Making RSVP posts less painful

Following the IndieWeb mantra of “manual until it hurts”, all of my RSVP posts have been manually posted by hand to my website because it’s not something I did often and I hadn’t had the time to sit down and fix that.

Worked on expanding’s Micropub endpoint with support for bookmark-of today during IndieWebCamp Austin. The weekend really helped clarify how I want to approach replies, favorites/bookmarks, and other reactions.

Simple Indieauth Project for IndieWebCamp Austin

Session planning at IndieWebCamp Austin.


Aaron Parecki talking about the building blocks of the IndieWeb — your own domain name, types of posts, Microformats, Webmention, and more — at IndieWebCamp.

The day before the event starts, we decided it was probably time to create a Facebook event for IndieWebCamp Austin. Priorities: blogs and wikis first. But feel free to RSVP on Facebook if you can make it!

Cool stickers from DreamHost to give out at IndieWebCamp tomorrow.


Two new podcast episodes today: Core Intuition 308 is a full hour about the MarsEdit 4 release. Timetable 90 is a full… 6 minutes about IndieWebCamp and my week.

Episode 15: The IndieWeb Wiki and IndieAuth

IndieWebCamp Austin is this weekend! We’ll have IndieWeb co-founders @t and @aaronpk in town for the event. Join us for a day of IndieWeb topics, plus a hack day to work on your own web site or new projects.

Timetable on MarsEdit 4 and open APIs

Going to AustinRB tonight for talks on Ruby metaprogramming and Jekyll + the IndieWeb.

Got some stickers for IndieWebCamp. It’s next weekend! You can learn more about the event or register here.


Medium is only an edge server of your POSSE CDN, your own blog is the origin

Medium, Twitter, Facebook and others are edge services for your content … Your platform is the origin.

#indieweb #posse #publishing #ownership #medium #twitter #facebook #cdn

Jeremy Keith - Building Blocks of the Indie Web - YouTube

Here’s the talk I gave at Mozilla’s View Source event. I really enjoyed talking about the indie web, both from the big-picture view and the nitty gritty.

In these times of centralised services like Facebook, Twitter, and Medium, having your own website is downright disruptive. If you care about the longevity of your online presence, independent publishing is the way to go. But how can you get all the benefits of those third-party services while still owning your own data? By using the building blocks of the Indie Web, that’s how!

Jeremy Keith - Building Blocks of the Indie Web
#youtube #video #indieweb #viewsource #presentation #conference #talk #micropub #webmention #relmeauth #authentication #publishing #digital #preservation #data #ownership

Kickstarter update with IndieWebCamp and rollout plans

On this morning’s episode of my short-form podcast Timetable: plans for the week including IndieWebCamp promotion and the launch.

EFF-Austin party after IndieWebCamp

Updated the Eventbrite page for IndieWebCamp Austin with the latest schedule. Coming up in 2 weeks!

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