Alaska Airlines Flight 2377

at Alaska Airlines Flight 2377

Gate B21
Made it with five minutes to spare
San Francisco International Airport BART Station

at San Francisco International Airport BART Station

Okta HQ

at Okta HQ

Okta HQ

at Okta HQ

Philz Coffee

at Philz Coffee

Creating Assets with nanDECK

This hotel room is trying real hard to not be a sad motel on the side of the highway in a San Francisco suburb.

Also, no I am not here for DreamForce, but that is why I am stuck at a hotel out here instead of the $2000/night downtown hotels.
Hotel Skye San Francisco Airport

at Hotel Skye San Francisco Airport

Ride App Pick-up

at Ride App Pick-up

San Francisco International Airport (SFO)

at San Francisco International Airport (SFO)

Concert time polling

Too many ideas, not enough time or energy

My friend Catherine is publishing her first book of poetry on Monday, September 16! Barely a Whisper: Poems from the Heart of a Woman Re-becoming. Please check it out!

Has there been a tragic accident during eternal Caturday

Stuff! And things!

Happy #8bitday — 256th day of the year! Here’s some reasons to celebrate:

bit = portmanteau of binary digit

8 binary digits can represent 256 different numerical values

8 bits are also a byte, the fundamental unit of computer storage — 'B' is for byte in 'GB' or 'TB' as an amount of memory (e.g. 24GB) or disk space (e.g. 2TB).

The '8' in UTF-8 also stands for 8 bits.

Beyond computer connections, there’s lots of 8-bit music and other forms of art.

Previously, previously, previously:


8-bit music
Gigabyte (GB)
Nossa Familia Coffee

at Nossa Familia Coffee

I'm very pleased with tonight's project of packaging up hot sauce and oat milk in custom branded packets for Lily's upcoming "Stop Requested" trip!

It was a good chance to learn about mylar pouches and heat sealing.
#stoprequested #batchcooking
Multnomah County Courthouse
Jury duty day 2