I’m really sick of being home in my apartment. Yet I know how important it is to stay in right now. Ahhhhh
Roblox is the first internet sensation I learned of through my kids! They kept badgering me to try it out because of all the YouTube videos they were watching by Roblox gamers, so I set it up a few weeks ago…and now we're all hooked. This is big news! theverge.com/2020/11/19/215…
They are going to do something with Warren in the new administration, right? RIGHT? Are they leaving her in senate for #s?
Okay, let's try this again: my iPhone XR is up for sale on eBay. No I will not be accepting offers outside of the auction format. ebay.com/itm/Apple-iPho…
IFTTT, when are you going to add the ability to add a “That” target using Micropub? Currently there is either native Microsub support or plugins for a variety of platforms or CMSs like WordPress, Drupal, micro.blog, WithKnown, Craft CMS, Jekyll, Kirby, Hugo, Blot, etc.

Similar to something like webhooks, these endpoints can be used to send a wealth of data from one place to another. Right now I can see a great use case for going from almost any target that’s currently supported to a variety of endpoints that are currently built for websites or blogging use cases.

Leveraging Micropub may also make it easier to target a simpler common “surface” instead of dovetailing with hundreds of individual CMS platforms and their APIs.

I’ve been able to use Micropub with Webhooks to get around the current IFTTT limitations, but there is a lot more you might be able to do with it as a company while making it easier for customers as well.

#indieweb #social-stream #ifttt #micropub #pesos #syndication
Got my own retargeting ad on Instagram and I am not mad.
.@IFTTT, when are you going to add a "That" target using Micropub? Currently there is either native Microsub support or plugins for a variety of platforms or CMSs like WordPress, Drupal, @microdotblog, WithKnown, Craft, Jekyll, Kirby, Hugo, Blot, [more...] boffosocko.com/2020/11/19/557…
I have a journalist request: I am looking for someone affected (besides myself) by the copay accumulator rule change. Have you had to pay thousands out of pocket for drugs that used to be covered by co-pay assistance? Would love to talk. DMs open. #journorequest #spoonies
Though the quote is about music, it has an interesting application to #complexity: Repetitive actions are a fingerprint of your intent irrespective of what you say. Quote from aeon.co/essays/why-rep… #complexresponsiveprocesses #CRP
"Repetition serves as a handprint of human intent" — Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis (aeon.co/essays/why-rep…)
And with this, the destruction of the party of Lincoln is unambiguous and complete.
"We will not be intimidated...We are going to clean this mess up now. President Trump won by a landslide. We are going to prove it. And we are going to reclaim the United...
Ew, who fleeted?
So proud of @RevWoman for creating the revwoman.com podcast. Very moved by Mae Flores' (@officialmaeflores in IG) story on surviving and thriving after sexual assault. It's everywhere you get podcasts... stitcher.com/show/revolutio…
Baby What Am I Gonna Do With You 🎶
It’s time to get reflective…time for some deep introspection…so light a candle or two, put some Barry White on the stereo, get nice and comfortable, because we’re...
Highly recommend getting this while it’s available. vhvl is wonderful. vhvl.bandcamp.com/album/garbage
Years ago @MarkRichardson sent me an MP3 of an amazing 22-minute-long song from an obscure mutual-remix 12” by Sutekh and O.Lamm that he had posted an excerpt of on his blog. A mix of glitchy IDM and shoegaze that I could listen to endlessly. I finally tracked down a copy!

What are the people around you sinking their teeth into during eternal Caturday?

Lightning Talks @ucgisweek — Environmental Science coming today up 11am-12pm PST #ucgisweek. Mapping 2018 Wildfires using Bluesky Framework and QGIS plus more. Full schedule ucgisweek.github.io/2020VirtualCon…
Tired: COVID research breakthrough leads to new vaccine prospects 💉 Wired: @CORVIDresearch breakthrough leads to queer AF birb sightings 🏳️‍🌈
✨ lesbian crows ✨ twitter.com/corvidresearch…
Read the whole thread. This is wildly unacceptable, and I can't fathom how anyone could consider it legal (let alone ethical). #DisneyMustPay
Cory Doctorow #BLM https://twitter.com/doctorow
Alan Dean Foster is an sf legend - a writer who produced a shelf of original novels but also made a reputation novelizing movies and TV from Star Wars to Aliens, turning ...