Goodbye Google Analytics, Hello Fathom -

Dave stops feeding his site’s visitors data to Google. I wish more people (and companies) would join him.

There’s also an empowering #indieweb feeling about owning your analytics too. I pay for the server my analytics collector runs on. It’s on my own subdomain. It’s mine.

#google #analytics #fathom #data #collection #indieweb #surveillance #privacy #independent #ownership #control #empowerment

Zeldman on the IndieWeb

Looking forward to fiddling with my website at Homebrew Website Club this evening in the @Clearleft studio from 6pm-7:30pm. Come along and fiddle with your website.

Nothing Fails Like Success – A List Apart

On an individual and small collective basis, the IndieWeb already works. But does an IndieWeb approach scale to the general public? If it doesn’t scale yet, can we, who envision and design and build, create a new generation of tools that will help give birth to a flourishing, independent web? One that is as accessible to ordinary internet users as Twitter and Facebook and Instagram?

#indieweb #business #internet #culture #startups #venture #capitalism #ala #alistapart

Some Unsolicited Blogging Advice -

When you greet a stranger, look at his shoes.

Keep your money in your shoes.

Put your trouble behind.

When you greet a stranger, look at her hands.

Keep your money in your hands.

Put your travel behind.

#blogging #advice #writing #publishing #sharing #indieweb

There are microformats parser libraries in a variety of languages, so adding parsing is the relatively easy step:

Mastodon and publish microformats. Most WordPress themes publish legacy microformats1.

Most of the "big" readers don't support microformats yet, but the #indieweb community is making some progress. Check out @aaronpk's post

I use to convert my h-feed to Atom. It's more DRY than maintaining a separate XML file.

Textpattern and Webmention

HWC NYC Wrap-Up 2019-04-03

#HWC #NYC #IndieWeb #wrap-up

Indie web question: Any recommendations for a better WordPress plugin for sending webmentions? I’m using the Webmention plugin but it doesn’t seem to send a comprehensive webmention. See this. Or, am I doing something incorrectly?

#indieweb #webmention
Google+ shuts down in 2 days (2019-04-02) #notajoke

Export your @GooglePlus NOW. #ownyourdata
May take “hours or possibly days” to create.

As a light user (last post 6+ years ago), mine took minutes. 4.8MB zip file.

#notajoke #ownyourdata

2019-03-31 10.02.13

@rickydelaveaga @ian @andigalpern @indiewebcamp @brianleroux Yes we are on for Homebrew Website Club San Francisco 2019-04-17 @MozSF!

Event & RSVP:

Join us!

Homebrew Website Club SF!

17:30: Optional writing hour and quiet socializing 18:30: IndieWeb demos and hack night! Homebrew Website Club retro 1980s-style logo Topics for this week: When to return HTTP 417 IndieWebCamp Berlin is May 4-5! Make your plans! IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf is scheduled May 11-12! Sign-up! Demos of personal website breakthroughs Create or update your personal web site! Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site, or are interested in a healthy, independent web! Any questions? Ask in #indieweb Slack or IRC More information: IndieWeb Wiki Event Page RSVP: post an indie RSVP on your own site!

Loving the Adafruit PyPortal as an IndieWeb-powered photo device.

Code to come!

#IndieWeb #Adafruit #PyPortal #Python #Microsub #IndieAuth

Benjamin Parry Home-brew

I love the way that Benjamin is documenting his activities at Homebrew Website Club Brighton each week:

Another highly productive 90 mins.

Homebrew website club is on every Thursday evening 6.00-7.30pm at Clearleft. You should come along!

#homebrew #website #club #brighton #indieweb #serviceworkers #offline #hyphenation #independent #frontend #development

Just testing my micropub endpoint still works 😉

People of Brighton who have websites: remember that this evening—and every Thursday evening—it’s Homebrew Website Club Brighton in the @Clearleft studio from 6pm to 7:30pm:

Want to hear @zeldman and me talk #webstandards #CSS #microformats #independentweb what to do about the #toolchain rift(s) and latest advances in the #indieweb?

1hr+ raw & uncut @TheBigWebShow № 186:
#webstandards #CSS #microformats #independentweb #toolchain #indieweb

There's also which is more broad, topically.