Currently reading: The Obelisk Gate by (ISBN 9780316229265)
Finished reading: The Free People’s Village by (ISBN 9781646143306)
My brother is in town, because hey-o, my life completed another revolution around the sun recently. (Yup, I’m a December baby.) So me and kids and their uncle have all been gallivanting around #Portland today, and the city feels cute and cozy. I must say it’s a very pleasant end to what has been a very unpleasant year in many respects.
I’ll be coming out with my “hopes for 2025” spiel soon, but for now, I’m sincerely grateful to be surrounded by family and appreciating the place where I live.
Shrinking is simply one of the best #TVShows on air.
Honestly better than it has any right to be (even though yes, that’s one stacked cast!). Now I realize my emotions are a bit raw at the moment, having come down with a bug (gee, thanks kids!) for the third time in a row before ever getting completely well again. It’s been a fun 6 weeks, that’s for sure! 🙄
But even so, watching the penultimate episode of Shrinking Season 2 on Apple TV+ tonight, I was bawling. 😭😭 Bawling I tell you! I think if someone else had been in the room with me, they would have thought something had gone terribly terribly wrong.
I will admit, I did originally think Season 2 was starting off a bit on the slow side. I was wondering if they’d reach the heights of the stellar first season. Well at this point there’s no doubt in my mind. Every episode over the recent stretch has been “Oh, you think that was all the feelz? You ain’t felt nuttin’ yet!”
Make sure you have ample tissues handy when you watch this show. Bawling, I tell you.
Haven’t listened to much holiday music yet, so fixing that with the new Ben Folds, Sleigher. Next up: Scala & Kolacny Brothers, December; and Rosie Thomas, A Very Rosie Christmas. What’s on your list?