Clearview AI, a startup that compiles billions of photos for facial recognition technology, says it lost its entire client list to hackers.
It's something!
Mini-scoop: Facebook is banning ads that promise to cure or prevent the coronavirus.…
Wanna know where your time is going? Join in on "March of Time" time tracking challenge on the @Ohmydollar forums next month:…
My take away was different. We need more empathy in places of power who might understand why a child in a gang riddled neighborhood might engage in these practices as a way to stay safe. We need to change our expectations around dumb photos. Adolescents……

Women of Color are Redefining the Culture of Remote Work from @glitch… Women of Color are Redefining the Culture of Remote Work from @glitch (…)
I made a small contribution to help the UCLA Congo Basin Student Association's make an impact in Cameroon. CBI-SA: Supporting Student Education in Cameroon…
"But as I thought more about what I wanted for my blog, and read more about the IndieWeb movement, I realized my idea of what a blog could be was incredibly limited." ❧ —Brett Kosinski (@brettkosinski)…
It happened: I finally moved completely over to NeoVim, with vim-plug and friends. Its a brave new world, folks.
🌟 NICE! 🌟
Cloudflare Developers
Safely deploying Workers with is now easier than ever with support for Secrets & Environment Variables! 🗝 Securely encrypted, write-only secrets 🙅‍♀️ No sto...
Feeling very seen. 👀
Survey: #Estonia is #millennial #expats’ second-favourite country to settle… via @estonianworld
Gettin' ready to open to the public! Reservations for our first weekend open this Sunday! Gahhhhhhhh!
✨🗓 Our weekly pop-up residency at Roseline Coffee will begin next month, Friday March 20th and Saturday March 21st, with reservations opening this Sunday (1st) at 4p...
I saw/heard/participated in this on Sunday and it was magical. Do give it a try!
You must join the Cellular Chorus that @patwolfmusic devised (with design/development support from @jaronheard). Chances are you have more than one internet-accessible de...
Ad auctions in the browser? Google's Turtledove proposal. Interesting discussion at The Register. h/t @dmarti…
Hey #netnarr and #edu106 here is a copy of my unselfie project: — the only thing you need to know, really 😌
Previous employers: Adobe, IBM, Microsoft, American Express. skills: node, javascript, hardware, bots, community outreach, code driven art. more info about me here: rac...
🎙 New podcast on the state of social media in 2020! What they’re getting right, or wrong, and what is coming down the pike. You might be surprised where my head is at these days… 🎧 Listen now: 🔗