Western Trillium — a staple of forests in the PNW but only at certain times of the year and not always easy to find. I was immensely grateful they were within easy reach of the trails at Tryon Creek State Natural Area just outside #Portland. 😍
#OregonExplored #iPhonePro

ARIA Convention Center

at ARIA Convention Center

ARIA Resort & Casino

at ARIA Resort & Casino

Stuff and things


Calm Tech Institute

#links #amber-case #calm-technology

They Forgot It’s “Bicycle for the Mind”—not “Jet Airplane”

De-crufting Google Search

#links #technical #google #search

Please stop using open captions

Still sitting with the awesomeness that was this past week and weekend’s 1-2 combination of:

#IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf — https://indieweb.org/2024/DUS
#btconf Düsseldorf — https://beyondtellerrand.com/events/dusseldorf-2024

Great seeing old friends and meeting new amazing people as well. So many thoughtful inspiring conversations germinating new ideas for creative projects.

Took lots of photos and notes.

We recorded all the IndieWebCamp day 1 #BarCamp style breakout sessions, and I believe all the Beyond Tellerand talks were recorded as well. I’m looking forward to rewatching the sessions and talks and reconnecting with all the ideas and open tabs in my browser.

Aside: this past Tuesday, the second day of the 2024 Beyond Tellerand talks, was also the five year anniversary of my closing talk at btconf DUS 2019: _Take Back Your Web_ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBLob0ObHMw )
#IndieWebCamp #btconf #BarCamp
Well this is moving quickly! You can now spin up FedCM on your own website and log in to https://webmention.io thanks to this open source project from Sam Goto! This is so much better than having to type out your website or even email address when logging in! Full instructions here:


Revisiting the need for Third Places

#links #community #third-places

Just saw Five Iron Frenzy is playing in my backyard in August, and with Craig’s Brother! Didn’t know CB was still around. Looking forward to it.

Pro tip: if you file taxes in the US, go get yourself an IRS PIN so someone can't fraudulently file taxes using your SSN trying to get your tax refund deposited in their account. Ask me how I know.


Logic 11: a quick play-around

I don't mean to brag, but
This weekend I built a prototype of using FedCM for IndieAuth! This gets rid of the need to enter your domain when logging in to websites using IndieAuth! Demo video and notes here: https://aaronparecki.com/2024/05/12/3/fedcm-for-indieauth
#fedcm #indieauth #indiewebcamp

FedCM for IndieAuth

IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf took place this weekend, and I was inspired to work on a quick hack for demo day to show off a new feature I've been working on for IndieAuth.
#fedcm #indieauth #oauth

Well, at least I have a car again