While thinking about the similarities between Vero and Google Plus I also started considering those between Plus and micro.blog.

From the outset a big problem with Google Plus was the public perception of it. People didn't really understand it's scope seeing a particular aspect and assuming that was the extent of it. There was a "duality between its roles as a social network and social layer" which confused users.

As I've mentioned before, a similar duality exists within micro.blog in that it appears to be a social network when it is actually a networked collection of (micro)blogs. When you further add the complication of having both hosted and external blogs things can get a little convoluted.

When you consider replies in the timeline are really comments in response to blog posts, and these comments can be sent to external blogs using webmentions, it's role as a social layer is apparent but not necessarily obvious to the uninitiated.

A network providing a social layer is not actually anything unusual. Facebook have offered a comments box as part of their API for years and Plus followed suit in 2013. The difference with micro.blog, however, is that it isn't a "true" social network and, in webmentions, utilises something far more powerful and wide reaching but that most haven't heard of let alone understand.

Fritter image inlining settings #indieweb

I love that @om coined “micro-pubs” in 2003 for the wave of professional media blogs, and now #micropub is the #indieweb standard for posting on your own small b blog https://om.co/2018/02/26/small-b-blogging-vs-big-b-blogging/
#micropub #indieweb
“I think most people would be better served by subscribing to small b blogging. What you want is something with YOUR personality. Writing and ideas that are addressable (ie you can find and link to them easily in the future) and archived” http://tomcritchlow.com/2018/02/23/small-b-blogging/ #indieweb via @om
Fun side effect of using https://granary.io and Aperture to follow conference hashtags is I end up with a private archive of all the tweets! #indieweb #microsub
#indieweb #microsub

This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition • February 17th - 23rd, 2018

#podcast #IndieWeb #this-week-indieweb-podcast

Hey, I’ve done a lot with IndieAuth and Micropub. If you have any questions about how to do anything, feel free to reach out.

@scott_gruber @clivewalker Once you've gotten them working, don't forget to write a few documentation notes to help others who come along after you. Naturally on your own website first, and then perhaps to https://indieweb.org/Perch

Free speech and it's limits

I read an interesting discussion by Nick Heer:
@scott_gruber, sorry I didn't see this until this morning. Last night I had some issues connecting to the wifi for the first chunk of the meeting, so I didn't get the chance to document things into the chat as we went along.

It sounds to me like you got a lot of great things arranged and working on your site though! Congratulations on the Webmentions progress. That's awesome!!

Add support for mp q=config destination

Add support for destination configuration. From a UI perspective, posting to multiple micropub endpoint versus posting to a single micropub endpoint with multiple destinations should be the same. https://github.com/indieweb/micropub-extensions/issues/3 The one part to think about is defaults. How should I default the destination? Should it be the first destination in the list or the last destination used? I currently allow someone to set a default Micropub Endpoint, but a default Destination is different. Maybe that’s the answer, maybe if they have more than one destination, I need to allow an option to choose a default destination on the micropub endpoint settings page.
#indieweb #indigenous
Just created a Lambda function that looks at my website's On This Day page, and publishes the memories to a special channel in my Microsub server. #IndieWeb #OwnYourMemories
#IndieWeb #OwnYourMemories

A few notes on daily blogging

Maybe I’m weird, but it just feels good. It feels good to reclaim my turf. It feels good to have a spot to think out loud in public where people aren’t spitting and shitting all over the place.

#indieweb #personal #publishing #blogging #writing #sharing #frequency #flow #stock
@wimleers @Google @drupal @timmillwood I remember doing an #IndieWeb presentation at DrupalCamp LA a couple of years ago right after a Piwik (@matomo_org) talk and it seemed like an interesting #ownyourdata solution at the time.
#IndieWeb #ownyourdata
@Dries How awesome would it be if I could use @buffer not only to post to social media, but to post to my own website using the Micropub spec? https://www.w3.org/TR/micropub/

Care Package

RSVP invited · Issue #156 · pfefferle/wordpress-semantic-linkbacks https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-semantic-linkbacks/issues/156

When Brid.gy sends webmentions for people invited via a Facebook POSSE copy, the webmentions for these people don't show up properly in comments because `semantic_linkbacks_type` is set to "invite" instead of "rsvp:invited".

Manually effecting the change in the database provides the expected display. See: http://boffosocko.com/2018/02/14/homebrew-website-club-meetup-on-february-21-2018/#Invited
Something about his website makes me think that @weslinda might appreciate Homebrew Website Club in Baltimore next week: https://indieweb.org/events/2018-02-20-homebrew-website-club

OpenID Connect Federation