Write on your own website | Brad Frost

Writing on your own website associates your thoughts and ideas with you as a person. Having a distinct website design helps strengthen that association. Writing for another publication you get a little circular avatar at the beginning of the post and a brief bio at the end of the post, and that’s about it. People will remember the publication, but probably not your name.

#writing #sharing #identity #indieweb #personal #publishing #medium #blogs #blogging
Thanks for the warm welcome @btconf!

Longtime fan, looking forward to contributing & sharing the stage with so many great folks (like @sonniesedge 👋)!

Also excited for #IndieWebCamp May 11-12 beforehand — sign-up now!

RSVP: https://btco.nf/DUS2019indiewebcamp

I added a help page with an introduction to IndieAuth for Micro.blog developers. This is best for web apps and desktop apps where the user is often already signed in.

@benwerd Two thoughts: 1. Micro dot blog is a great, IndieWeb-friendly platform that is accessible to consumers. Not fully there yet, but a good model. 2. I like the idea of something like serverpilot.io, which separates the underlying infrastructure from the management.

50 episodes of Micro Monday

Had a great time chatting with Greg planning the upcoming IndieWebCamp Online conference. It seems like just the other day it was months away! Now it’s just under two weeks! Interested in embracing a healthier form of social media? Join us!
#indiewebcamp #indieweb

Thinking about our Micro.blog APIs after IndieWebCamp Austin. There are a lot! Probably not even a complete list: RSS, JSON Feed, MetaWeblog, Micropub, ActivityPub, Microformats, WebSub, rssCloud, Webmention, IndieAuth, and now Microsub.

IndieWebCamp Austin 2019 wrap-up

Emoji Avatars for My Website • Aaron Parecki

Oh, Aaron!

For my hack day project I made the avatar on each post in my website change depending on the emoji I use in the post!

#emoji #avatars #indieweb #personal #publishing #photos

Hier & Jetzt – Open Web 1: Wo das Open Web heute steht

Emoji Avatars for My Website

#emoji #p3k #indiewebcamp #indieweb
2: Setup new host account
3: Add domains to new host
4: Copy email aliases
5: rsync files
6: switch DNS
7: wait and verify (new HTTPS)

most (8/10) hosted domains migrated!
5 static sites
1 simple PHP site (#IndieWebCamp demo, now with HTTPS!)
2 redirects

More #IndieWeb docs updates:
* https://indieweb.org/Dreamhost
* https://indieweb.org/rsync

Will be migrating remaining two hosted domains this weekend.

My IndieWebCamp Austin Demo

My two projects for today's IndieWebCamp Austin were 1) write stuff and 2) mock up a CSS Grid photo gallery.
#IndieWebCamp #Austin day 2: Make, create, and hack!
Mine: webhost migration (mine shuts down EOD 3/6 ET)

Step 1 done: reduce TTLs on hosted domains to minimum allowed by my registrar (600s).

Improving #IndieWeb docs as I go:
* indieweb.org/migration
* indieweb.org/TTL
#IndieWebCamp #Austin #IndieWeb

It seems like my website backend suddenly became a lot faster when I moved it to my laptop. I guess some optimisations are required. #indieweb #programming #python

#indieweb #programming #python #None://fireburn.ru/tags/indieweb #None://fireburn.ru/tags/programming #None://fireburn.ru/tags/python

Wrapping up the first day of IndieWebCamp, Aaron Parecki is live-coding a simple blogging engine to demo social readers. Great example of the IndieWeb building blocks and interoperability between services.

I was watching the #indiewebcamp Austin stream while walking the dogs in the countryside

Excited for #IndieWebCamp #Austin starting soon!

Check out the (and add yourself to) remote participation if you can’t make it in person!


#indieweb #openweb #dweb #independentweb
#IndieWebCamp #Austin #indieweb #openweb #dweb #independentweb

indiekit | An IndieWeb publishing toolkit

Paul is making a micropub endpoint for static sites—very cool!

#indiekit #micropub #indieweb #publishing #node #static #ssg #code