Words I wrote in 2017

#2017 #writing #publishing #blogging #indieweb #words

2017 in Numbers

#2017 #indieweb #qs #quantifiedself #annualreport #stats
Just pushed some updates to IndieNews! Notes like this one, (posts with no name) will now be displayed better, hopefully encouraging people to post more short stuff instead of just blog posts. There is also a calendar view for posts, similar to the calendar on https://indieweb.org/2017-12-indieweb-challenge Thanks to @sknebel for the idea! I didn't link to the calendar permalinks from the UI yet, but you can browse to them with URLs like this: https://news.indieweb.org/en/2017/12 I also fixed an issue where the content and name of posts was not being truncated, which caused a minor IRC flood this morning due to a Microformats implied name containing an entire blog post being sent to IRC.
#indieweb #indiewebchallenge #indienews

Adding Weather to my Posts!

#indieweb #newwwyear #weather

Adding weather to my site

I made a goal of adding weather to my site by January 1st, 2018. Today, I’m happy to announce that I completed that goal. Here’s what it looks like:
#indieweb #indieweb-goals

Announcing lazymention: elegant outbound Webmention for static sites

Raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens, declarative web APIs and truly serverless web endpoints

Three technologies that Ada is excited about:

  1. a service: IndieAuth,
  2. a front end library: Comlink,
  3. a pattern: APIs as Web Components.
#technology #frontend #development #indieauth #comlink #apis #webcomponents

Dunstan’s blog

Dunstan is back, blogging again. Hurrah!

#blogging #blogs #indieweb #personal #publishing

Thinking of Homepage Mentions

Zines are the future of media

So maybe we need to look at the whole package and create an… oh, I don’t know, what’s the phrase I need… an “indie web”?

#indieweb #publishing #zines #design #trends

The web we may have lost | Christian Heilmann

The world-wide-web always scared the hell out of those who want to control what people consume and what their career is. The web was the equaliser.

A heartfelt missive by Christian on the eve of the US potentially losing net neutrality. I agree with every single word he’s written.

I hope that people still care that the web flows, no matter for whom or what the stream carries. The web did me a lot of good, and it can do so for many others. But it can’t do that if it turns into Cable TV. I’ve always seen the web as my media to control. To pick what I want to consume and question it by comparing it. A channel for me to publish and be scrutinised by others. A read-write medium. The only one we have. Let’s do more of the write part.

#netneutrality #worldwideweb #history #personal #publishing #media #indieweb #control #freedom #resistance

Lynn Fisher

This homepage is media-querytastic. It’s so refreshing to see this kind of fun experimentation on a personal site—have fun resizing your browser window!

#responsive #mediaqueries #squishy #fun #homepage #indieweb #personal #publishing #design #css #frontend #development

Micro.blog - @adactio

I’m syndicating my notes to micro.blog now.

#microblog #syndication #notes #federated #updates #blogging #indieweb

Further thoughts the future of owning my reading

As I’ve been doing my 100 Day of Reading Chapters challenge I’ve been thinking about my use of Goodreads and the various functions I use it for:
#indieweb #indieweb-goals

Curation - Snook.ca

In the name of holy engagement, the native experience of products like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are moving away from giving people the ability to curate. They do this by taking control away from you, the user. By showing what other people liked, or by showing recommendations, without any way to turn it off, they prevent people from creating a better experience for themselves.

#curation #silos #facebook #twitter #instagram #indieweb #algorithms

An update to read posts for physical books by Chris AldrichChris Aldrich (Chris Aldrich | BoffoSocko) Inspired by gRegor Morrill’s IndieWebCamp Austin project, I went back and took a look at some of my read posts, and particularly for books. For online material, I use the Post Kinds Plugin which does a good job of adding h-cite and p-read-of (experimental) microformats classes to the data for the... This just gave me an idea… https://github.com/dshanske/indieweb-post-kinds/issues/134 Posted on 8:53PM EST December 13, 2017Kind Reply5 Comments on An update to read posts for physical books

Since Tantek is still in Austin, we’re having a last-minute Homebrew Website Club meetup tonight! 6:30pm at Halcyon on 4th street. Join us to chat about the IndieWeb or work on your own site.

IndieWebCamp Austin wrap-up

Owning my Reading and 100 Days of Reading Chapters

One of my goals in 2018 is to own my reading data rather than using Goodreads for all of that information. This will allow me to track information the way I want rather than have to do it like Goodreads wants me to.
#100chapters #indieweb #indieweb-goals

Episode 16: IndieWebCamp Austin!