Emoji Avatars for My Website

#emoji #p3k #indiewebcamp #indieweb
2: Setup new host account
3: Add domains to new host
4: Copy email aliases
5: rsync files
6: switch DNS
7: wait and verify (new HTTPS)

most (8/10) hosted domains migrated!
5 static sites
1 simple PHP site (#IndieWebCamp demo, now with HTTPS!)
2 redirects

More #IndieWeb docs updates:
* https://indieweb.org/Dreamhost
* https://indieweb.org/rsync

Will be migrating remaining two hosted domains this weekend.

My IndieWebCamp Austin Demo

My two projects for today's IndieWebCamp Austin were 1) write stuff and 2) mock up a CSS Grid photo gallery.
#IndieWebCamp #Austin day 2: Make, create, and hack!
Mine: webhost migration (mine shuts down EOD 3/6 ET)

Step 1 done: reduce TTLs on hosted domains to minimum allowed by my registrar (600s).

Improving #IndieWeb docs as I go:
* indieweb.org/migration
* indieweb.org/TTL
#IndieWebCamp #Austin #IndieWeb

It seems like my website backend suddenly became a lot faster when I moved it to my laptop. I guess some optimisations are required. #indieweb #programming #python

#indieweb #programming #python #None://fireburn.ru/tags/indieweb #None://fireburn.ru/tags/programming #None://fireburn.ru/tags/python

Wrapping up the first day of IndieWebCamp, Aaron Parecki is live-coding a simple blogging engine to demo social readers. Great example of the IndieWeb building blocks and interoperability between services.

I was watching the #indiewebcamp Austin stream while walking the dogs in the countryside

Excited for #IndieWebCamp #Austin starting soon!

Check out the (and add yourself to) remote participation if you can’t make it in person!


#indieweb #openweb #dweb #independentweb
#IndieWebCamp #Austin #indieweb #openweb #dweb #independentweb

indiekit | An IndieWeb publishing toolkit

Paul is making a micropub endpoint for static sites—very cool!

#indiekit #micropub #indieweb #publishing #node #static #ssg #code
@IdentityWoman @csageland @generativist
join me(@t) & @Johannes_Ernst at this Wednesday’s #IndieWeb Meetup:
17:30 Homebrew Website Club #SF @MozSF
RSVP: tantek.com/2019/051/e1/homebrew-website-club-sf
Wiki: https://indieweb.org/events/2019-02-20-homebrew-website-club

We’re into humans-first & UX>protocols.

Homebrew Website Club SF!

17:30: Optional writing hour and quiet socializing 18:30: IndieWeb demos and hack night! Homebrew Website Club retro 1980s-style logo Topics for this week: IndieWebCamp Austin is this weekend! Year-end hack projects 2018 IndieWeb Challenge completed! Demos of personal website breakthroughs Create or update your personal web site! Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site, or are interested in a healthy, independent web! Any questions? Ask in #indieweb Slack or IRC More information: IndieWeb Wiki Event Page RSVP: post an indie RSVP on your own site!
#IndieWebCamp #Austin is next weekend!
Get a #website, #ownyourdata, cut back #socialmedia, or hack on #dweb #webstandards.
Join @manton2(@microdotblog) @aaronpk(#indieauth #webmention) @dshanske(#WordPress #IndieWeb) & more!

RSVP: https://2019.indieweb.org/austin
#IndieWebCamp #Austin #website #ownyourdata #socialmedia #dweb #webstandards #webmention #IndieWeb
Hello #Austin!

Any Austin friends out & about downtown tonight?

Looking forward to #IndieWebCamp Austin tomorrow morning at Capital (in the Omni lobby)

Still a few spots available: https://2019.indieweb.org/austin

#indieweb #openweb #dweb #independentweb
#Austin #IndieWebCamp #indieweb #openweb #dweb #independentweb
@myravery looks good! And nice visual link from your tweet copy back to your original post!

Welcome to #IndieWeb and #POSSE!
@ag_dubs @steveklabnik Congratulations!

I’m there this weekend @IndieWebCamp Austin: https://2019.indieweb.org/austin

Got plans? You should join us!
Would be great to hang and hack together.

Pretty sure @manton2(@microdotblog) is getting breakfast tacos.
The #IndieWebCamp Austin FOMO is real! Have fun, folks.
Throwback to a rainy and grey New York last week when I lost my voice but powered through my talks anyway. Here's to another packed week! Three talks in two cities followed by #IndieWebCamp Austin!
#streetcapture #streetphoto #streetweekly #urbanaisle #rawurbanshots #streetgrammers #streetsofnewyork #pmwintergridchallenge #nyc #newyork
#IndieWebCamp #streetcapture #streetphoto #streetweekly #urbanaisle #rawurbanshots #streetgrammers #streetsofnewyork #pmwintergridchallenge #nyc #newyork #indiewebcamp
Pretty pleased I managed to have this entire conversation with @lsanger on Twitter using only my own website and tools! Never had to visit Twitter or use any Twitter apps! Our #indieweb tools have come a long way! #ownyourdata
#indieweb #ownyourdata #twitter
Once again, my backpack is heavier than my roller bag. This is what happens when I carry livestreaming gear to #IndieWebCamp Austin. #travel
#IndieWebCamp #travel #indiewebcamp

Indieweb vs Independent Web