Pandemic response needs volunteers: Not surprisingly, the Chinese government couldn't address the crisis by itself either. All authorities are outmatched ...…
New post: Plaidophile: Teleconferencing tips, advanced edition…
Week One Module for #edu506 @scsu studentd building up their skills in teachign online literacies in k12 classrooms:…

Week One Module for #edu506 @scsu studentd building up their skills in teachign online literacies in k12 classrooms

Teleconferencing tips, advanced edition

Whoa, I can not like Mr Johnson and still respect the fact that this is an accessible, understandable, reassuring way to explain these drastic measures gov'ts are taking.
PM @BorisJohnson gives an important update on #coronavirus #StayHomeSaveLives

Something I’d want for indigineous on Android: default syndication actions for items in said feed. I definitely have some people from Mastodon and Twitter in specific feeds. What might be more effective is having my site trigger some syndication actions automatically based on some rules.

Going to aim to only post to my site and syndicate out. Using feeds to get my content. I’ll have to do some cleaning of my feeds to do things for Instagram and general news but autonomy and self control isn’t realistic without completely pulling out and that’s dumb

25% more internet traffic: Sonic says that's how much their traffic is up since shelter-in-place orders. Sorry, no link: customer e-mail.
Hey @scsu #edu106 #edo506 #edu307...learned lesson today open office hours can't be same time kids need wifi for end of day video chats.. crashed everything. Going to go with Microsoft Teams for office hours, text first approach (
Need something to do to distract yourself? Make a playlist of the tunes that are getting you through hard times and we'll try to play as many of them on @xrayfm radio as we can. Submit here:…
Hey @scsu #edu106 #edo506 #edu307...learned lesson today open office hours can't be same time kids need wifi for end of day video chats.. crashed everything. Going to go with Microsoft Teams for office hours, text first approach
#edu106 #edo506 #edu307
Team leaders and building admins those opening and closing video chat rooms today.,..OMG so cute, so perfect to put kids back into social nature of learning.

One quick tip: stagger times by grade level...3 chats at once = no wifi #edchat
Team leaders and building admins those opening and closing video chat rooms today.,..OMG so cute, so perfect to put kids back into social nature of learning. One quick tip: stagger times by grade level...3 chats at once = no wifi #edchat (
Wow K12 teachers! Especially those in #EastHaddam, overall my kids had a great first day of school. Danny didn't make his meetings we had some issues connecting but I saw my kids go to band, math, language arts, phys ed, and Spanish.
Wow K12 teachers! Especially those in #EastHaddam, overall my kids had a great first day of school. Danny didn't make his meetings we had some issues connecting but I saw my kids go to band, math, language arts, phys ed, and Spanish. (
Going to aim to only post to my site and syndicate out. Using feeds to get my content. I’ll have to do some cleaning of my feeds to do things for Instagram and general news but autonomy and self control isn’t realistic without completely pulling out and……
Kinda fun to see how clear Seattle traffic is. I don't recall ever seeing this map be entirely green before. The cams themselves are weird to look at too.…