We're having another online IndieWeb meetup tonight at 6pm Pacific, hosted by @altsalt. Join us! events.indieweb.org/2020/03/online…
iPadOS 13.4 offers up so many new experiences when working on an iPad because of the new trackpad support, and designing with Photoshop is but one example. That and so much more in my latest podcast episode! 🎙 jaredwhite.com/podcast/53/
People really here posting on mailing lists saying that Vitamin C is going to prevent us from getting COVID-19. We really in the wrong timeline, why ain’t Doctor Strange come get me? (v2.jacky.wtf/post/c76e78f0-…)
#k12& #Highered teachers moving online & thinking about microlectutres,backstage post my planning one for @scsu classes. I have not taught with a ppt in over a year, you do not need to narrate slide decks. https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/07/25/how-i-made-my-lecture-on-disciplinary-literacie...
#k12& #Highered teachers moving online & thinking about microlectutres,backstage post my planning one for @scsu classes. I have not taught with a ppt in over a year, you do not need to narrate slide decks. quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/07/25/how… (quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/2gzaXO)
Yessss! I am now a proud patron of Andy Clarke on @patreon, and you should be too. His Inspired Design magazine is fab and I don’t wanna miss an issue. #NewPatron patreon.com/stuffandnonsen…
Got out today, while keeping a safe distance, for a @BikeMetro ride. strava.app.link/Ux09yZgk94
Was reading an interview with Axel Willner (AKA The Field) mentioning some of his old aliases. I found a release under one—Cordouan—on an old netlabel website, and the download still works! Here’s 23 minutes of ambience (free): subsource.de/sub/043
Example of a most effective and effiicient way to ensure all students succeed in #k12 #highered online. metacognitive checklist, an example from #edu106 @scsu : quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2020/03/25/exa…

Example of a most effective and effiicient way to ensure all students succeed in #k12 #highered online. metacognitive checklist, an example from #edu106 @scsu

📗 Want to read The City We Became (Great Cities #1) by N.K. Jemisin ISBN: 9780356512679
#books #urban-fantasy

We are not always sure where to look for reliable information, as eternal Caturday wears on.

Hooray! My favorite neighborhood brewery, @ravennabrewing, now offers online ordering and does direct-to-trunk curbside pickup — no contact necessary. Apocalypse crowlers, let’s go!
Quarantine day 13: Just sang a song to my toast slices about how much I loved snacks.
As long as my family and immuno compromised people are okay, I'm good. At this point, you're just being borderline stupid.
Landlords are crooks
Yesterday my property manager called me. My landlord intends to sell my home and turf me and my family out in the middle of a pandemic. It appears that despite taking hal...
❓Would you like your friendly neighborhood Web-man to send you a newsletter about once a week with cool links, vlogs, & podcasts about fun tech, geek fandom, travel photos (pre/post quarantine), and more?❓ ➡️ Catch all the action and subscribe here! 📨 jaredwhite.com/newsletters/
Excellent public service announcement
Doctor Who Official https://twitter.com/bbcdoctorwho
Incoming transmission. #MessageFromTheDoctor #DoctorWho
hey #edu106 here is the graphic organizer we are going over in our design studio: docs.google.com/document/d/1tt… (quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/19kbTd)