@kaushalmodi I know that @_dgoldsmith has gotten Webmention working with Hugo before, presuming that's what you're building on top of. https://chat.indieweb.org/ is also a good place to ask.

Hey, Micropub is a protocol that apps and sites can agree to allow posting to your site using various apps that you don’t have to build. A Micropub endpoint is the url that the Micropub app needs to use to communicate with the site. More here https://indieweb.org/Micropub/Clients

IndieWeb generation 4 and hosted domains

@heml There's even a group working on education related uses: https://indieweb.org/Indieweb_for_Education
@mattmaldre Come join us in the #IndieWeb #WordPress chat if you need any help:
#IndieWeb #WordPress
@jgkoomey @judell This is the general idea behind the #indieweb movement: https://indieweb.org
For the price of registering your own domain and some hosting, you can run your own website and still interact with other websites in an open and distributed manner.

Leaving Facebook ... soon

Facebook has continued to fall further and further off the road that I consider a good, positive web platform. I am going to be cancelling my Facebook account in the next several months (I want to ensure I’ve downloaded all of my information/photos/etc before I actually delete it).
#facebook #silo-quit #indieweb

No worries! Feel free to join the #indieweb irc or Slack channels if you have any questions! We’re always happy to help 🙂 https://indieweb.org/discuss

Anyone have any concerns or questions around the latest Facebook Data Breach issues?


Feel free to ask and I’ll try to help talk it through and what your options are.

@dentonjacobs Just FYI, On your homepage’s h-feed, your h-entry’s children have children: http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=https://www.dentonjacobs.com/ which causes issues with h-feed parsers being able to follow your website

Congrats! Welcome to Micropub land! #indieweb

Congrats! Welcome to Micropub land! #indieweb

I think an important aspect of the IndieWeb to remember is that even though one uses a domain as their primary identity, that doesn’t preclude the use of multiple domains for different aspects of your identity. In fact this is something that was discussed in the Identity and the IndieWeb session at IWC Baltimore 2018

How machine learning is likely to discriminate against minorities statistically from @acolyer “a classifier will most likely use complicated combinations of multiple categories and any rare combinations will have very few observations.” https://blog.acolyer.org/2017/01/31/european-union-regulations-on-algorithmic-decision-making-and-a-... #indieweb
This seems like a good time to re-read @hertling's book Kill Process, in which the protagonist, a database programmer at the world's largest social network, decides to destroy the company by decentralizing social networking #indieweb http://amzn.to/2FWgmUc

In order to align native comments with webmentions I wanted to remove the need for a commenter to enter an email address but still have 'Name' as a required field. Unfortunately, the setting in WordPress is for both or neither.

By hooking into preprocess_comment I could prevent a comment being posted if $fields[comment_author] was blank but, unfortunately, this seems to stop the processing of webmentions - presumably because at the point of processing the author field hasn't yet been filled from the webmention data - so have had to revert the change.

I was making some changes to the way comments work - specifically with regards to required fields - and think It might have had a knock on effect with webmentions. This post will serve as a test.

hosting Homebrew Website Club SF tonight @MozSF!
RSVP http://tantek.com/2018/080/e1

Special guest @aaronpk will demo his #IndieWeb reader setup!
https://aaronparecki.com/2018/03/12/17/building-an-indieweb-reader built on #openweb standards #WebSub #Microsub #microformats2 #IndieAuth #MicroPub #Webmention #Webhooks
#IndieWeb #openweb #WebSub #Microsub #microformats2 #IndieAuth #MicroPub #Webmention #Webhooks

A user considers

I really enjoyed reading Eli Mellen's post of a couple of days ago: Dear IndieWeb, it may be time to start considering the user, not just the technical spec. It really struck a chord with me because I have so often felt exactly the same frustrations, but my moaning comes from a position of consi... More this way ...
Happy first day of spring!

Time for some spring cleaning.
* Delete apps you’re not using
* Delete accounts you don’t need

* https://boffosocko.com/2018/03/19/facebook-app-purge/
* https://indieweb.org/delete_your_account

See and use:
* https://indieweb.org/appaccess

Add yourself to:
* https://indieweb.org/app-quits
* https://indieweb.org/silo-quits