This is a a moving story and a lovely memorial I hope to visit someday.
"Native Americans have always answered the call to serve, and this memorial is a fitting tribute to their patriotism and deep commitment to this country,” said Kevin Go...
Well that sucks for Jessica Rabbit.
Well, that’s certainly an arresting headline. Climate change is real, folks.
65.5% of y'all voted for me to stay home so I guess you want me to just be a lazy ramen eating lump all winter 😂
Lillian Karabaic 🥄🏳️‍🌈 BLM
Yashar Ali 🐘
The way groups of men go absolutely insane when @TaylorLorenz simply fact checks one man is something to behold. She can say something 30 other people are saying and th...
Help me decide in the next 30 mins: go to evening public skate? Pros: get a workout in, get to skate, masks required Cons: it is $19, the rink is tiny, can’t do double jumps or camels on public ice, pandemic is rising
Anyone know where I can find a great deal on car rental insurance? I'm renting a car next week when I visit Denver, and since I don't have a car, I don't have insurance. Should I get the insurance from the rental car company?
What are some of the best online educational events that you've been to? What made them special and unique?
Asked for comment, Toobin said, "I've always put it out there, and now I'm hung out to dry. This exposure of my shortcomings is making me shrink inside."…
Hey, @The_Corres, where in your rationality list does this guy fit?
I don’t care if you’ve broken them down into "rational" subcategories. They’re all racists and authoritarian-lovers, first of all.
Hey @washingtonpost reporters @AmyEGardner @thamburger @jonswaine @jdawsey1: Democracy Dies in Darkness. Name your sources or STFU. We don't have time for palace intrigue. Call these democracy-hating authoritarians out.…
take an experiment to see how much you know about history, and what your perception of historically accurate vs altered photos is:…
I don’t care if you’ve broken them down into "rational" subcategories. They’re all racists and authoritarian-lovers, first of all.…
Since Emhoff is an entertainment lawyer, and geeks overwhelmingly supported #BidenHarris2020, I fully expect his first issue to be bringing back Firefly.
OK, I need to get this off my chest. I spent years, **years** I tell you, absolutely loving 80s synth pop, new wave, etc. Hated 90s pop even though I was a teen then. Now even megastars like **Miley Cyrus** (!!!) are doing retro 80s style. It’s everywhere. Feels. So. Good!! 🙌
Guess what, vendor lock-in is truly, actually bad (whether it comes in the form of walled gardens, browser(-engine) monopolies or various other shapes or forms). Relegate too much of the control to a third party and you can easily find yourself with no control, or choice.
Got some Steam keys I don’t need. DM me. • 140 • Alien Spidy • Awesomenauts • Capsized • Double Fine Adventure • English Country Tune • Intrusion 2 • Lostwinds • Massive Chalice • Oil Rush • Proteus • Psychonauts • Super Hexagon • Tiny and Big: Grandpa’s Leftovers
I tried to pin curl my hair last night and it looks extremely 80s today.
On today’s episode: my spoiler-free review of Seduced, the shocking sex cult documentary now playing on Starz. #freshpick Also the latest Fresh Insight segment where I share my experience with "ends justify the means" thinking. (Hint: they never do!)

Sending gremlin energy into the world during eternal Caturday.

I was just a REMF whose job was throwing money at defense contractors until the USSR gave up, but thank you!
Lillian Karabaic 🥄🏳️‍🌈 BLM
Happy veterans day to everyone serving and having served - and especially to both my parents @Cheryl_Crowe and @karabaic who met (and had me) while serving in the US Air...