Why “Remember Device” is a Lie

#links #social-computing #technology
At long last, the OAuth working group has finished the Best Current Practice for OAuth 2.0 Security and it was just published as RFC9700! This has been a long time in the works, and I'm very thankful to everyone who has helped out with it over the years!


This is one of the major inputs to OAuth 2.1, so I'm also very excited to be able to move that forward this year as well!
#ietf #oauth #rfc #security

“We need things like RSS, the open web. We need websites back. That’s my dream is to bring back blogs.”

Taylor Lorenz on We’re Not Kidding!

Link: Wait, Sir Francis Drake Landed in…Oregon?!

Some solid #ResilienceStrategy advice in here:

https://bidenwhitehouse.archives.gov/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/National-Resilience-Strategy.pdf (20 page PDF, a well-written quick read or skim)

January 2025

"National Resilience Strategy:
 A Vision for a More Resilient Nation"

While explicitly a #NationalResilienceStrategy, it has a lot of sound guidance for understanding, analyzing, and developing a resilience strategy at all levels, for yourself and your home, with your neighbors and relationships, to civic resilience, and beyond.

Here is an overview of the sections, to get an idea (if you avoid PDFs), and to help with discovery across various services:

* The Need for Collective Action toward National Resilience
* Defining Resilience
  * Adaptive
  * Protective
  * Collaborative
  * Fair and Just
  * Human-Centered
  * Interdependent
  * Sustainable and Durable
* Understanding the Resilience Landscape
* Strategic Approach to Build Attributes of a Resilient Nation
* Throughlines of a Resilient Nation
  * Cross-system and cross-sector use of resources
  * Resilience manifests in adaptive capacity and communities
  * Layered resilience
  * Cascading reliance
  * Environmental hazards, including climate change
  * Technology innovation and digital transformation
  * Cyber infrastructure
  * Iterative continuous feedback loops
  * Supply chains
  * Robust safety nets
* Resilience Pillars
  * Pillar I: Governance Systems
  * Pillar II: Social and Community Systems
  * Pillar III: Economic Systems
  * Pillar IV: Infrastructure Systems
* Conclusion

And yes the text contents of the PDF include the terms #diversity #diverse #equity #equitable #inclusivity #inclusive, in many contexts (including and beyond the ones that may come to mind).

Related: https://tantek.com/2025/011/t1/remembering-aaronsw-twelve-years

Previously, previously:
* https://tantek.com/2024/336/t1/disruptions-how-to-prepare
* https://tantek.com/2024/313/t1/reflecting-listening-thoughts

#NationalResilience #Resilience #Strategy #Biden #BidenWhitehouse
#ResilienceStrategy #NationalResilienceStrategy #diversity #diverse #equity #equitable #inclusivity #inclusive #NationalResilience #Resilience #Strategy #Biden #BidenWhitehouse
Every now and then I remember how in 2014 I mined $20 worth of dogecoin, then said this is stupid and exchanged it for 0.05 bitcoin sent to a brainwallet. I can't remember the seed phrase, so it's just stuck in the blockchain, and is now worth $5000

One of the good surprises so far in this shitshow of a year has been my realization that—somehow—I seem to have made peace with all of my past selves.

For Reasons™, I’ve been going through a lot of old memorabilia tucked away in closets and drawers, and unlike in times before when I’ve done so and felt feelings of anger, loss, or frustration, this time around I feel a tangible sense of acceptance. There’s enough distance between me and the hurts of the past, and enough groundedness in who I am today…the complex product of all that I’ve done and all that my predecessors did before me…that I’m able to take everything I continue to love and appreciate from my copious life experiences and treasure those still, while leaving the dumb stuff behind where it belongs.

It has taken a ton of work for me to get to this point. My #spirituality has changed and evolved, I’ve studied meditation and #mindfulness, I’ve talked deeply with therapists and with close friends, and the journey isn’t yet over of course. But I feel like, in a veracious way that is almost physical in nature, a significant chapter of my life has concluded and a brand new chapter is about to begin. And while that can be scary in a myriad of ways, I am embracing it wholeheartedly. Let the festivities begin!

Had some fun playing with sending video feeds over a Tailscale VPN on the livestream today!
My laser cut coasters got an upgrade! I cut out a backing piece to give it more strength, the raw lettering felt a little flimsy.

Link: Idiots.

I am still getting monthly emails saying I have a $0 balance from the tenant portal of the apartment we moved out of 18 months ago. Today I logged in to see if I can delete my account, but instead I see new maintenance requests from the last few months 😮
That was more excitement than I signed up for with this visit to the vet today
Some serious paint progress on the house this week! Getting really close to the end now!

February plans

#music #VRChat #game jams
Irvington Veterinary Clinic

at Irvington Veterinary Clinic

Friendship Kitchen

at Friendship Kitchen

Win Stupid Prizes

I’ve been going through my mother’s ancient stash of papers I had buried in my closet and, well, I found some pretty interesting reading. 😉

Here’s what Deborah had to say about Baby Jared (that’s me!) on April 20, 1983 when I was only a few months old:

I am amazed at how much Choo Choo (Jared Christopher) has learned so far and how quickly he has progressed. His grandmother Carlita said: ‘Write it all down before you forget.’ So I am.

From birth on -
The first thing I heard, from Bear [this was her nickname for my dad Chris], was ‘Deb it’s a boy!’ I then repeated, over and over: ‘I can’t believe it! I can’t believe it!’ But I did believe it. I knew he was a boy - my heart’s desire.

The nurses were amazed at several things. He craned his neck and held his head up when he was two days old! They were hard pressed to believe it. One nurse, Sheila, fell in love with him. Another nurse told me that Jared was Sheila’s favorite baby. Sheila came in one night and said: ‘I think he’s a genius or something. He’s so sensitive and alert - not like the other babies. When they cry he looks all around.’ Alertness has been a key word. People consistency mention how alert he is.

Mommy, as I called her, passed away from cancer in 2006. Thus I cherish hearing her say these words out loud in my mind as I read them. And of course, I also appreciate being called a genius…

a portrait of the blogger as a young baby

(I was a happy baby!) #family

Tonight was waffle night, where I make waffles for the next 6 weekends. I made 1.5x the previous batch because of our travel plans in March. I still think there's a way I can streamline this process further though.

Worst sequel ever…and yet, we are stronger together. ✊
#Portland #NikonZfc