Two anniversaries today: microformats (18y) and POSSE (11y).

Happy 18 years of #microformats!

Most prominent this past year (again) has been the littlest #microformat that could:

rel=me — AKA #relme, now effectively the standard for #distributed #verification on the web:
* (originally introduced in 2004¹)

with support added in the past year for:
* #GitHub multiple rel-me links²
* #Wikipedia User page rel-me link³

Figure out how you want to fit into the network., which is surprising since when it was conceived, the #IndieWeb community was in a period of very rapid innovation & iteration.

POSSE itself replaced a previous term, "POSE", short for “Publish Once Syndicate Everywhere”, which had only been around a year or two at most (I’m still looking for the first use of the "POSE" abbreviation for that meaning).

Since “publish once” was vague enough to include practices of publishing once on a social media silo, or in someone else’s garage, we needed to clearly express the requirement to use your own site instead, first, as the source of your truth. Cross-posting to other sites & channels, is a second, optional step, ideally with a permalink linking back to your original post so viewers can easily discover and use your site.

That distinction was enough for POSSE to express a strong creator-owned-first publishing model that resonated and grew. Every time a silo shutdown at the end of its incredible journey, removing posts & permalinks from the web, POSSE was there for people who were tired of losing their data, permalinks, & profiles, and wanted an alternative.

This is day 43 of #100DaysOfIndieWeb. #100Days

← Day 42:
→ 🔮




#microformats #microformat #relme #distributed #verification #GitHub #Wikipedia #IndieWeb #100DaysOfIndieWeb #100Days

Ooh, new Sigur Rós album!

I need to remember to listen to them more often, especially when I feel down. It’s so moving and relaxing.

I emailed this message to our county public health officer and my district supervisor.

Subject: Please keep our communities safer from COVID-19

To: Wilma J. Wooten, MD, MPH
Public Health Officer, San Diego Health and Human Services Agency

Cc: Chairwoman Nora Vargas
San Diego County Supervisor District 1

Dear Dr. Wooten and Chairwoman Vargas,

I am writing to express my deep concern about the spread of COVID-19 in healthcare settings due to the lack of mitigations like masking. Nobody should have to worry about getting COVID while seeking care and healthcare workers should not have to fear contracting it at work. We know that COVID is airborne, people can be infectious without showing symptoms, and two-way masking with well-fitting respirators is effective at reducing its spread.

I am at a higher risk myself due to some heart issues. I was incredibly dismayed when I went in for a routine visit to my cardiologist and saw none of the staff were masked. I am particularly concerned for our disabled and immunocompromised community members who have had to be extremely cautious during the ongoing pandemic (and before). Most places in society have become even more hostile to their existence in the rush “back to normal.” Now some of the most important places for them, healthcare settings, are no longer safe for them either.

A conservative count from the US Health and Human Services showed that over 138,000 hospital-acquired COVID infections occurred in the first three months of 2023.1 We know that COVID infection — no matter how mild — puts people at risk of an array of long-term health issues. I also consider this an equity and racial justice issue since COVID disproportionately impacts BIPOC people.

I know county guidance “strongly recommends” masking in healthcare settings, but that is clearly not sufficient. I believe universal masking in healthcare settings must become a standard part of infection control. I urge you to work towards making that a county mandate. I would also urge for programs to make high-quality respirators readily available to all, along with clearer public health messaging about their effectiveness. Together, these actions will help keep our communities safer from COVID.

Some additional resources:

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Gregor Morrill
San Diego resident of District 1

#SanDiego #covid #KeepMasksInHealthcare #KeepMasksInHealthcareCA

Have you run out of juice during eternal Caturday?

Are you letting the sounds out during eternal Caturday?

Reddit going dark and an IndieWeb blog carnival lights up. It’s your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community!

This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for June 10th - 16th, 2023.

This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition • June 10th - 16th, 2023

#podcast #IndieWeb #this-week-indieweb-podcast

Are you signaling approval during eternal Caturday?

STANCE was a huge success


Are you getting tangled up during eternal Caturday?

Do you have some thoughts to chew on during eternal Caturday?

Another trip around the sun

COVID-19 Brain Cell Fusion

I kinda laugh when people stereotype California as being super progressive. Sure, it can be progressive in some aspects relative to other states, but that’s a pretty low bar and the state is definitely not a monolith politically.

Recent example: Yesterday, San Diego city council passed a homeless encampment ban in many areas as long as there are shelter beds available. This does nothing to help people transition out of homelessness and gives police more power to harass, cite, and arrest some of our most marginalized people. Like Ken Saragosa said, “The problem is you can’t arrest homelessness out of existence.”

There are far too few shelter beds in the city, so it’s questionable if this can even be enforced anytime soon, though I doubt such technicalities will stop the police. I hope this gets challenged legally and thrown out.

Divided San Diego City Council passes homeless camping ban”. The San Diego Union-Tribune. .

Are you pondering life downwell during eternal Caturday?

Thought I would do a quick meme on links between neonazi in US and neonazis in Russia. ... I have nine pages of notes for a timeline and nowhere near done. And folks wanna talk Bandera and ukronazi F that... Talk about US<--neonazi - - >Russia connection.
Just a reminder...when you see all those ancap Libertarians....yeah Murray Rothbard...he argued for scientific racism of the bell curve You start to see the Libertarian turn to fascist in 2008-2009. Kathy Schoen, Tracy Diaz, Canadian Stefan Molyneux and of course Lew Rockwell
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ʍo̗S ʞɐɹᙠ, the gom jabbar polecat.
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Live in 45 minutes, let's talk moving and this cool app we found to make it super organized…