Are you keeping cozy during eternal Caturday?
I understand that, when you are staring at a factory spewing toxic chemicals and carbon into the atmosphere, someone who shuffles over and whispers in your ear “Go plant a tree and save the world”; your first instinct isn’t to thank them for their keen insight but to launch a broadside in their direction.
And yet…in twenty years the factory could be thoroughly reformed or closed for good, and meanwhile, you played an instrumental role in growing a forest.
We are in the “planting trees” era of American #politics and #openweb technology right now. It will take a whole lot of effort and feel silly or pointless at times…and there will be moments when the desired future for our society seems farther away than ever before.
Don’t let the temptation of bitter despair take hold. Go plant a tree and save the world. Future generations are counting on you to do right by them.
“Art is the only thing that helps people stay alive, and it is the only thing that has allowed people to create joy in this insane, suppressive universe. And art is the only thing that they can’t get rid of. They’ve tried, but ultimately they can’t stamp it out.”
–Juliette Lewis
This is for my fellow Yanks out there: Take care of yourselves and your loved ones this weekend.
I just want you to know I stand shoulder-to-shoulder with all of the people out there who have even more reason to be afraid come January 20th than I do (being a white man). I know how hard this must be for you, because there are people I love very close to me who—if you pay attention to the rhetoric—are living with MAGA targets on their backs. It’s shameful. It’s appalling. It’s #politics with very few guardrails left.
And yet…we will get through this. We must. I keep telling that to myself every day. We have to keep going. Because the alternative is…unimaginable.
So I wish you all good wishes, and know that you are not alone. Millions upon millions of your fellow Americans are just as appalled as you are, and this ain’t over. MAGA can believe they “won” all they want, but the war for the soul of this nation continues, and we live to fight another day. Resist! ✊
Hey San Diego, some of the lovely people in Fan Favorite are presenting next week: Navigating Fractured Realities and the Need for Clean Air (“During the Pandemic” is Right Now). January 21, 6:30pm–8pm at Centro Cultural de la Raza. Masks required and provided? Air purifiers? You know it! 😷💛
Also, check out and share the Instagram post.