#clmooc got question awhy #sundayhaiku does not show up in our RSS feed. Mainly because written on Twitter. If you publish haikus on your own website or Mastodon let me know so I can make sure they show up in our RSS Planet (quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/20REFi)
A Hungarian friend asked why poems follow no pattern. And everything reads like its from Saturn This to my friend I must confess Yes my verse is quite a mess but truth and stanzas belong burnt in a fat urn
Getting ready to give a zoom presentation to the EOSC-Life EU data sharing community about using the FREYA PID Graph to reproduce scientific research
I just published todays poembox microcast, my personal collection of bad poems best listened to with volume muted: jgregorymcverry.com/mypoetry#20201… #writingcommunity #clmooc #literacies
Postgres support now community supported plugin marcus-povey.co.uk/2020/11/16/pos…
I won the election!
SCENE: Sitars playing after Siri misinterprets the request. 6yo: What is meditation music? Me: Well, how does it make you feel? 6yo: I don’t know, how about you? Me: Like I am in flow and one with all things. 6yo: You mean, like with… cheese?
SCENE: Sitars playing after Siri misinterprets the request. 6yo: What is meditation music? Me: Well, how does it make you feel? 6yo: I don’t know, how about you? Me: Like I am in flow and one with all things. 6yo: You mean, even with… cheese?
If she had known what that tiny troll had done to her eggs, it would’ve never survived the night. twitter.com/naquicious/sta…
She was beautiful back then, too, but we were all too self-obsessed to notice.

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This story is heart-breaking and gut-wrenching—not simply because of the tragedy of it all, but because *it could have been entirely prevented*. A series of terribly poor decisions I simply can’t fathom. Why are people still attending weddings during a pandemic?!?! 😩😩😩 twitter.com/markharrisnyc/…
Note that none of the 7 people who died attended this wedding. So people planning a big Thanksgiving aren't simply jeopardizing their own families; they're saying, "I'm h...
Another lovely one. The America we can be.
Christian Davenport https://twitter.com/wapodavenport
Getting ready to fly. By ⁦@washpostnewton⁩
What a great pic
GO CREW-1!!! Four Earthlings are heading off to space aboard Dragon Resilience, and having the time of their lives! What you can't hear in this photo is all the folks c...
Did they deliberately evoke that shot from 2001 here? Because it’s brilliant. #LaunchAmerica
Great win for the Rams against the Seahawks! Bouncing back in a big way, especially on defense.

Thought for Sunday, November 15, 2020 at 7:57 AM

Dissertation available as PDF and HTML: jackjamieson.net/dissertation-a…
Seeing Helena Bonham Carter with Gillian Anderson is the whole point of The Crown S04