If you are looking to support local artists/musicians, many of which are seeing all their income disappear with no hope of unemployment, and a wonderful Portland local business (and my distributor), @buyolympia is running a no-minimums free shipping deal: buyolympia.com

Some recent #instructionaldesign videos

Hey #edu106 here is your "Learn Something Module" Checklist: quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2020/03/23/hey…

Hey #edu106 here is your "Learn Something Module" Checklist

Hey #edu106 here are photos of our lecture lastdiscussion at @scsu. Remember our goal it to "operationalize" the "theory" of connected learning using "matirix analysis" to evaluate an online community
Stuck at home? My friend (and excellent teacher) @IAmMariPfeiffer is hosting a free session on YouTube tomorrow about how to create a message that attracts and converts website visitors into loyal customers. Come join us. boffosocko.com/2020/03/23/mar…

We have discussed shapes a lot this semester. We started by tracing the shape of Kobe Bryant's award winning farwell to basketball. You then traced a shape of a story. Finally you shared the shape of your own story as we built an About Me website, created an unselfie, and did a photo challenge.

Meanwhile we learned how to recognize the shapes of qualitative and quantitative research articles you will encounter in college. We explored how values get baked into numbers or codes. We found common patterns and differences in text structure to help us be active readers.

Now you begin to shape your own research.

We have been learning about a theory of learning called "connected learning." Theory gets operationalized in research, so the way we are doing that is by breaking connected learning into categories and placing this in a table. There is a column for you describe how you define the principle, a column for you to describe your learning community, and then a column for any additional notes. This is a simplified version of something we call matrix analysis.

This process is our method of research. You have to first complete an example of your matrix by looking at an exemplar texts. These are the case study examples from the DML Research hub we looked at. This provides you a chance to practice completing the matrix.

Giving you practice means you get trained as a researcher and this helps increase the rigor of results.

After you did the model you were then to choose a community to analyze. Remember you are not going to prove if it is or is not "connected learning." Also many of you picked physical

You collect evidence, put it in the write box on your matrix, look for patterns and draw conclusions. It may or may not be a connected learning space. It may not matter. Go where the data takes you.

This graphic organizer is due next Monday. While this was a group project I will allow people to work alone giving the craziness going on.

I propose a new genre of found poems #clmooc Lets take all the funny incorrect auto captioning that will be shared by the hundreds of pages per hour. Could make a bot, people just heep adding their funny autocaptions mistakes (quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/Thfde)
I propose a new genre of found poems #clmooc Lets take all the funny incorrect auto captioning that will be shared by the hundreds of pages per hour. Could make a bot, people just heep adding their funny autocaptions mistakes
I used to be addicted to soap. But I'm clean now.
Fools, damn fools, and — worse — killers. Economic destruction is all but certain. How well do we think our economy handles another million Americans needlessly dying?
They are eyeing the expiration of the 15-day “Stop the Spread” CDC guidelines as a possible pivot point – eager to restart the economy. Pence signaled as much yeste...
It's Monday. Current WFH status:
We have reached peak tech bubble immutouch.com/?utm_campaign=…
Just finished up meeting with #edu106 students to review our class and facilitated a wonderful training for @scsu faculty on Keeping Your Instructional Design Simple: media.southernct.edu/media/Make+You… (quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/CLtul)
Just finished up meeting with #edu106 students to review our class and facilitated a wonderful training for @scsu faculty on Keeping Your Instructional Design Simple: https://media.southernct.edu/media/Make+Your+Week+A+PageA+Simple+Instructional+Design+To+Ensure+Stud...

Settling in for another week of social physical distancing. Happy eternal Caturday.

Oh god Eventbrite sent out a mass email urging its users to beg congress to preserve the live events industry and make an exception for them regarding social distancing. Are they fucking serious?! #covid19
Twitter needs to shut Trump’s account down. His cabinet needs to shut his presidency down. His words and his inactions are killing innocent Americans.
Has your drive to buy things increased during this crisis? Has it been stocking up on essentials or do you find that your want of "comfort" items increasing? Are you justifying more purchases right now to help businesses? Or are you terrified and spending nothing?
Missed connections 💬