Adding support for cross-site replies

This issue is for an in-development idea of being able to get a reply post into the system when the post is created on an external site.


Editing a post in Known can have destructive side effects on content

To PESOS or to POSSE? | Dries Buytaert

In trying to decide on his indie web approach, Dries gives an excellent breakdown of the concepts of PESOS (Publish Elsewhere, Syndicate to Own Site) and POSSE (Publish to Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere).

There are some great responses in the comments too, like this one from Chris and this one from Tantek (syndicated from their own sites, obvs).

#indieweb #pesos #posse #drupal #personal #publishing #social #networks #facebook #twitter #sharing

Jeremy Keith on your content, failing well, and the Indie Web Movement - YouTube

I had a chat with some people from while I was in Denver for An Event Apart. Here’s a few minutes of me rambling on about web development and the indie web.

Jeremy Keith on your content, failing well, and the Indie Web Movement
#youtube #video #indieweb #posse #browsers #standards #web #development #evaluating #technology #interview
While I think a Gallery object would be nice, eventually, I am not convinced that its necessarily the best way to go here. Its my understanding that pretty much all Entities support attachments, so doing it in the near-term in a more cross-cutting way would enable any type of post created via Micropub that contains multiple attachments to elegantly display the images.

02:06# Been in a dev rut, so to break out going to see how quickly I can go from 0 to live #indieweb site sending/receiving webmentions with @eleven_ty. Since it supports liquid, I can use my work from jekyll-indieweb as a heads start

Why I cannot post bookmarks to Known automatically

I've said before that I would like to bring a record of the things I mark at back to my notes website as Bookmarks. In theory, WithKnown makes this very easy, because every type of entry (Posts, Status updates, Bookmarks etc) has its own API, to which you can send correctly formatted POST requests. You can also send POST requests to Known's micropub endpoint. Unfortunately, neither option works for Bookmarks (and probably not for Likes and Reposts, but I haven't played with them). More this way ...
Thanks Chris for expanding on Dries' super-welcome post about using Drupal to participate in the independent web first, and push to locked-down privatized pieces of the Internet like Facebook, Twitter, et. al. secondarily!

I'm sure you didn't mean it this way – and honestly i was happy to be alerted to your post by – but you seem to have pioneered a sort of webmention spam! I couldn't figure out where in your post you actually referenced me, like Known claimed, until i viewed source and saw that in empty links you had my blog and indeed my cooperative's post as well as a link to the fantastic (he is more active on but is indeed working to push the #IndieWeb movement forward).

Were you intending to alert us through webmentions, or had we come up in research but didn't end up being included in the finished post?

IndieAuth-Client-PHP 0.3.1

Episode 18: IndieWebCamp Baltimore

OwnYourGram Updates

#ownyourgram #indieweb #changelog

Wrapping up the next iOS update, which has more control over cross-posting. Decided to focus on’s own cross-posting for this release, and consider Micropub syndication later. (They are very different models. Just need to focus on the immediate need first.)

How to cross post to Medium

Remy outlines the process he uses for POSSEing to Medium now that they’ve removed their IFTTT integration.

At some point during 2017, Medium decided to pull their IFTTT applets that allows content to be posted into Medium. Which I think is a pretty shitty move since there was no notification that the applet was pulled (I only noticed after Medium just didn’t contain a few of my posts), and it smacks of “Medium should be the original source”…which may be fine for some people, but I’m expecting my own content to outlast the Medium web site.

#indieweb #posse #medium #syndication #ifttt #rss
"A photoblog is like Instagram, only it's harder to use, your friends aren't on it, and it's owned by you, not a megacorp." 😂
This is pretty cool being able to sign in to an iOS app with my own website

I’m not a regular WordPress user, but willing to help however I can. There was some discussion in #indieweb-wordpress about capturing these in such a way they can be individually worked on.

Robin Rendle › How to Read the Internet

The past, present and future of RSS.

If I had to choose my Twitter account over my RSS setup I wouldn’t hesitate for a second — I’d throw Twitter right into the ocean.

#rss #syndication #reading #publishing #indieweb #blogging #sharing #writing #feedbin #reeder #history #personal

Microblogging / Paul Robert Lloyd

Paul weighs up the pros and cons of using silos (like Twitter and Facebook) and using the Indie Web. This bit made me want to stand on my desk and cry, “Oh captain, my captain!”:

“The market has proven that consumers want freely available social networks that are easy to use, and used by everyone else. Only centralised services can provide this, not familiarity with a command line and a succession of acronyms and protocols”, says my not entirely fictional naysayer.

I’m not sure this argument follows. While the human desire to connect and communicate easily with each other has been proven many times over, it’s becoming clear that all-encompassing centralised networks are not the solution. That way lies algorithmically-skewed streams of consciousness, layered upon sordid business models and Californian ideology. Fuck that.

The web is agreement, but that doesn’t mean we agree to use the same websites.

#indieweb #twitter #microblogging #publishing #personal #writing #sharing #decentralisation