Three technologies that Ada is excited about:
Dunstan is back, blogging again. Hurrah!
So maybe we need to look at the whole package and create an… oh, I don’t know, what’s the phrase I need… an “indie web”?
The world-wide-web always scared the hell out of those who want to control what people consume and what their career is. The web was the equaliser.
A heartfelt missive by Christian on the eve of the US potentially losing net neutrality. I agree with every single word he’s written.
I hope that people still care that the web flows, no matter for whom or what the stream carries. The web did me a lot of good, and it can do so for many others. But it can’t do that if it turns into Cable TV. I’ve always seen the web as my media to control. To pick what I want to consume and question it by comparing it. A channel for me to publish and be scrutinised by others. A read-write medium. The only one we have. Let’s do more of the write part.
This homepage is media-querytastic. It’s so refreshing to see this kind of fun experimentation on a personal site—have fun resizing your browser window!
I’m syndicating my notes to now.
In the name of holy engagement, the native experience of products like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are moving away from giving people the ability to curate. They do this by taking control away from you, the user. By showing what other people liked, or by showing recommendations, without any way to turn it off, they prevent people from creating a better experience for themselves.
Since Tantek is still in Austin, we’re having a last-minute Homebrew Website Club meetup tonight! 6:30pm at Halcyon on 4th street. Join us to chat about the IndieWeb or work on your own site.