Someone broke through the chain link fence last week, in broad daylight, while I was home, and didn't notice at the time.

I started thinking about what I could do about it, and it turns out the EA Unifi cameras have a new webhook feature. So now my cameras send a webhook to Home Assistant when someone crosses a virtual line, and it will trigger the siren. Since this is a line crossing event, not generic person detection, I can leave it armed 24/7, since nobody should be in that area at all.
#homeautomation #security #homeassistant #unifi
why am I always either drowning in lens wipes or can never find one??

Are you waiting for something during eternal Caturday?

fuck email

Home(Owner) Again

This screenshot from my Vanguard portfolio is why I am not worried about the current "crash"

I am upset but not surprised that Nassau County passed a public mask ban. Misdemeanor with a $1,000 fine and vague exemptions for health or religious reasons — left up to police to decide, of course. 😡

Just posted another video of me working through my 100 songs to make them full length! This one involves cats 🐈
CC Coatings
Picking up the trailer parts!
finished the Skyline 21k (half marathon) trail race in 3:39:53!

Went out with the goal to have fun and try for sub-4, finished with smiles and a sub 3:40.

Superbly run event as always by (, race director Adam Ray, and all the great volunteers.

So many things went well. Race write-up to follow.

* 2023: DNS Skyline 50k because of a bad fever from a blood bacteria infection caught in Wakefield MA (that’s whole other story, never going back there)
* 2022: 50k race PR at Skyline:

#Skyline #21k #halfMarathon #trailRace #trailRun
#Skyline #21k #halfMarathon #trailRace #trailRun
On The Boat

at On The Boat

📕 Finished reading The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix ISBN: 9780593201244
#W3C #SocialCG #20240802 #2024_215 #ActivityPub #ActivityStreams #relAuthor



at Rock.Paper.Scissor

Oblation Papers & Press

at Oblation Papers & Press

Paper Epiphanies

at Paper Epiphanies

Choosing Tools

Oh! Dang! Many thanks to Kristof for pointing out a glaring oversight in my recent updates to make the IndieWeb Webring 🕸️💍 more deterministic:

I forgot to give the “random site” feature its own link!

It’s back! You can now visit 🕸️💍.ws/random to go to a random active site on the ring.

It’s also linked on the landing page of the webring.

For best results, add it to your bookmarks! 🔖🕸️💍🎲

I've been finishing my 100 short 30-60-second songs by uploading them to an AI tool and having it extend them. So far I'm done with 60/100 songs! I also started making videos to document the process, and the first video is up!
#ai #music #100daysofmusic