The Library of Infinite Loan is a physical world practice I conceived of many many years ago¹, implemented in minimal prototype form 5+ years ago², shared a summary with the #IndieWeb community at least four years ago at the #IndieWebCamp Austin in 2020³ and last year in IndieWeb chat, so it’s about time I wrote it down.

Summary: lend a #book from your personal library to a friend, on the conditions that they do not donate sell or dispose of it, and instead when they are done with it they return it or lend it to someone else who agrees to these conditions.

My goal was to create a book lending system that:
* preserves books — effectively in a giant #distributed communal #library
* makes lending easier fiscally, psychologically, emotionally for both parties
* encourages direct person-to-person lending without intermediaries
* grows a culture of non-zero-sum sharing, preservation, and longterm thinking

The basic steps to create a Library of Infinite Loan:
1. Create a separate space (like a particular bookshelf) for #books to infinite lend. A small shelf in a guest room or common space like a hallway works well.
2. Move books there that you are ok lending out and never seeing again
3. Label that space your “Library of Infinite Loan”, or invite guests to borrow from your “Library of Infinite Loan”
4. When visitors ask what that means, explain the Rules

Rules for borrowing from a Library of Infinite Loan (“the Rules”)
1. Keep it as long as you like
2. Do not sell donate or otherwise dispose of it
3. You may give it
 a. back to the person you borrowed from
 b. or back to its original purchaser if they wrote their name and web address inside
 c. or (lend it) to someone else who agrees to the Rules

There are several ways to extend / expand the Library of Infinite Loan:
* custom book plate: design a custom book plate for yourself with room for your name (and web address) on it e.g. “From Tantek’s ( Library” (with space), print it on longterm adhesive paper, and place it inside new books you purchase. When you move a book to your Library of Infinite Loan, amend the book plate to say ”… Library of Infinite Loan” and attach a copy of the Rules.
* add a “borrowers log” with blank lines for anyone you lend it to or they lend it to, transitively, to optionally add their name, web address, and a date of borrowing. Then amend the rules to allow returning a book to who you borrowed from or anyone in the borrower log or original purchaser.
* more media: CDs, vinyl records, DVDs, LaserDiscs, VHS, cassette tapes, video game cartridges etc.
* other things
  * large tools — which usually come in a box with instruction manual, so there’s a logical place to put an “owners plate”, “borrowers log”, and copy of the rules.
  * artwork — a great way to rotate art among a community

#infiniteLoan #libraryOfInfiniteLoan


¹ I’m looking through old personal logs for earliest mentions of “infinite loan”
² In my 2019 personal log I found a note that I “moved some books as library of infinite loan to guest room” where I had previously setup a small bookshelf for such books.
I was also inspired by sharing the idea again to a couple of friends in an espresso-making livestream this morning
#IndieWeb #IndieWebCamp #book #distributed #library #books #infiniteLoan #libraryOfInfiniteLoan

Throwback to June 1998 at Creation Festival East. This is where I first met Jeeves (on the left in the yellow glasses). Katt was one of my earliest online friends and this was the first time we met in person. I wore fun hats at the time. As you can see, we were all pretty cool.

I was interning at Teen Mania Ministries at the time and in lieu of going on a mission trip that summer, Matt (in the white shirt) and I road tripped to a few music festivals to promote Acquire The Fire events. Jeeves was considering the internship and I think meeting us helped convince him. Sorry? 🤣

I also hit it off really well with Luke (in the red shirt). We ran into him at a couple of the festivals we went to. I think he was in a band named Little Flock. Unfortunately, I lost track of him in the following years.

Original photo by Jeeves

My cat is theoretically not allowed on the counters, but this week she has learned how to gracefully jump onto the counter completely silently and I'm just so impressed that I can't bring myself to try to get her down

🍿 Watched Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire and enjoyed it. Loved seeing James Acaster in it; he’s one of my favorite comedians. It wasn’t quite as good as Afterlife, though maybe that’s because this didn’t hit in the feels as much.

Alien Autopsy Memories for Pen Addict Episode 600

The Best of Times


Canopy by Hilton - San Francisco SOMA

at Canopy by Hilton - San Francisco SOMA

Natoma Cabana

at Natoma Cabana

Okta HQ

at Okta HQ

Philz Coffee

at Philz Coffee

Take a few minutes to watch this delightful, hand-made miniatures film, Wreckhouse, by Marina Minis

oh no, it finally happened. I left my AirPods in a pocket and they went through the washer and dryer 😱

Want to watch: “Will AI Also Remember the Days of Slavery?,” a lecture by Charles Mudede

Recently ( published the first Group Note of the Vision for W3C:

I’m the current editor of the Vision for W3C and helped get it across the line this year to reach #w3cAB (W3C Advisory Board consensus to publish as an official Group Note, the first official Note that the AB (Advisory Board) has ever published.

I’m very proud of this milestone, as I and a few others including many on the AB¹, have been working on it for a few years in various forms, and with the broader W3C Vision TF² (Task Force) for the past year.
W3C also recently announced the Vision for W3C in their news feed:

One of the key goals of this document was to capture the spirit of why we are at #W3C and our shared values & principles we use to guide our work & decisions at W3C.

If you work with any groups at W3C, anything from a Community Group (CG) to a Working Group (WG), I highly recommend you read this document from start to finish.

See what resonates with you, if there is anything that doesn’t sound right to you, or if you see anything missing that you feel exemplifies the best of what W3C is, please file an issue or a suggestion:

Check that list to see if your concerns or suggestions are already captured, and if so, add an upvote or comment accordingly.

Our goal is to eventually publish this document as an official W3C Statement, with the consensus of the entire #w3cAC (W3C Advisory Committee).

One key aspect which the Vision touches on but perhaps too briefly is what I see as the fundamental purpose of why we do the work we do at W3C, which in my opinion is:

To create & facilitate user-first interoperable standards that improve the web for humanity

The Vision does mention “#interoperable” explicitly as part of our Vision for the Web in

”There is one interoperable world-wide Web.”

The Vision also mentions “#interoperability” explicitly in our Operational Principles

“Interoperability: We verify the fitness of our specifications through open test suites and actual implementation experience, because we believe the purpose of standards is to enable independent interoperable implementations.”

These are both excellent, and yet, I think we can do better, with adding some sort of explicit statement between those two about that “We will” create & facilitate user-first interoperable standards that improve the web for humanity.

In the coming weeks I’ll be reflecting how we (the VisionTF) can incorporate that sort of imperative “We will” statement about interoperable standards into the Vision for W3C, as well as working with the AB and W3C Team on defining a succinct updated mission & purpose for W3C based on that sort of input and more.

In a related effort, I have also been leading the AB’s “3Is Priority Project³” (Interoperability and the Role of Independent Implementations), which is a pretty big project to define and clarify what each of those three Is mean, with respect to each other and Incubation, which is its own Priority Project.

As part of the 3Is project, the first “I” I’ve been focusing on has unsurprisingly been  “Interoperable”. As with other #OpenAB projects, our work on understanding interoperability, its aspects, and defining what do we mean by interoperable is published and iterated on the W3C’s public wiki:

This is still a work in progress, however it’s sufficiently structured to take a look if interoperability is something you care about or have opinions about.

In particular, if you know of definitions of interoperable or interoperability that resonate and make sense to you, or articles or blog posts about interoperability that explore various aspects, I am gathering such references so we can make sure the W3C’s definition of interoperable is both well-stated, and clearly reflects a broader industry understanding of interoperability.


#w3cAB #W3C #w3cAC #OpenAB

YouTube ContentID is still broken and dumb

Gate E12

at Gate E12

This was my first time traveling with a USB-C iPhone and I definitely forgot that my AirPods still charge with a Lightning cord oops

I got an Aranet4 CO2 sensor at the end of last year. My home is usually around 600ppm, which is decent. I turned on one gas burner on the stove and it quickly jumped to 1300 (poor). Opening a window and turning on a fan brought it back to about 1000. Ventilation is important!