Clarifying what I mean by “projects”

#music #freelancing #tools #software

Link: “I hope you don't watch this”

Still looking for work queue management stuff

#work #contracting #software #requests needed

Two Months into Daily Blogging and I Hate It

Finally ran out of the August/September batch so time to make some more habanero sauce! This was about one pound of habaneros and made 16 bottles!
#habanero #cooking #365
Didn't do much other than the livestream today and prepping a video to publish tomorrow. Oh, and lots and lots of sorting files on my giant stack of hard drives.

Bitcoin Science

Bedrosians Tile & Stone

at Bedrosians Tile & Stone

The cats wanted to hang out on the couch with me for my very long work day

Link: Say Goodbye to Abe Lincoln

📗 Want to read Relationality: How Moving from Transactional to Transformational Relationships Can Reshape Our Lonely World by David Jay ISBN: 9798889840541
The siding crew came today to finish the siding on the rooftop patio!

Hey Slop Leaders

🎶 It’s a TRON: Legacy soundtrack kinda day.

Migration On Williams

at Migration On Williams

Heydon says to thank your transsisters and drop your stinkin’ binary thinkin'.

Upcoming show: Wolfie’s Hangout 2-Year Celebration

It Takes Time to Remember

They're so close to being done painting! Finally taking all the tape and paper up and it's looking so good in here!
Spent most of the day on specs, including a massive review of the iGov OAuth profile