Baby Gorilla and Dad Photo – Baby Animal Prints by Suzi.…
Nothing like preempting the publication of a story by invalidating the experience of people who worked at your company 🙃…
I have nothing to do with this story and didn’t know we were even doing one that said, this attempt at a front-run is mindblowing. theyve guaranteed readership for th...
I figured out my workflow having two different accounts and not wanting to sign and check emails. I use two Android apps. One for each account. On desktop the app and the Browser
Fuck these assholes
The New York Times
Loujain al-Hathloul, who fought Saudi Arabia's ban on women driving, has become one of the kingdom's most prominent prisoners. She appeared before a judge on Wednesday, s...
Discovered barre chords. Wow where you been since March? Sounds so much richer. I can move chords up and down the fret board now.… but really it was this video that turned me on…
Happy Thanksgiving from the Planet Earth Rock & Roll Orchestra…
Peak late-capitalism journalism…
New York Magazine
While it lasted, Four Loko’s run made it New York City’s go-to “blackout in a can.” This is the story of that run, as told by the people who lived it (at least, t...
This 👇
I'm listening to npm do their public triage, and geez @MylesBorins is good at running meetings…
Also, I’m finally starting to feel better.
Sometimes my little boy reminds me of Gavin from “Kids in the Hall.”
I wish Flume didn’t name a track ‘╜φ°⌂▌╫§╜φ°⌂▌╫§╜φ°⌂▌╫§╜φ°⌂▌╫§╜φ°⌂▌╫§╜φ°⌂▌╫§╜φ°⌂▌╫§╜φ°⌂▌╫§╜φ°⌂▌╫§╜φ°⌂▌╫§╜φ°⌂▌╫§╜φ°⌂▌╫§╜φ°⌂▌╫§╜φ°⌂▌╫§╜φ°⌂▌╫§╜φ°⌂▌╫§╜φ°⌂▌╫§╜φ°⌂▌’ because it crashes iTunes when I try to play it.
Let's face it: Zeynep Tufekci's output is too important to miss. Since there doesn't seem to be a "canonical" source for everything, I've aggregated an RSS feed of all her work that I can find and incorporate.……
Aw, shucks. Thanks! Big thanks to @briandemers for doing all the heavy lifting!
I'm thankful to @briandemers and @afitnerd for creating the fantastically useful Okta CLI! 😍
We'll be doing Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 synced to Dark Side Of The Moon this year. As Blart intended.…
Too many families going through this. And too many people dying alone.…
Diary of a Sad Woman - why I hate COVID. Sun, Oct 15th - my brother picks up my mom who has just spent 2 weeks in Florida staying with my aunt post uncle’s death.  ...
Hey y'all it'd be pretty helpful to me if folks could subscribe to my music channel on YouTube.… If enough people subscribe I can make the URL a lot shorter :)
The “title” options for the local botanic garden membership sign up are really something
Programming your body, Corona-vaccine edition: CNET article on mRNA vaccines. Sounds like a literal software injection attack to me, running on your cells.……
It’s very satisfying to clean up a site, remove excessive divs, classes, resets and all bootstrap css & js and realize that none of it was necessary or used. Hot tip— learn CSS & HTML.
Facebook banned the sale of stolen artifacts in June. Since then, it's been deleting groups that traffic in looted antiques. Experts say that in some cases, this is evidence of war crimes, and must be preserved. So far, the company isn't listening:
Facebook is deleting evidence of war crimes, researchers say…