I think that this is 💯% correct. There is a long way to go, but I think the path is not completely clear. I kind of feel like Wordpress is a Gen 2 tool. I might be wrong. But it feels like the solution to this is not just making Wordpress plugins better.

I think it is something that has: easy one-click install approach (better if no install needed but I think that’s still a ways off), a straight forward configuration/settings screen.

I think that means IF this solution is based in Wordpress, it probably means creating a simplified Admin Theme with the traditional Wordpress Admin Theme as an optional switch in “advanced settings”.

I wonder to some extent if Drupal is a good solution, however I don’t know about the one-click installation possibilities of that. I almost think either Known being further refined or an “original IndieWeb focused CMS”. However the IndieWeb is so big there are many diverse opinions as to what something like that would be like.

I lean towards those later two options: Refining Known or developing a new simple IndieWeb principled CMS, incorporating things like flat file storage and/or SQLite. With the idea of keeping it low configuration and maintenance.

#indieweb #indieweb-generations
@fionajvoss I haven't seen many people automating syndication to places like Yelp, Amazon, or Goodreads, but I've done it manually in the past. Some potential examples and help here:
Given the Facebook data breach you may be wondering which apps have access to your data from social network silos? Can't find where the administrator links are buried? #indieweb has the links for you
Just set up @ExistApp to pull my caffeine/alcohol ( and bike rides ( from my website! Was a relatively painless experience parsing the Microformats on my website and converting to API requests!
#indieweb #exist #qs

What I saw this week #51: March 16, 2018

@feedly @edwk Probably better that I help you all out with some needed functionality first. Try this out:
You should keep your eyes glued to the evolving #Micropub spec as well. #ReadOn!
This essay on how reddit tries to shape discourse is well worth reading, both for the text itself and the subtext of how successful Ohanian and Huffman have been at erasing @aaronsw from the Reddit story. #Indieweb

Tagged the first alpha release of the Indieweb module for Drupal 8. Includes webmentions, publishing, microformats, comment creation and micropub. Let's get the party started! #indieweb #drupal

Send webmention to user's profile url when mentioned

Currently, I’m getting webmentions by running a proxy for myself that pings my user’s mentions feed every couple of minutes. This wouldn’t be need for me (or anyone else) if sent a webmention with a target of the user’s profile url. The microformats might have to be tweaked a little to get it to work. The scenario is this: Aaron Parecki writes a post that @mentions my username, creating a mention. sees that and adds the post to my mentions feed checks the URL I have associated with my profile ( This also means would need to be included in the post url’s h-entry e-content somewhere, whether or not it actually displays on the page would send a webmention to my profile url (, allowing my site and webmention endpoint to receive the mention without having to ping

Reacji isn’t itself part of any specific standard. However, it works as part of microformats2 replies. So the idea is just that you compose a reply with a single emoji character. If that is the case, then a person can consider it a reacji rather than a comment. Also, Bridgy translates reacji replies to and from silo emoji reactions. This post has ❤️ reacji from Facebook and This post is me sending a ❤️ to a GitHub issue using Bridgy Publish

Lol! I’m sure this is a joke, but if you ever ACTUALLY want to “facepalm” something, that is where reacji come in. It’s an indieweb way to do flexible reactions similar to a like. Here is an example of clapping.

🔔 The Homebrew Microblog Meetup is tonight! 6pm at Rogue Eastside! 🎉🍻 And a great sunny day for it too! ☀️ #indieweb #microblog #pdx
#indieweb #microblog #pdx

Homebrew Website Club Baltimore

#event #HWC #IWC #IndieWeb #HWCBaltimore

Broken in plain sight

Started working on an android version of Indigenous. The authentication already works and I can post notes from it, yes! (code online soon) #indieweb #drupal #android
Microsub has really been the missing piece of the puzzle. I love using Together + Aperture every single day. Nice work on the spec 😀

Building an IndieWeb Reader

#indieweb #monocle #aperture #microsub #micropub #watchtower #reader

Micropub for a static Neocities website

#IndieWeb #ghostparty #glitch #neocities #micropub #IndieAuth
Just made Aperture download a cached copy of avatars and other media it finds in posts! Now the images will always be available over https, and images from old posts won't disappear!

If you're running your own copy of Aperture, it'll take an extra step of setting up a subdomain to serve the images from the storage folder. They're not served from the main domain for security reasons.
#aperture #microsub #indieweb