Some of these new W3C specs include Webmention, Micropub, WebSub, IndieAuth, and Microsub. Today I’ll talk abut Webmentions which are simply site-to-site @mentions or notifications which don’t involve corporate social media silos.

For those who’d like more information about webmentions and how they could be used, I’ve written a primer for A List Apart entitled Webmentions: Enabling Better Communication on the Internet.

#education #indieweb #wordpress #indieauth #micropub #microsub #pressedconf20 #webmention #websub

In the intervening years since the blogosphere and the rise of corporate social media, enthusiasts, technologists and open source advocates have continued iterating on web standards and open protocols, so that now there are a handful of web standards that work across a variety of domains, servers, platforms, allowing educators to use smaller building blocks to build and enable the functionalities we need for building, maintaining, and most importantly owning our online courseware.

#education #indieweb #wordpress #pressedconf20 #web-standards #webmention

For a variety of reasons (including lack of budget, time, support, and other resources) many educators have been using corporate tools from Google, Twitter, Facebook, and others for their ease-of-use as well as for a range of functionality that hadn’t previously existed in the blogosphere or open source software that many educators use or prefer.

This leaves us and our students open to the vagaries and abuses that those platforms continually allow including an unhealthy dose of surveillance capitalism.

#education #indieweb #wordpress #edtech #open-pedagogy #pressedconf20 #social-media #surveillance-capitalism #webmention

Hello everyone! My name is Chris Aldrich. I’m an independent researcher in a variety of areas including the overlap the internet and education. You can find more about me on my website

Today I’ll be talking about Webmentions for open pedagogy.


#education #indieweb #wordpress #domainofonesown #open-pedagogy #pressedconf20 #webmention
the dark knight rises

Called my Doctor
Said I'm feeling blue
Son, I've gotta
prescription for you

Just put on some reggae
Lovey dubby reggae
A magical elixir
Problem fixer

So I hopped in the truck
Windows down
Dropped the bass
And hit the town
Feeling and Feeding
Righteous beats
on deserted streets

Just put some reggae
Lovey dubby reggae
#smallpoens Called my Doctor Said I'm feeling blue Son, I've gotta prescription for you Just put on some reggae Lovey dubby reggae A magical elixir Problem fixer So I hopped in the truck Windows down Dropped the bass And hit the town Feeling and……
Hello everyone! My name is @ChrisAldrich. You can find more about me on my website Today I'll be talking about Webmentions for #OpenPedagogy. #PressEdConf20…
Excellent #LPFM radio station fundraiser ideas in these unprecedented times.
it wouldn’t work but i just fantasized about a fundraiser y’all could throw just for ten minutes of unrelenting cussing to vent about the state of the world
It will be an amazing moment in our country’s history when the majority of our Governors stand up and say to the federal government: “thanks, but we’ll make our own decisions — you can stay out of this”.
Full letter from potus to governors:
I'm not here to feed the Internet Rage Machine any more than is necessary. Here's a good tweet to balance it out.
This cheered me up
Uhhh, what the fuck? Without my permission, or even notifying me, Yelp has created a GoFundMe fundraiser for my bar @suckerpunchpdx.
I would like someone to organize a virtual karaoke party that I can come to. Just putting that request out in the universe.
Do not undervalue the contribution tiktok comedians and meme creators are making to the world right now. Laughing is good for your mental health, and is shown to boost your immune system.

Wait wait wait. Did the Senate approve a bill to bail out companies and not people?

Wait wait wait. Did the Senate approve a bill to bail out companies and not people? (…)
Making an omelette in the middle of the day. Can’t normally do that.
Making an omelette in the middle of the day. Can’t normally do that.
I will never understand why @Blackboard can't handle something like setting the contents of a div container to display on overflow...It isn't much CSS. Lack of scrolling makes gradebook useless (I amb using FF Dev 71) #highered (
Hey @SizzlePie ! I’d love to support your furloughed staff with tips, but the email you sent me doesn’t tell me how to do that! Your order site has no option for it!