Well If It’s Entertainment You’re Kraven…

EVs to look at in 2025

#cars #vehicles #EV #electric vehicles

I’ve been procrastinating about posting which means tabs have been accumulating. 🙁

We got a new, overpowered-for-home-use 3D printer, the Bambu Labs X1C. With the fancy Automated Material Switcher (AMS) that must be powered by forbidden magics.

After setting it up and letting it run through its literal shake-out calibration, I printed these things and was really impressed with the results!

  • The classic benchy boat. This was actually included in the memory of the machine, but I’m linking to what looks like the version on Bambu’s MakerWorld.
  • These print-in-place fold-flat phone/tablet stands which I believe was suggested by the Bambu mobile app that I used to set up the printer. I started my 3D printing journey with a MakerBot Cupcake CNC kit back in ~2009 so print-in-place mechanical stuff still feels magical to me when it works. These came out nice and sturdy!
  • Craving more print-in-place, this articulated axolotl is pretty cute and moved well straight off the printer, despite what I would describe as “flimsy-looking” joints between the parts.
  • For a first “useful” print, I selected this one-piece Aeropress wall mount. It’s in the same lineage as my sliced-in-half Aeropress wall mount that I cut into two parts to fit on my printer of the day.

Photos would only get in the way of finishing this post, so I’m afraid you’ll have to use your imagination.

The new printer meant I was well set up to contribute to the latest We the Builder’s project - Charon’s Boat, which is rapidly being finished by builders all over the world. If you have clear plastic filament and a large-ish 3D printer, you may still have time to grab a part and contribute to this underworldly sculpture!

#3DP #3DPrinting #Bambu #bambu-x1c #wethebuilders

Mutemath/Paul Meany released Distance, an acoustic EP of some songs from the vault. Very chill.

Do We Live in a Post-Toxic-Masculinity World?

Sockpuppet website updates!

#music #web design #Sockpuppet #Publ
My first crochet project in 25+ years. This started as a washcloth, but it was so uneven that I stuffed it with paper and turned it into a cat toy.

Another thing I did during IndieWebCamp San Diego’s Create Day was add a page with food and drink recommendations. This morning I added an emoji before each one as a quick indicator of the type of food. I like that it adds some color and variety to a page of mostly text.

I really need to remember to put my phone on do not disturb when I'm doing electrical work. The buzz on my leg freaks me out every time

Tech wrangling

#It Just Works™ #Apple #cloud shit #home security #music
signed up for @brokenarrowskyrace.com (@BrokenArrowCA) 23k #skyRace on 2025-06-22!¹
This will be my third #BrokenArrow race.
Goals: finish strong, beat last year’s time.

The race sold out within 10-15minutes of opening this morning. Here’s how it went for me:

09:00 Pacific time registration opened (I had two laptops ready, reloading every second)
09:06 I completed registering but it redirected me to the home page (not a confirmation). I thought it had canceled my registration, so I kept trying. The #UltraSignup site flow was sufficiently broken that I didn't know I had successfully registered.
~9:15 I was able to check my online UltraSignup profile and see the 09:06 registration.
09:25 Received email confirmation of registration.

You can still register for the 23k waitlist: https://ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=117118

More Broken Arrow races and distances (e.g. 46k, VK, 18k, 11k) registrations are opening the rest of this week, every morning December 10-13.

See the https://www.brokenarrowskyrace.com/ website for details for each.

Previously, previously:
* https://tantek.com/2024/176/t1/finished-broken-arrow-skyrace-23k
* https://tantek.com/2023/178/t1/june-trailrunner-ultrarunner

¹ https://www.brokenarrowskyrace.com/23k

#23k #trailRace #RingDasBell
#skyRace #BrokenArrow #UltraSignup #23k #trailRace #RingDasBell

My mother passed away nearly 20 years ago. I still miss her. A lot.

But as I was in the car chatting with my kids about our own ages and growing older as a #family is wont to do, it occurred to me that if my mother were still alive, she’d be 73 years old. And the notion of having a 73-year-old “Mom” suddenly struck me as absurdist, loony, perhaps even a little frightening.

I have no idea what a 73-year-old Mom would be like! And would I even like her, the way I did when she was in her 50s and I was in my 20s?

And that idea made me giggle a little. It’s easier to miss her now, because I miss her in a special way I simply wouldn’t if she were different, older, and here.

🐦 Progress on the birdhouse

For IndieWebCamp San Diego’s Create Day, I worked on cleaning up some code for indiewebify.me and pushed it to a branch on my GitHub.

The readme there has more details, but this is basically an in-progress update to use the SlimPHP framework. It is probably only about 30% complete, but some parts of it are functional. Pushing this to Github will make it easier for the community to collaborate on and decide how to move forward.

IndieWebCamp San Diego 2024 Project Goals

Typed Index card that reads: IndieWeb Camp San Diego 2024 Project Goals   I missed the first day of camp due to a family ob-ligation. But with Sunday free, I've driven down to San Diego from Los Angeles to participate in create day. Naturally, I've brought a couple of typewriters to continue on with my project from last year: Improving my posting work flow for typecasting (i.e. posting to my website by using the User Interface of a typewriter.) Since I've been doing more work via typewriter, improving this workflow will be a nice feature to have. Let's see how this goes.

Typed Index card that reads: IndieWeb Camp San Diego 2024 Project Goals   I missed the first day of camp due to a family ob-ligation. But with Sunday free, I've driven down to San Diego from Los Angeles to participate in create day. Naturally, I've brought a couple of typewriters to continue on with my project from last year: Improving my posting work flow for typecasting (i.e. posting to my website by using the User Interface of a typewriter.) Since I've been doing more work via typewriter, improving this workflow will be a nice feature to have. Let's see how this goes.
#indieweb #note-taking #social-stream #indiewebcamp-san-diego #typecasts #typewriters

My 2025 Goal: Daily Blogging

Stuff, and things

#disability #pain #web design #vertigo #home repair #security
The new iOS app icons dark mode is really messing with my brain. I can't recognize any of the icons at a glance anymore, it's like having to re-learn all the branding.

Link: The Sparse Pacific Coast of Colombia

Harry Reid International Airport (LAS)

at Harry Reid International Airport (LAS)