I will never forgive the tech industry for what it has done to the world I was brought up into as a technologist.
I was literally raised by a programmer. My dad was a Unix guy long before I ever knew what Unix is. No joke, I’d heard of SGML before I’d heard of HTML. To this day I don’t consider myself much of a Vim whiz, but the reason I even know how to use it is because I first cut my teeth on Vi. I supposed if my dad had been into Emacs, I would have learned that instead!
I had already been a computer user—and budding programmer myself—for literally a decade before I even encountered the #OpenWeb on top of this newfangled thing called the Internet. I like to joke I was already using a computer when I was 2 years old. I’m not sure if that’s strictly speaking true, but close enough!
I say all this because you deserve the preamble to my pricipal statement: as someone in their 40s who’s been a hard-core computer nerd for nearly that long, I find the end result of the now vast corporations in control of said computer field to be deplorable, ghastly, boneheaded, ludicrous, and fucking absurd.
I can barely even stomach anything Apple is churning out these days, and they’re one of the least disagreeable firms if you can believe it.
This isn’t “old man yells at cloud”. Because the truth is, there’s actually tons of awesome technology being worked on and demonstrated every day. And the Web itself is a marvel of engineering, better now than it’s ever been and capable of oh so much.
So if there’s so much good tech available, how come there is so much bad tech thrown in our faces at the exact same time? We can all offer some plausible answers to that question, but in the end it doesn’t matter much. This is the world we now live in. Oodles of good tech, surrounded and nearly infected by a veritable flood of very bad tech.
And I nearly can’t stand it. ☹️