I'm in San Francisco and just took my first Waymo ride, kind of surreal
Philz Coffee

at Philz Coffee

#maker-movement #making #art

I’m trying out the Pomodoro Technique for the first time in a while. I’m using tomatoi.st for the timers. It works pretty well, though doesn’t seem to keep track of which break length you should take next. That’s minor, though.

The Living Room Bar

at The Living Room Bar

W San Francisco

at W San Francisco

Runway 10R/28L

at Runway 10R/28L

Gate C11

at Gate C11

Portland International Airport (PDX)
Here again

Link: Demi Moore Wins Golden Globe for Best Actress in “The Substance”

Alan Watts wrote in the “The World As Emptiness”:

“So in the same way, the coming and going of things in the world is marvelous. They go. Where do they go? Don’t answer, because that would spoil the mystery.”

I have to disagree with Watts here.

Do ask and DO answer. Again and again. Embrace curiosity, explanation, understanding.

Any mystery you can explain will reveal another mystery underneath.

There is no spoiling the mystery, there is only the journey of one mystery after another.

#meditationThoughts #Kula #meditation #liveMeditation #groupMeditation #AlanWatts #mystery
#meditationThoughts #Kula #meditation #liveMeditation #groupMeditation #AlanWatts #mystery
The team @micro.blog have done it again.

They soft-launched https://micro.one yesterday¹.

This may be the most accessible onramp to the open social web ever.

Cost: $1 a month. Yes you read correctly.

This is the simplest and cheapest (where you are the customer, not the product) way to own your identity and content online².

Stop posting in someone else’s garage³.

Time to export your Twitter, and migrate your Mastodon handle to your own home on the web.

Of course you can bring your own domain name. Additionally:
* blog posts, naturally, both articles and microblogging notes
* photos
* podcasting
* custom themes
* web-clients and native mobile posting clients
* WordPress, Tumblr, Mastodon, Medium import
More details (and alternatives) at https://micro.one/about/pricing

And yes, it interoperates with the open #socialWeb, including:
* #ActivityPub support, #Mastodon and #fediverse compatibility
* #IndieAuth to sign-in to third-party apps
* #microformats support in all built-in themes
* #Webmention for sending and receiving replies across websites
* #Micropub standard posting API, supporting dozens of clients
* #Microsub standard timeline API, supporting social readers
More #indieweb support details at https://micro.one/about/indieweb

Did I mention the the superb micro.blog (and micro.one) Community Guidelines?
* https://help.micro.blog/t/community-guidelines/39

Well done @manton.org and team.

This is post 6 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts #ownYourIdentity #ownYourData #openSocialWeb

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¹ https://www.manton.org/2025/01/03/microone-was-effectively-a-softlaunch.html
² https://tantek.com/2025/001/t1/15-years-notes-my-site-first
³ https://tantek.com/2023/022/t2/own-your-notes-domain-migration
#socialWeb #ActivityPub #Mastodon #fediverse #IndieAuth #microformats #Webmention #Micropub #Microsub #indieweb #100PostsOfIndieWeb #100Posts #ownYourIdentity #ownYourData #openSocialWeb

My First Four Weeks of Daily Blogging

Yesterday https://last.fm/ (@lastfm) emailed their year in review reports, which they called #Playback24 and Last.Year.

Kudos to them for waiting until the new year to do so, and breaking with the pattern of services prematurely posting year in review summaries.¹

They’re also available on the web, without requiring a native mobile app to view.

Mine is here: https://www.last.fm/user/tantekc/listening-report/year

You can find yours (if you’re a last.fm user) by going here:
* https://www.last.fm/user/_/listening-report/year

The page title calls it your #YearInMusic, and the URL your #ListeningReport.

It has many interesting elements, from various top listened lists (artist, album, track), to what percent of 2024 listens (which they call scrobbles) were new artists, albums, and tracks.

Their “Top Tags” time chart is quite cool. Fascinating to see the differences in music listening over the seasons and the whole year.

The report has many interactive features, so it will take me some time to figure out how to save, export, and/or republish my listening report on my personal #indieweb site.

For now I used Firefox to save the page as an .html page to my laptop, and was quite impressed with how much of the information was available in that one file. Much more than #Spotify’s #Wrapped.

That’s step 1. Step 2 is figuring out a good way to blog at least some of it.

This is post 5 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts #LastFM #YearInReview

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year in review

¹ https://tantek.com/2025/001/t2/first-new-year-review-prior
#Playback24 #YearInMusic #ListeningReport #indieweb #Spotify #Wrapped #100PostsOfIndieWeb #100Posts #LastFM #YearInReview
Goodbye Philips Hue 👋

I finally finished replacing all my Hue lights with Caseta switches.

While I will miss the color temperature control, I am excited that I can attach a switch anywhere that works and looks just like a normal switch, no wires needed!
#homeautomation #hue
The #indieweb is more than #independence. It’s also a web, of both personal sites and “third place” sites like aggregators, bridges, proxies, directories, indexes, and other community sites.

Broadly speaking, such “third place” sites include places we collectively contribute to, and which license our contributions for free use by others. While open source projects come to mind, perhaps a more obvious example is Wikipedia.

Similarly, the most obvious “third place” in the #IndieWeb community is our community site and wiki https://indieweb.org/ as well as the heterogeneous chat https://chat.indieweb.org/.

We also have many services run by individuals (or small teams) in the community, for the benefit of the community, like:
* @snarfed.org’s https://brid.gy/ and https://fed.brid.gy/
* @aaronparecki.com’s https://webmention.io/ and many others
* @martymcgui.re’s https://xn--sr8hvo.ws/ (IndieWeb Webring)
* @gregorlove.com’s https://indiebookclub.biz/
* @mat.tl’s https://libre.fm/
and I’m sure many more I’m forgetting.

All these services respect your data and your ownership of it. #ownYourData

All these services are swappable. Many (most?) are open source and self-hostable in case you want to run your own personal instance or another shared instance.

The web part of the indieweb complements, connects, and strengthens the indie part.

This is post 4 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts

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#indieweb #independence #IndieWeb #ownYourData #100PostsOfIndieWeb #100Posts

Prop from Rogue One vs. My CAD Design

New year, new personal website? (Or update your existing site?) Join us for a virtual IndieWeb meetup, Homebrew Website Club, January 8th at 6PM Pacific!

#indieweb #newwwyear

Thanks for All the Fish

#conferences #social-computing #writing #online-communities #xoxo #xoxo-festival
Just made eight weeks of waffles, going into the freezer now. Took almost 2 hours to cook the 8 batches. I should really get a second waffle iron cause it would literally halve the amount of time this takes.