our Lonely World by David Jay ISBN: 9798889840541
The siding crew came today to finish the siding on the rooftop patio!

Hey Slop Leaders

🎶 It’s a TRON: Legacy soundtrack kinda day.