At Bar del Pla in Barcelona

If this is hell, I don’t wanna go to heaven.

Happy Labor Day weekend y’all! 🥳

#Portland #OregonExplored

#Portland is pleased to boast many fine murals, but this one is definitely my favorite. It’s always a good day when I get to ride past. 😍 #OregonExplored

Artist: Fin DAC
you can find many other fine works of his here

A view of South Waterfront and the Aerial Tram, looking east from the OHSU medical complex.

It was pretty hazy that day, but I still think this is one swell vista!

#Portland #OregonExplored #NikonZfc

Dayum, this DJ was on fire! 🔥

At the Pearl 4th of July festival in #Portland. #OregonExplored

This lavender field (I think that’s what it is? lol) at Elizabeth Caruthers Park in #Portland was simply stunning! 🤩 #OregonExplored #nofilter

A view of #Portland, as seen from the Eastbank Esplanade. #OregonExplored

Tip: use the W3C Link Checker and fix any errors before federating with Bridgy Fed.

If you are using Bridgy Fed to federate your posts from your personal site, I highly recommend you first run the W3C Link Checker on a post, and verify there are no “red” errors (or fix any you find), before pinging Bridgy Fed to federate the post.

The reason is that if your post contains broken links, especially broken https: links as part of an @-mention, a weird set of timeout interactions will occur between #BridgyFed and #Mastodon that will cause any Mastodon instances following your posts to drop your federated posts as if they had not been received.

Further, those instances will also ignore any UPDATES to that post.

More discussion here:
More bug details here:

#IndieWeb #federate #fediverse #interoperability

This is post 22 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts
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#BridgyFed #Mastodon #IndieWeb #federate #fediverse #interoperability #100PostsOfIndieWeb #100Posts
Happy 12 years of #POSSE and
19 years of #microformats! (as of yesterday, the 20th)

A few highlights from the past year:

POSSE (Publish on your Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere) has grown steadily as a common practice in the #IndieWeb community, personal sites, CMSs (like Withknown, which itself reached 10 years in May!), and services (like for over a decade.

In its 12th year, POSSE broke through to broader technology press and adoption beyond the community. For example:

* David Pierce’s ( excellent article ( “The poster’s guide to the internet of the future” (
  “Your post appears natively on all of those platforms, typically with some kind of link back to your blog. And your blog becomes the hub for everything, your main home on the internet.
Done right, POSSE is the best of all posting worlds.”

* David also recorded a 29 minute podcast on POSSE with some great interviews:

* Cory Doctorow ( declared in his Pluralistic blog ( post: “Vice surrenders” (
  “This is the moment for POSSE (Post Own Site, Share Everywhere [sic]), a strategy that sees social media as a strategy for bringing readers to channels that you control”

* And none other than Molly White ( of ( built, deployed, and started actively using her own POSSE setup as described in her post titled “POSSE” ( to:
  "… write posts in the microblog and automatically crosspost them to Twitter/Mastodon/Bluesky, while keeping the original post on my site."
Congrats Molly and well done!

In its 19th year, the microformats formal #microformats2 syntax and popular vocabularies h-card, h-entry, and h-feed, kept growing across IndieWeb (micro)blogging services and software like CMSs & SSGs both for publishing, and richer peer-to-peer social web interactions via #Webmention.

Beyond the IndieWeb, the rel=me microformat, AKA #relMe, continues to be adopted by services to support #distributed #verification, such as these in the past year:

* Meta Platforms #Threads user profile "Link" field¹
* #Letterboxd user profile website field²

For both POSSE and microformats, there is always more we can do to improve their techniques, technologies, and tools to help people own their content and identities online, while staying connected to friends across the web.

Got suggestions for this coming year? Join us in chat:
for discussions about POSSE and microformats, respectively.


This is post 15 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts

Post glossary:

microformats2 syntax


#POSSE #microformats #IndieWeb #microformats2 #Webmention #relMe #distributed #verification #Threads #Letterboxd #100PostsOfIndieWeb #100Posts
Twenty years ago this past February, Kevin Marks and I introduced #microformats in a conference presentation.

Full post:

Aside: This is an even shorter summary of that post from ~200 days ago, which #Mastodon readers never got due to a Mastodon #federation bug (details in

Since early 2023, here are the top three updates & interesting developments in microformats:

1. Growing rel=me adoption for distributed verification (✅ in Mastodon etc.)
 * Wikipedia, Threads,
2. Proposal to merge #microformats2 h-review into h-entry, since in practice (e.g. on #indieweb) reviews are just entries with a bit more.
3. #metaformats adoptions, implementations, iteration
#microformats #Mastodon #federation #microformats2 #indieweb #metaformats
Twenty years ago this past February, ( and I introduced #microformats in a conference presentation.

Full post:

Aside: This is a summary of a longer post from ~200 days ago¹, which #Mastodon readers never got due to a Mastodon #federation bug (instances returned 202 for post inbox delivery, but did not show post to followers or on local profiles, details in

I wrote a retrospective last year:

Since then, here are the top three updates & interesting developments in microformats:

1. Growing rel=me adoption for distributed verification (✅ in Mastodon etc.)
 * Wikipedia, Threads, support
2. A proposal to merge #microformats2 h-review into h-entry, since reviews are in practice (e.g. on the #indieweb) always entries with a bit more information.
3. #metaformats adoptions, implementations, and iteration

More details:
#microformats #Mastodon #federation #microformats2 #indieweb #metaformats

The Underestimation of a Gentle Spirit (Movie Review of Perfect Days)

Adventures in IndieWeb / ActivityPub (AP) bridging:

While in general my posts are being successfully federated by (#BridgyFed), my most recent three posts, and two more earlier this year, were delivered successfully to multiple #Mastodon instances AP inboxes (returned 202), however the posts do not show up if you look-up my profile on those instances (and thus followers never saw them).

These most recent posts:
and these earlier this year:

were all delivered to over 300 instances, which returned "202" codes, however none of them show up in profile views on those instances, e.g.
(My most recent post on all of these is the same 2024-08-25 post starting with “All setup here at IndieWebCamp Portland!”)

Why would a Mastodon instance respond with a 202 to an AP inbox delivery and then not show that post on the local profile view?

GitHub tracking bug in case you can help narrow/track this down or have

Let’s see if this post makes it to your Mastodon (or other #fediverse) reader/client.

#indieweb #ActivityPub

This is post 21 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts
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#Mastodon #fediverse #indieweb #ActivityPub #100PostsOfIndieWeb #100Posts
✏️ I want the Read Write Suggest-Edit Accept-Edit Update Web.

The consumer Infinite Scroll Web leaves us feeling empty.

Too few of us participate in the Read Write Web, whether with personal sites or Wikipedia.

A week ago when we wrapped up #IndieWebCamp Portland and I was reading ( @kevinmarks) live-tooting of the demos¹, I noticed a few errors, typos or miscaptures, and pointed them out in-person.

Kevin was able to quickly edit his toots and update them for anyone reading, thanks to #Mastodon’s post editing feature and its support of #ActivityPub Updates. But this shouldn’t require being in the same room, IRL or chat.

We should be able to suggest edits to each other’s posts, as easily as we can reply and add a comment.

13 years ago I wrote²:

 “The Read Write Web is no longer sufficient. I want the Read Fork Write Merge Web.”

Now I want the Read Write Suggest-Edit Accept-Edit Update Web.

The ↪ Reply button is fairly ubiquitous in modern post user interfaces (UIs).

Why not also a ✏️ Suggest Edit button, to craft a fix for a typo, grammar, or other minor error, and send the author for their review, and acceptance or rejection? Perhaps viewable only by the suggester and the author, to avoid "performative" suggested edits.

If the author’s posts provide revision histories, when a suggested edit is accepted, a post’s history could show the contributor of the edit.

Instead of asking Kevin in-person, what if I could have posted special "Suggested Edit" responses in reply to his toots, for which he would receive special notifications, and could choose to one-click accept and update (or further edit) his toots?

To enable such UIs and interactions across servers and implementations, we may need a new type of response³, perhaps with a special property (or more) to convey the edits being suggested.

There is documentation of this and similar use-cases, prior art / UIs, as well as some brainstorming on the #IndieWeb wiki:

Our interaction after IndieWebCamp has inspired me to take another look at how can we design and prototype solutions to this problem.

For now, if you host your blog and posts as static files on GitHub (or equivalent), you could add a button like this to your posts alongside Like, Reply, Repost buttons:

✏️ Suggest Edit

and link it to an edit URL for the static file for the post.

I don’t use GitHub static files myself for posts, but here’s an example of such an edit link for one of my projects:

This will start the process of creating a “pull request”, GitHub’s jargon for a “suggested edit”.

After completing GitHub’s ceremony of entering multiple text fields (summary & description), and multiple clicks to create said “pull request”, it’ll be sent to the author to review. Presuming the author likes the suggested edit, they can perform the other half of GitHub’s jargon-filled ceremonies to “Merge” or “Squash & Merge”, “Delete fork”, etc. to accept the edit.

It’s an awkward interaction, however useful for at least prototyping a ✏️ Suggest Edit button on sites that store their posts as files in GitHub. Certainly worthy of experimenting with and gathering experience to design and build even better interactions.

We can start with the shortest path to getting something working, then learn, iterate, improve, repeat.

#readWriteWeb #editableWeb #suggestEdit #acceptEdit


The phrase “pull request” was derived from the git command: “git request-pull” according to
“edits” in GitHub require taking far more steps, and navigating far more jargon, then say, Wikipedia pages, which come down to “Edit” and “Save”. We should aspire to Wikipedia’s simplicity, not GitHub’s ceremonies.

This is post 20 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts
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#IndieWebCamp #Mastodon #ActivityPub #IndieWeb #readWriteWeb #editableWeb #suggestEdit #acceptEdit #100PostsOfIndieWeb #100Posts

Thoguhts on the Resiliency of Web Projects

I just did a massive spring cleaning of one of my servers, trying to clean up what has become quite the mess of clutter. For every website on the server, I either:
#indieweb #clutter #projects #100daysofmusic #biketheeclipse
Elizabeth Street Garden

Enjoying endangered gardens

Show went well

well well well... what have we here! Just did some surgery on this Mac SE and replaced the hard drive with a BlueSCSI and it's alive!

Now I just have to upgrade this to 4mb RAM and then we'll be in business!
#macintosh #bluescsi

Thanks to Matthew for reading my post on recent IndieWeb discourse and adding a new section with his responses and notifying me about it via email.

There are certainly a number of things in Matthew’s response that tempt me to respond, but I’d like to focus on this:

I am, nevertheless, a little annoyed by the exhortation to “talk with us”. What does it look like I’m doing over here, anyway? Oh, no, it’s not good enough to post one’s opinion on the web. I’m supposed to use one of the IndieWeb’s chats, either IRC, Slack, or Discord. […] I am already talking with you. I’m doing it here, on my own website for all to see, in the best IndieWeb tradition. And you are talking to me if you quote me on your own website or email me.

I don’t consider my post a reply to Matthew’s post. I do not see his post as an invitation to conversation. I read it as a “take” - an opinion piece intended to make the reader feel a certain way and then close the topic, complete with clickbait headline.

I shouldn’t have to point out that bloggers-blogging-at-bloggers has a long history of unproductive conversation. Reducing the impact of unproductive conversations is part is why there’s not an IndieWeb mailing list. It’s easy in these formats to go hard on the abstract, and to spend time constructing arguments instead of asking questions.

That’s not to say that posts can’t inspire change. In the past day or so has been updated to mention right in the opening sentence that the IRC, web, Slack, and Discord chats are all bridged. Discussions have also kicked up (not for the first time) around making the homepage more welcoming, focusing on principles first, etc.

Those changes are being decided in the real-time chat, where you can meet and talk with the individuals (all volunteers!) who make up the IndieWeb community. I reckon it beats trying to reverse-engineer that community from a wiki.

🇺🇸 New Hat #WhiteDudesForHarris