For a long time, back in my conservative Christian days throughout the 2000s, the hated enemy and the absolute worst was the “mainstream media”—or lamestream media as it was often derisively called.
Conservatives considered their media the alternative, a scrappy underground dropping truth bombs and speaking for the “silent majority” of true red-blooded patriotic Americans.
Oh what a difference a couple of decades makes! Now it seems conservative, or conservative-lite media, has become the mainstream media—and even the lamest of the lamestream aka MSNBC is starting to capitulate to the interests of timid corporations not wanting to rock the boat quite so much in this era of Trumpian #politics.
But perhaps a larger trend is at play here which is that for all intents and purposes, independent online media—newsletters, podcasts, YouTube channels, and the like—has won the day. Traditional broadcasters are on their way out. Indie is in. Young people couldn’t care less about cable news networks. It’s just not where they are.
I sure hope the people who have a modicum of power in progressive circles realize how desperately behind they are on this compared to MAGA. Because the future of our country is quite literally at stake!