Just posted the new Core Intuition. More about WWDC travel, IndieWebCamp Austin, and Daniel considering dropping Blogger from MarsEdit.

IndieWebCamp Austin is coming up in a week at Capital Factory. Bunch of IndieWeb-related things I want to think about for Micro.blog that weekend. Everyone’s welcome!

Awesome! Let's try to get you on there! So I think your issue is that your authorization endpoint is set to indiecert.net which doesn't seem to exist. You might want to use indieauth.com instead?

Pixellated Microformats SVG button to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Microformats being shown off at ETCON 2004 by Tantek and myself.

15 years ago @KevinMarks & I introduced #microformats @oreillymedia ETech 2004 “real world semantics” session, before #RDFa #microdata etc., with <15k #HTMLFirst + inline #CSS+#JS: tantek.com/presentations/2004etech/realworldsemanticspres.html (faster than JS-only slides)

Previously: tantek.com/t4UY2 (https://twitter.com/t/status/433494367601717248)

Since then:
* drop the (X), just HTML
* meta tags still web alchemy, even more bloated DRY rot
* h-entry superceded hAtom/hentry/rel="bookmark" - microformats.org/wiki/h-entry
* recommendations: hReview still more reliable than anything from Google (https://aaronparecki.com/2016/12/17/8/owning-my-reviews). Use h-review today microformats.org/wiki/h-review
* syndication: h-feed publishing/consuming growing rapidly. microformats.org/wiki/h-feed
* music playlists still unsolved for any cross-site/service use-cases

Blogged 15 years ago:
* tantek.com/log/2004/02.html#d12t0012
#microformats #RDFa #microdata #HTMLFirst #CSS
Hello from Homebrew Website Club NYC! #indieweb
I'm hosting a Virtual IndieWeb Meetup next week. Want to talk about things you've recently done with your website or brainstorm ideas about what you want to do next with it. Come join us for a friendly night about your presence on the internet.

@davemillar Hey, David, are you still planning on coming to IndieWebCamp Austin? Would be great to see you there! https://2019.indieweb.org/austin

A journey to the underworld that is RDF

Just had a thought. I know you can run arbitrary Jekyll plugins in a GitHub action–I bet you can send/receive webmentions too!

Let’s bring Fan Sites and webrings back! - bryanlrobinson.com

As the commercial viability of the web grew, we saw more and more users become consumers and not creators. Many consumers see websites as black boxes full of magic that they could never understand. Because of this, they would never think to try to create something.

This is a shame. We lost a little piece of the magic of the web when this culture came about.

A call to action to create a fan site about something you love. It would be an unmonetisable enthusiasm. But it’s still worth doing:

  1. The act of creation itself is fun!
  2. Sharing something you love with the world is worthwhile.
  3. You’ll learn something.

So here’s the challenge:

  1. Create a Fan Site.
  2. Help someone create a Fan Site.
  3. Create a webring.
#fansites #webrings #fun #enjoyment #making #creating #sharing #publishing #indieweb

IndieWebCamp Austin is in 2 weeks! Whether you’re a blogger, developer, designer, or just want to learn more about the independent web, hope you can join us. Registration is just $5 or free if you blog your RSVP to the event.

I'm going!

My first IndieWebCamp Online. The first one in ~5 years, in fact! Let’s build fun personal things for the web, together!

Registration for IndieWebCamp Online 2019 is open!, it's the first IndieWebCamp based on the internet since 2014 and we're experimenting with really embracing the internet medium for everything it has. Come experiment with us?
#indieweb #indiewebcamp

IndiewebCamp Austin 2019

#indieweb HWCSF

@beacrea https://coty.design showed #scifi #variablefont https://www.readvisions.com/marvin

Cool scrolling & hover effects with #JS, still renders beautifully without JS. Good progressive enhancement. #HTMLfirst #CSS #variablefonts #typography
#indieweb #scifi #variablefont #JS #HTMLfirst #CSS #variablefonts #typography
#indieweb Homebrew Website Club @MozSF:

@jackyalcine (nice site: https://jacky.wtf) came up with a great backronym for "js;dr":

JavaScript [required]; Didn’t Render

Original #js;dr dfn: tantek.com/2015/069/t1/js-dr-javascript-required-dead (https://twitter.com/t/status/575434935554584576)


HWC NYC Wrap-Up 2019-02-06

#HWC #NYC #IndieWeb #wrap-up

Homebrew Website Club is 6:30pm at Mozart’s Coffee tonight. We’ll be talking about final plans for IndieWebCamp Austin. Registration for the Feb 23-24 event is open now.