It looks likely .io (and .io domains) will go away in the next few years (as .cs and .yu did³), so here are my suggested steps to take depending on your usage of .io domains:
1. Avoid buying new .io domains (or making plans with existing ones; sell if you can) 2. If you currently run a .io service⁴ (for a company or community), make and publicize a transition plan (like a new domain, redirection, orderly shutdown plan for redirects) 3. If you have a personal site on a .io domain⁵ or subdomain, make your own transition plan, and perhaps post about how others should link to your posts 4. If you are using someone else’s .io domain to publish (like #GitHubPages⁶), make a transition plan to publish elsewhere and leave a forwarding note and link behind 5. If you use a .io domain as your Web sign-in login on any sites, switch them to another non-io personal domain 6. Similarly if your site accepts #WebSignIn logins (via #IndieAuth, #RelMeAuth, or even #OpenID), consider discouraging any new sign-ups from .io domains, and warning any existing users with .io domains to switch per # 5 7. If you have posts (or a whole #indieweb site) with links to .io sites or pages (like those in 2-4 above), make a plan for editing those links to point to an alternative or an archival copy (like on the Internet Archive)
"type": "entry",
"published": "2024-10-11 14:22-0700",
"url": "",
"category": [
"content": {
"text": "\u26a0\ufe0f .io domain\u00b9 likely being phased-out\u00b2 \u2014 seven suggested steps\n\nGood article in The Verge summarizing recent .io related events, see that for more context if this is news to you:\n*\n\nIt looks likely .io (and .io domains) will go away in the next few years (as .cs and .yu did\u00b3), so here are my suggested steps to take depending on your usage of .io domains:\n\n1. Avoid buying new .io domains (or making plans with existing ones; sell if you can)\n2. If you currently run a .io service\u2074 (for a company or community), make and publicize a transition plan (like a new domain, redirection, orderly shutdown plan for redirects)\n3. If you have a personal site on a .io domain\u2075 or subdomain, make your own transition plan, and perhaps post about how others should link to your posts\n4. If you are using someone else\u2019s .io domain to publish (like #GitHubPages\u2076), make a transition plan to publish elsewhere and leave a forwarding note and link behind\n5. If you use a .io domain as your Web sign-in login on any sites, switch them to another non-io personal domain\n6. Similarly if your site accepts #WebSignIn logins (via #IndieAuth, #RelMeAuth, or even #OpenID), consider discouraging any new sign-ups from .io domains, and warning any existing users with .io domains to switch per # 5\n7. If you have posts (or a whole #indieweb site) with links to .io sites or pages (like those in 2-4 above), make a plan for editing those links to point to an alternative or an archival copy (like on the Internet Archive) \n\nAnd of course, post about your #dotIO plans.\n\nGlossary\n\nDomain\n\u00a0\nIndieAuth\n\u00a0\nInternet Archive\n\u00a0\nOpenID\n\u00a0\nRedirect \n\u00a0\nRelMeAuth\n\u00a0\nWeb sign-in\n\u00a0\n\n\nReferences: \n\n\u00b9\n\u00b2\n\u00b3\n\u2074 E.g. or\n\u2075 E.g.\n\u2076 \n\n\nThis is post 25 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts\n\n\u2190\n\u2192 \ud83d\udd2e",
"html": "\u26a0\ufe0f .io domain<a href=\"\">\u00b9</a> likely being phased-out<a href=\"\">\u00b2</a> \u2014 seven suggested steps<br /><br />Good article in The Verge summarizing recent .io related events, see that for more context if this is news to you:<br />* <a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />It looks likely .io (and .io domains) will go away in the next few years (as .cs and .yu did<a href=\"\">\u00b3</a>), so here are my suggested steps to take depending on your usage of .io domains:<br /><br />1. Avoid buying new .io domains (or making plans with existing ones; sell if you can)<br />2. If you currently run a .io service<a href=\"\">\u2074</a> (for a company or community), make and publicize a transition plan (like a new domain, redirection, orderly shutdown plan for redirects)<br />3. If you have a personal site on a .io domain<a href=\"\">\u2075</a> or subdomain, make your own transition plan, and perhaps post about how others should link to your posts<br />4. If you are using someone else\u2019s .io domain to publish (like #<span class=\"p-category\">GitHubPages</span><a href=\"\">\u2076</a>), make a transition plan to publish elsewhere and leave a forwarding note and link behind<br />5. If you use a .io domain as your Web sign-in login on any sites, switch them to another non-io personal domain<br />6. Similarly if your site accepts #<span class=\"p-category\">WebSignIn</span> logins (via #<span class=\"p-category\">IndieAuth</span>, #<span class=\"p-category\">RelMeAuth</span>, or even #<span class=\"p-category\">OpenID</span>), consider discouraging any new sign-ups from .io domains, and warning any existing users with .io domains to switch per # 5<br />7. If you have posts (or a whole #<span class=\"p-category\">indieweb</span> site) with links to .io sites or pages (like those in 2-4 above), make a plan for editing those links to point to an alternative or an archival copy (like on the Internet Archive) <br /><br />And of course, post about your #<span class=\"p-category\">dotIO</span> plans.<br /><br />Glossary<br /><br />Domain<br />\u00a0<a href=\"\"></a><br />IndieAuth<br />\u00a0<a href=\"\"></a><br />Internet Archive<br />\u00a0<a href=\"\"></a><br />OpenID<br />\u00a0<a href=\"\"></a><br />Redirect <br />\u00a0<a href=\"\"></a><br />RelMeAuth<br />\u00a0<a href=\"\"></a><br />Web sign-in<br />\u00a0<a href=\"\"></a><br /><br /><br />References: <br /><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b9</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b2</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b3</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u2074</a> E.g. <a href=\"\"></a> or <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u2075</a> E.g. <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u2076</a> <a href=\"\"></a> <br /><br /><br />This is post 25 of #<span class=\"p-category\">100PostsOfIndieWeb</span>. #<span class=\"p-category\">100Posts</span><br /><br />\u2190 <a href=\"\"></a><br />\u2192 \ud83d\udd2e"
"author": {
"type": "card",
"name": "Tantek \u00c7elik",
"url": "",
"photo": ""
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "42525428",
"_source": "2460"
Videos from the last XOXO are going up on YouTube. Here’s a playlist of XOXO 2024 main stage talks. There are a lot of lessons to take away from these, and many calls to action.
But if you only watch one, it should maybe be this one that broke the audience entirely.
"type": "entry",
"published": "2024-10-11T16:30:11-0400",
"url": "",
"category": [
"syndication": [
"content": {
"text": "Videos from the last XOXO are going up on YouTube. Here\u2019s a playlist of XOXO 2024 main stage talks. There are a lot of lessons to take away from these, and many calls to action.\nBut if you only watch one, it should maybe be this one that broke the audience entirely.\n",
"html": "<p>Videos from the last XOXO are going up on YouTube. Here\u2019s a <a href=\"\">playlist of XOXO 2024 main stage talks</a>. There are a lot of lessons to take away from these, and many calls to action.</p>\n<p>But if you only watch one, it should maybe be this one that broke the audience entirely.</p>\n<p><a href=\"\"></a></p>"
"author": {
"type": "card",
"name": "Marty McGuire",
"url": "",
"photo": ""
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "42525250",
"_source": "175"
"type": "entry",
"author": {
"name": null,
"url": "",
"photo": null
"url": "",
"published": "2024-10-09T18:45:17+00:00",
"content": {
"html": "<p>\u201cA lot of us remember what it was like to live and work on an Internet that was deeply flawed but not systematically designed to burn our emotions and time and safety for fuel.\u201d</p>",
"text": "\u201cA lot of us remember what it was like to live and work on an Internet that was deeply flawed but not systematically designed to burn our emotions and time and safety for fuel.\u201d"
"name": "We fix the fucking networks",
"post-type": "article",
"_id": "42502143",
"_source": "246"
I have put a lot of thought into deliberately shifting¹ metaphors², often in the context of the #indieweb³. One goal is to replace use of violent or divisive metaphors with actively constructive, cooperative, or joyful alternatives, like:
* gardening/farming e.g. digital garden⁴ * biology/ecology/nature e.g. digital ecosystem⁵ * cooking/baking e.g. eat your own cooking⁶ * toolmaking, clothing making, other useful crafts e.g. sew what you want⁷ * music, dancing, painting, and other expressive crafts e.g. remixing⁸ * travel, navigation, maps e.g. information superhighway⁹ * games, sports, running, e.g. surfing the net¹⁰
Some of these areas are well developed (sports metaphors), others are obvious or emergent from various IndieWeb efforts like our principles¹¹, and others could use brainstorming and experimentation.
Thoughts and words, whether spoken or written, influence each other in reinforcement feedback loops. Consciously choosing one can impact the other and vice versa.
Especially in messages to others or our even future selves, words and metaphors communicate and reinforce our values and thus merit care in their invention¹² and usage.
What are metaphors you have found constructive, cooperative, or joyful?
"type": "entry",
"published": "2024-10-09 12:06-0700",
"url": "",
"category": [
"content": {
"text": "I have put a lot of thought into deliberately shifting\u00b9 metaphors\u00b2, often in the context of the #indieweb\u00b3. One goal is to replace use of violent or divisive metaphors with actively constructive, cooperative, or joyful alternatives, like:\n\n* gardening/farming e.g. digital garden\u2074\n* biology/ecology/nature e.g. digital ecosystem\u2075\n* cooking/baking e.g. eat your own cooking\u2076\n* toolmaking, clothing making, other useful crafts e.g. sew what you want\u2077\n* music, dancing, painting, and other expressive crafts e.g. remixing\u2078\n* travel, navigation, maps e.g. information superhighway\u2079\n* games, sports, running, e.g. surfing the net\u00b9\u2070\n\nSome of these areas are well developed (sports metaphors), others are obvious or emergent from various IndieWeb efforts like our principles\u00b9\u00b9, and others could use brainstorming and experimentation.\n\nThoughts and words, whether spoken or written, influence each other in reinforcement feedback loops. Consciously choosing one can impact the other and vice versa.\n\nEspecially in messages to others or our even future selves, words and metaphors communicate and reinforce our values and thus merit care in their invention\u00b9\u00b2 and usage.\n\nWhat are metaphors you have found constructive, cooperative, or joyful?\n\nReferences:\n\n\u00b9\n\u00b2\n\u00b3\n\u2074\n\u2075\n\u2076\n\u2077\n\u2078\n\u2079\n\u00b9\u2070\n\u00b9\u00b9\n\u00b9\u00b2\n\nThis is post 24 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts\n\n\u2190\n\u2192 \ud83d\udd2e",
"html": "I have put a lot of thought into deliberately shifting<a href=\"\">\u00b9</a> metaphors<a href=\"\">\u00b2</a>, often in the context of the #<span class=\"p-category\">indieweb</span><a href=\"\">\u00b3</a>. One goal is to replace use of violent or divisive metaphors with actively constructive, cooperative, or joyful alternatives, like:<br /><br />* gardening/farming e.g. digital garden<a href=\"\">\u2074</a><br />* biology/ecology/nature e.g. digital ecosystem<a href=\"\">\u2075</a><br />* cooking/baking e.g. eat your own cooking<a href=\"\">\u2076</a><br />* toolmaking, clothing making, other useful crafts e.g. sew what you want<a href=\"\">\u2077</a><br />* music, dancing, painting, and other expressive crafts e.g. remixing<a href=\"\">\u2078</a><br />* travel, navigation, maps e.g. information superhighway<a href=\"\">\u2079</a><br />* games, sports, running, e.g. surfing the net<a href=\"\">\u00b9\u2070</a><br /><br />Some of these areas are well developed (sports metaphors), others are obvious or emergent from various IndieWeb efforts like our principles<a href=\"\">\u00b9\u00b9</a>, and others could use brainstorming and experimentation.<br /><br />Thoughts and words, whether spoken or written, influence each other in reinforcement feedback loops. Consciously choosing one can impact the other and vice versa.<br /><br />Especially in messages to others or our even future selves, words and metaphors communicate and reinforce our values and thus merit care in their invention<a href=\"\">\u00b9\u00b2</a> and usage.<br /><br />What are metaphors you have found constructive, cooperative, or joyful?<br /><br />References:<br /><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b9</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b2</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b3</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u2074</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u2075</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u2076</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u2077</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u2078</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u2079</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b9\u2070</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b9\u00b9</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b9\u00b2</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />This is post 24 of #<span class=\"p-category\">100PostsOfIndieWeb</span>. #<span class=\"p-category\">100Posts</span><br /><br />\u2190 <a href=\"\"></a><br />\u2192 \ud83d\udd2e"
"author": {
"type": "card",
"name": "Tantek \u00c7elik",
"url": "",
"photo": ""
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "42501132",
"_source": "2460"
"type": "entry",
"published": "2024-10-07T21:27:33-07:00",
"url": "",
"category": [
"name": "Oops, missed September",
"content": {
"text": "Current status:\n\n\n\n~500 unreads in my RSS feed (and that\u2019s after some aggressive scanning and running through some of the higher-volume-but-lighter-weight stuff). \n\n\n\n~100 open tabs of stuff to either finish reading, share, or process in some way.\n\n\n\nInbox is read but I\u2019ve got a handful of messages to still respond to (apologies if you\u2019re waiting).\nBeen terrible at keeping in touch in general, so you could apply that statement to various messaging services as well.\n\n\n\n\nCompletely missed posting anything in September, despite plenty of desire and even some thoughts to share.\nLots of excuses: I flew out to a conference at the end of August, but promptly got sick the first day of the event and missed it; we bought a house and that\u2019s been a steady supply of tasks; the work project I spent the last 10+ months on finally released and the month leading up to launch was kinda crunch-y; we adopted another dog and have been getting her acclimated\u2026 the list goes on. After the flurry of stuff the past two or three months plus the year of traveling, it feels like I haven\u2019t had a chance to catch my breath in a while and I\u2019m fucking tired.\n\n\n\nSome quick thoughts:\n\n\n\nI\u2019ve been pondering looking at other blogging options, possibly rolling something up with a platform like Astro or similar. It\u2019s no diss on WordPress, but it doesn\u2019t hurt to experiment. It might give a nice opportunity to try out different layouts and patterns and ways of approaching the site beyond the traditional \u201cblog\u201d experience (maybe start thinking more of the garden concept). I\u2019ve got a few underutilized domains sitting around, so I\u2019ll probably experiment there rather than muck with this blog directly (for now). My actual blogging/writing needs are pretty simple: a spot where I can write without it feeling like a chore; working RSS feed support; maybe some improved media handling. Everything else is gravy.\n\n\n\nOne of my favorite online communities (the Slack associated with the XOXO festival) is going read-only soon, as the conference has officially run its course, and there\u2019s sort of a scramble within the community to find a solution folks can migrate to. As I mentioned before, I don\u2019t have a particular desire to run a forum or online space again, but the conversation has still piqued my interest and left me curious about what the options are these days, especially if you want something open source.\nA few I\u2019ve noticed while looking around is setting up an XMPP server, or a Matrix server, or a Rocket.Chat server, or a Mattermost server, or a Discourse server.\n\n\n\nThey all seem like kind of a pain in the ass in different ways. I think the ones I\u2019d be most interested in experimenting with personally would be either Matrix or Discourse (and yes, I know Matrix is technically a protocol, but I don\u2019t really care whether it\u2019s Synapse or Conduit or whatever). I think it\u2019s kind of neat that Discourse is primarily forum software, but they\u2019ve implemented what looks like a fairly robust chat system on top of it, so you get a hybrid chat+forum experience.\n\n\n\n\nThinking about my relationship with information in general, and how to better organize both what I write and what I read and want to save. Sort of a perennial topic if I\u2019m honest, but I\u2019m getting that itch again. This blog is still too high friction to be a scratch notebook, but as a step past that it might still fill a purpose. Pondering giving a genuine go at using Obsidian for that lower level scratch role.\nTired, a little fried from the pace of things lately, but hopeful that this fall and winter will strike a better balance. Hope you\u2019re all doing alright as well, and that this fall turns out to be slow in all the best ways.",
"html": "<p><strong>Current status:</strong></p>\n\n\n\n<ul><li>~500 unreads in my RSS feed (and that\u2019s <em>after</em> some aggressive scanning and running through some of the higher-volume-but-lighter-weight stuff). </li>\n\n\n\n<li>~100 open tabs of stuff to either finish reading, share, or process in some way.</li>\n\n\n\n<li>Inbox is read but I\u2019ve got a handful of messages to still respond to (apologies if you\u2019re waiting).\n<ul><li>Been terrible at keeping in touch in general, so you could apply that statement to various messaging services as well.</li>\n</ul></li>\n\n\n\n<li>Completely missed posting anything in September, despite plenty of desire and even some thoughts to share.</li>\n</ul><p>Lots of excuses: I flew out to a <a href=\"\">conference at the end of August</a>, but promptly got sick the first day of the event and missed it; we bought a house and that\u2019s been a steady supply of tasks; the work project I spent the last 10+ months on finally released and the month leading up to launch was kinda crunch-y; we adopted another dog and have been getting her acclimated\u2026 the list goes on. After the flurry of stuff the past two or three months plus the year of traveling, it feels like I haven\u2019t had a chance to catch my breath in a while and I\u2019m fucking <em>tired</em>.</p>\n\n\n\n<p>Some quick thoughts:</p>\n\n\n\n<ul><li>I\u2019ve been pondering looking at other blogging options, possibly rolling something up with a platform like <a href=\"\">Astro</a> or similar. It\u2019s no diss on WordPress, but it doesn\u2019t hurt to experiment. It might give a nice opportunity to try out different layouts and patterns and ways of approaching the site beyond the traditional \u201cblog\u201d experience (maybe start thinking more of the <a href=\"\">garden concept</a>). I\u2019ve got a few underutilized domains sitting around, so I\u2019ll probably experiment there rather than muck with this blog directly (for now). My actual blogging/writing needs are pretty simple: a spot where I can write without it feeling like a chore; working RSS feed support; maybe some improved media handling. Everything else is gravy.</li>\n\n\n\n<li>One of my favorite online communities (the Slack associated with the XOXO festival) is going read-only soon, as the conference has officially run its course, and there\u2019s sort of a scramble within the community to find a solution folks can migrate to. As <a href=\"\">I mentioned before</a>, I don\u2019t have a particular desire to run a forum or online space again, but the conversation has still piqued my interest and left me curious about what the options are these days, especially if you want something open source.\n<ul><li>A few I\u2019ve noticed while looking around is setting up an <a href=\"\">XMPP server</a>, or a <a href=\"\">Matrix server</a>, or a <a href=\"\">Rocket.Chat server</a>, or a <a href=\"\">Mattermost server</a>, or a <a href=\"\">Discourse server</a>.</li>\n\n\n\n<li>They all seem like kind of a pain in the ass in different ways. I think the ones I\u2019d be most interested in experimenting with personally would be either Matrix or Discourse (and yes, I know Matrix is technically a protocol, but I don\u2019t really care whether it\u2019s Synapse or Conduit or whatever). I think it\u2019s kind of neat that Discourse is primarily forum software, but they\u2019ve implemented what looks like a fairly robust chat system on top of it, so you get a hybrid chat+forum experience.</li>\n</ul></li>\n\n\n\n<li>Thinking about my relationship with information in general, and how to better organize both what I write and what I read and want to save. Sort of a perennial topic if I\u2019m honest, but I\u2019m getting that itch again. This blog is still too high friction to be a scratch notebook, but as a step past that it might still fill a purpose. Pondering giving a genuine go at using <a href=\"\">Obsidian</a> for that lower level scratch role.</li>\n</ul><p>Tired, a little fried from the pace of things lately, but hopeful that this fall and winter will strike a better balance. Hope you\u2019re all doing alright as well, and that this fall turns out to be slow in all the best ways.</p>"
"author": {
"type": "card",
"name": "Nadreck",
"url": "",
"photo": null
"post-type": "article",
"_id": "42479788",
"_source": "2935"
"type": "entry",
"published": "2024-10-04T09:00:00-07:00",
"url": "",
"category": [
"bandcamp friday",
"name": "Bandcamp Friday, October 2024",
"content": {
"text": "Hey y'all, it is Bandcamp Friday, a good time to buy independent music while Bandcamp opts to release their share of the purchase price.\n\nAs always, I have my latest released album, and the share also applies to preorders of Transitions. Or you might consider checking out some of my other many albums that you might not already be familiar with, such as:\nAlt-rock songs about cats and feelings and mental health\nElectropop songs about feelings and cats and mental health\n\nEDM songs about feelings and mental health (no cats on this one sorry)\nA variety show in which Radiohead takes turns with comedy showtunes\nChill lo-fi music inspired by various coffee grinders\nAn audio diary from the month when I almost died of a pulmonary embolism\nBut also this isn\u2019t just me shamelessly self-promoting. I\u2019m shamelessly other-promoting, too! Here\u2019s a list of some of the albums I\u2019ll be buying myself:\n\nBeatober \u201823, You Know, and Preserves '23 - Vol I by err:rawr\n\n\nA New Beat by Ulysses Owens Jr.\n\n\nDemo by Comfort Object\n\n\nCity Slicker by Ginger Root\n\n\nConstellation of Souls and Turning the Tables by lowercase t\n\n\n\u2026 on reflection and September 23 by William Basinski\n\nAnd, on the last one I preordered when air collapsed within by our dear friend, the medic, which was also released very recently.\n\nAnyway. Support independent musicians by buying their music! It\u2019s good for you, and even better for them.",
"html": "<p>Hey y'all, <a href=\"\">it is Bandcamp Friday</a>, a good time to buy <a href=\"\">independent music</a> while Bandcamp opts to release their share of the purchase price.</p><p>As always, I have <a href=\"\">my latest released album</a>, and the share also applies to <a href=\"\">preorders of Transitions</a>. Or you might consider checking out some of my other many albums that you might not already be familiar with, such as:</p>\n<ul><li><a href=\"\">Alt-rock songs about cats and feelings and mental health</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"\">Electropop songs about feelings and cats and mental health</a></li>\n<li>\n<a href=\"\">EDM songs about feelings and mental health</a> (no cats on this one sorry)</li>\n<li><a href=\"\">A variety show in which Radiohead takes turns with comedy showtunes</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"\">Chill lo-fi music inspired by various coffee grinders</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"\">An audio diary from the month when I almost died of a pulmonary embolism</a></li>\n</ul><p>But also this isn\u2019t just me shamelessly self-promoting. I\u2019m shamelessly other-promoting, too! Here\u2019s a list of some of the albums I\u2019ll be buying myself:</p>\n<ul><li>\n<a href=\"\">Beatober \u201823</a>, <a href=\"\">You Know</a>, and <a href=\"\">Preserves '23 - Vol I</a> by <a href=\"\">err:rawr</a>\n</li>\n<li>\n<a href=\"\">A New Beat</a> by <a href=\"\">Ulysses Owens Jr.</a>\n</li>\n<li>\n<a href=\"\">Demo</a> by <a href=\"\">Comfort Object</a>\n</li>\n<li>\n<a href=\"\">City Slicker</a> by <a href=\"\">Ginger Root</a>\n</li>\n<li>\n<a href=\"\">Constellation of Souls</a> and <a href=\"\">Turning the Tables</a> by <a href=\"\">lowercase t</a>\n</li>\n<li>\n<a href=\"\">\u2026 on reflection</a> and <a href=\"\">September 23</a> by <a href=\"\">William Basinski</a>\n</li>\n</ul><p>And, on the last one I preordered <a href=\"\">when air collapsed within</a> by <a href=\"\">our dear friend, the medic</a>, which was also released very recently.</p><p>Anyway. Support independent musicians by buying their music! It\u2019s good for you, and even better for them.</p>"
"author": {
"type": "card",
"name": "fluffy",
"url": "",
"photo": ""
"post-type": "article",
"_id": "42446653",
"_source": "2778"
Having found so many for the month I created an “October” page on the #IndieWeb wiki to document them all (and in case folks find others to add): *
"type": "entry",
"published": "2024-10-03 16:04-0700",
"url": "",
"category": [
"content": {
"text": "Happy October!\n\nFor some reason this month has a plethora of daily blogging or other creativity prompts. Here\u2019s a list of the ones I found so far:\n\n* #Blogtober (consider this post my first for this, retroactively day 1)\n* Inktober \u2014\n* LOLtober -\n* Looptober \u2014\n* Mathober -\n* Viztober \u2014\n\nHaving found so many for the month I created an \u201cOctober\u201d page on the #IndieWeb wiki to document them all (and in case folks find others to add):\n*\n\nOctober is also a very popular month for seasonal blog styling:\n*\n\nDo you have a custom Halloween theme for your personal site? Add it to the wiki!\n\nThis is post 23 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts\n\n\u2190\n\u2192 \ud83d\udd2e",
"html": "Happy October!<br /><br />For some reason this month has a plethora of daily blogging or other creativity prompts. Here\u2019s a list of the ones I found so far:<br /><br />* #<span class=\"p-category\">Blogtober</span> (consider this post my first for this, retroactively day 1)<br />* Inktober \u2014 <a href=\"\"></a><br />* LOLtober - <a href=\"\"></a><br />* Looptober \u2014 <a href=\"\"></a><br />* Mathober - <a href=\"\"></a><br />* Viztober \u2014 <a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />Having found so many for the month I created an \u201cOctober\u201d page on the #<span class=\"p-category\">IndieWeb</span> wiki to document them all (and in case folks find others to add):<br />* <a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />October is also a very popular month for seasonal blog styling:<br />* <a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />Do you have a custom Halloween theme for your personal site? Add it to the wiki!<br /><br />This is post 23 of #<span class=\"p-category\">100PostsOfIndieWeb</span>. #<span class=\"p-category\">100Posts</span><br /><br />\u2190 <a href=\"\"></a><br />\u2192 \ud83d\udd2e"
"author": {
"type": "card",
"name": "Tantek \u00c7elik",
"url": "",
"photo": ""
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "42441342",
"_source": "2460"
Last week I participated in #w3cTPAC 2024¹ in Anaheim, California. It was quite packed, and often started early, from 8am informal breakfast meetings at a nearby IHOP, to Working Group, Community Group, and other small group meetings every day (but Wednesday) til 18:00.
Midweek at TPAC was the usual Breakouts Day where a record 87 breakouts² were proposed³ and run by members of the community, deftly organized into rooms, timeslots, and a handful of themes⁴ by the W3C Team. In the evening there was an open Plenary Session⁵ open to all instead of an Advisory Committee (AC) meeting, where the result of the recent W3C Board Election⁶ was announced. Congratulations to the newly elected W3C Board of Directors!
I’m still compiling my own notes and observations. For now, the minutes of (nearly?) all the meetings and breakouts are available if you know how to find them.
Hint: W3C minutes URLs have the form (without spaces):
https:// www . w3 . org / YYYY / MM / DD-IRCNAME-minutes . html
E.g. to find the second day (2024-09-24) of CSS Working Group (which just uses "css", all lower case, as their IRC channel name) minutes, you would go to: *
Every Working Group and Community Group links to its IRC Channel (all lowercase), and breakout proposals link to the channel used for each breakout. Thus the minutes links to specific groups on specific days are left as a web discovery exercise for the reader.
"type": "entry",
"published": "2024-10-03 15:02-0700",
"url": "",
"category": [
"content": {
"text": "Last week I participated in #w3cTPAC 2024\u00b9 in Anaheim, California. It was quite packed, and often started early, from 8am informal breakfast meetings at a nearby IHOP, to Working Group, Community Group, and other small group meetings every day (but Wednesday) til 18:00.\n\nMidweek at TPAC was the usual Breakouts Day where a record 87 breakouts\u00b2 were proposed\u00b3 and run by members of the community, deftly organized into rooms, timeslots, and a handful of themes\u2074 by the W3C Team. In the evening there was an open Plenary Session\u2075 open to all instead of an Advisory Committee (AC) meeting, where the result of the recent W3C Board Election\u2076 was announced. Congratulations to the newly elected W3C Board of Directors!\n\nI\u2019m still compiling my own notes and observations. For now, the minutes of (nearly?) all the meetings and breakouts are available if you know how to find them.\n\nHint: W3C minutes URLs have the form (without spaces):\n\nhttps:// www . w3 . org / YYYY / MM / DD-IRCNAME-minutes . html\n\nE.g. to find the second day (2024-09-24) of CSS Working Group (which just uses \"css\", all lower case, as their IRC channel name) minutes, you would go to:\n*\n\nEvery Working Group and Community Group links to its IRC Channel (all lowercase), and breakout proposals link to the channel used for each breakout. Thus the minutes links to specific groups on specific days are left as a web discovery exercise for the reader.\n\nLast year:\n\n\u00b9\n\u00b2\n\u00b3\n\u2074\n\u2075\n\u2076",
"html": "Last week I participated in #<span class=\"p-category\">w3cTPAC</span> 2024<a href=\"\">\u00b9</a> in Anaheim, California. It was quite packed, and often started early, from 8am informal breakfast meetings at a nearby IHOP, to Working Group, Community Group, and other small group meetings every day (but Wednesday) til 18:00.<br /><br />Midweek at TPAC was the usual Breakouts Day where a record 87 breakouts<a href=\"\">\u00b2</a> were proposed<a href=\"\">\u00b3</a> and run by members of the community, deftly organized into rooms, timeslots, and a handful of themes<a href=\"\">\u2074</a> by the W3C Team. In the evening there was an open Plenary Session<a href=\"\">\u2075</a> open to all instead of an Advisory Committee (AC) meeting, where the result of the recent W3C Board Election<a href=\"\">\u2076</a> was announced. Congratulations to the newly elected W3C Board of Directors!<br /><br />I\u2019m still compiling my own notes and observations. For now, the minutes of (nearly?) all the meetings and breakouts are available if you know how to find them.<br /><br />Hint: W3C minutes URLs have the form (without spaces):<br /><br />https:// www . w3 . org / YYYY / MM / DD-IRCNAME-minutes . html<br /><br />E.g. to find the second day (2024-09-24) of CSS Working Group (which just uses \"css\", all lower case, as their IRC channel name) minutes, you would go to:<br />* <a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />Every Working Group and Community Group links to its IRC Channel (all lowercase), and breakout proposals link to the channel used for each breakout. Thus the minutes links to specific groups on specific days are left as a web discovery exercise for the reader.<br /><br />Last year: <a href=\"\"></a><br /><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b9</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b2</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u00b3</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u2074</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u2075</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br /><a href=\"\">\u2076</a> <a href=\"\"></a>"
"author": {
"type": "card",
"name": "Tantek \u00c7elik",
"url": "",
"photo": ""
"post-type": "note",
"_id": "42439108",
"_source": "2460"