⚠️ .io domain¹ likely being phased-out² — seven suggested steps

Good article in The Verge summarizing recent .io related events, see that for more context if this is news to you:
* https://www.theverge.com/2024/10/8/24265441/uk-treaty-end-io-domain-chagos-islands

It looks likely .io (and .io domains) will go away in the next few years (as .cs and .yu did³), so here are my suggested steps to take depending on your usage of .io domains:

1. Avoid buying new .io domains (or making plans with existing ones; sell if you can)
2. If you currently run a .io service (for a company or community), make and publicize a transition plan (like a new domain, redirection, orderly shutdown plan for redirects)
3. If you have a personal site on a .io domain or subdomain, make your own transition plan, and perhaps post about how others should link to your posts
4. If you are using someone else’s .io domain to publish (like #GitHubPages), make a transition plan to publish elsewhere and leave a forwarding note and link behind
5. If you use a .io domain as your Web sign-in login on any sites, switch them to another non-io personal domain
6. Similarly if your site accepts #WebSignIn logins (via #IndieAuth, #RelMeAuth, or even #OpenID), consider discouraging any new sign-ups from .io domains, and warning any existing users with .io domains to switch per # 5
7. If you have posts (or a whole #indieweb site) with links to .io sites or pages (like those in 2-4 above), make a plan for editing those links to point to an alternative or an archival copy (like on the Internet Archive)

And of course, post about your #dotIO plans.


Internet Archive
Web sign-in


¹ https://indieweb.org/.io
² https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.io#Phasing_Out
³ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.cs
E.g. https://indieweb.org/webmention.io or https://indieweb.org/granary.io
E.g. https://indieweb.org/werd.io

This is post 25 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts

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#GitHubPages #WebSignIn #IndieAuth #RelMeAuth #OpenID #indieweb #dotIO #100PostsOfIndieWeb #100Posts

Videos from the last XOXO are going up on YouTube. Here’s a playlist of XOXO 2024 main stage talks. There are a lot of lessons to take away from these, and many calls to action.

But if you only watch one, it should maybe be this one that broke the audience entirely.


#XOXO #2024 #delicious-burger

Trademark scammer update

Things on hold

We fix the fucking networks

I have put a lot of thought into deliberately shifting¹ metaphors², often in the context of the #indieweb³. One goal is to replace use of violent or divisive metaphors with actively constructive, cooperative, or joyful alternatives, like:

* gardening/farming e.g. digital garden
* biology/ecology/nature e.g. digital ecosystem
* cooking/baking e.g. eat your own cooking
* toolmaking, clothing making, other useful crafts e.g. sew what you want
* music, dancing, painting, and other expressive crafts e.g. remixing
* travel, navigation, maps e.g. information superhighway
* games, sports, running, e.g. surfing the net¹⁰

Some of these areas are well developed (sports metaphors), others are obvious or emergent from various IndieWeb efforts like our principles¹¹, and others could use brainstorming and experimentation.

Thoughts and words, whether spoken or written, influence each other in reinforcement feedback loops. Consciously choosing one can impact the other and vice versa.

Especially in messages to others or our even future selves, words and metaphors communicate and reinforce our values and thus merit care in their invention¹² and usage.

What are metaphors you have found constructive, cooperative, or joyful?


¹ https://tantek.com/2023/132/t1/agenda-gardening-metaphors
² https://tantek.com/2023/023/t3/
³ https://tantek.com/2023/022/t1/indieweb-eat-what-you-cook
¹⁰ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_metaphors#Functional_metaphors
¹¹ https://indieweb.org/principles
¹² https://tantek.com/2024/180/b1/responsible-inventing

This is post 24 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts

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#indieweb #100PostsOfIndieWeb #100Posts
Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall

at Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall

Oops, missed September

#life #online-communities #writing #xoxo

Common law trademark and band names

#trademark #music #intellectual property

Bandcamp Friday, October 2024

#bandcamp friday #bandcamp #music


#blogging #music #trademark #stress #fatigue #disability #art #cooking
Happy October!

For some reason this month has a plethora of daily blogging or other creativity prompts. Here’s a list of the ones I found so far:

* #Blogtober (consider this post my first for this, retroactively day 1)
* Inktober — https://inktober.com/
* LOLtober - https://weblog.anniegreens.lol/2024/10/loltober-2024
* Looptober — https://looptober.com/
* Mathober - https://mathober.com/
* Viztober — https://www.instagram.com/evalottchen/p/DAiNm3ZtuTj/

Having found so many for the month I created an “October” page on the #IndieWeb wiki to document them all (and in case folks find others to add):
* https://indieweb.org/October

October is also a very popular month for seasonal blog styling:
* https://indieweb.org/Halloween

Do you have a custom Halloween theme for your personal site? Add it to the wiki!

This is post 23 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts

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#Blogtober #IndieWeb #100PostsOfIndieWeb #100Posts
Last week I participated in #w3cTPAC 2024¹ in Anaheim, California. It was quite packed, and often started early, from 8am informal breakfast meetings at a nearby IHOP, to Working Group, Community Group, and other small group meetings every day (but Wednesday) til 18:00.

Midweek at TPAC was the usual Breakouts Day where a record 87 breakouts² were proposed³ and run by members of the community, deftly organized into rooms, timeslots, and a handful of themes by the W3C Team. In the evening there was an open Plenary Session open to all instead of an Advisory Committee (AC) meeting, where the result of the recent W3C Board Election was announced. Congratulations to the newly elected W3C Board of Directors!

I’m still compiling my own notes and observations. For now, the minutes of (nearly?) all the meetings and breakouts are available if you know how to find them.

Hint: W3C minutes URLs have the form (without spaces):

https:// www . w3 . org / YYYY / MM / DD-IRCNAME-minutes . html

E.g. to find the second day (2024-09-24) of CSS Working Group (which just uses "css", all lower case, as their IRC channel name) minutes, you would go to:
* https://www.w3.org/2024/09/24-css-minutes.html

Every Working Group and Community Group links to its IRC Channel (all lowercase), and breakout proposals link to the channel used for each breakout. Thus the minutes links to specific groups on specific days are left as a web discovery exercise for the reader.

Last year: https://tantek.com/2023/262/b1/w3c-technical-plenary-tpac

¹ https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC/2024
² https://www.w3.org/2024/09/TPAC/breakouts.html#grid
³ https://github.com/w3c/tpac2024-breakouts/

My OG iPod now syncs with my M2 Max MBP 👴

Baron's Sino Kitchen & Bar

at Baron's Sino Kitchen & Bar

Day 2 of Weird Web October! Prompt: CSS


#WeirdWebOctober #indieweb #css

Progress on the iPod project!

Here is my first entry for Weird Web October: gregorlove.com/site/assets/misc/2024-wwo-01.html

#WeirdWebOctober #indieweb



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