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#9rules #blogging #get satisfaction #indie web #indieweb #manton reece #mastodon #microblogging #webmention

I watched Tantek’s presentation Take Back Your Web from Beyond Tellerrand during lunch. Great presentation. From it I added Mattias Ott’s blog post and this one by Aaron Parecki to Unmark to read later. Via Jeremy Keith.

#aaron parecki #beyond tellarrand #blogging #indieweb #internet #jeremy keith #mattias ott #microblogging #microformats #Tantek Çelik #unmark #video #web

I still need to find time to improve my site’s webmentions. They are terrible.

Eintrag “Take back your web – Tantek Çelik @ Beyond Tellerrand Conference, Düsseldorf 2019” beim Webrocker

Tom share’s his thoughts on Tantek’s excellent closing talk at Beyond Tellerrand this week:

Yes, the message of this rather sombre closing talk of this year’s Beyond Tellerrand Conference Düsseldorf is important. Watch it. And then go out, take care of yourself and others, away from the screen. And then come back and publish your own stuff on your own site. Still not convinced? ok, then, please read Matthias Ott’s great article (published on his own site btw), and then start using your own site.

#indieweb #presentation #conference #talk #silos #control #btconf #beyondtellerrand

iPad Pro Impressions

@SandraPersing thanks for the photo — nice capture of a debugging moment! #indieweb #takebackyourweb
#indieweb #takebackyourweb
@alexcio_ great capture! #StopScrollingFacebook
Nice to meet you and looking forward to seeing what you do with your #indieweb site! #takebackyourweb
#StopScrollingFacebook #indieweb #takebackyourweb
@Synaltic thanks for the photos and all your notes! Merci! #indieweb #takebackyourweb
#indieweb #takebackyourweb
@bkastl thanks for the photo! #indieweb #takebackyourweb
#indieweb #takebackyourweb
@fraktalisman thanks for the photo! Bowie was a visionary. Together we can fulfill the positive potential he spoke of. What you said and #microformats2 h-feed #indieauth #websub too. #indieweb #takebackyourweb
#microformats2 #indieauth #websub #indieweb #takebackyourweb
@faulancr nice crowd shot! Is that @LeelooRocks I see cross-legged on the table? #indieweb #takebackyourweb
#indieweb #takebackyourweb
@Jessman5 @xwolf 😂 after two pre-checks even! Thanks for your patience! :) #indieweb #takebackyourweb
#indieweb #takebackyourweb
@derSchepp Can you believe @m_ott posted that just days ago? The power of publishing on your own #indieweb site. Here is the permalink:

#indieweb #takebackyourweb
@m_ott YES! ✊#IndieWeb
Keep up the good work yourself! And thanks for the photo!
@derCemDerin several are making it work! Some open source, some private. Several use & extend existing CMSs. Choices & trade-offs:
The beauty of the #indieweb: YOU CAN CHOOSE
#indieweb: #takebackyourweb
@SanityResort awareness is the key first step!
You’ve got a blogspot, now pick a domain name and hook it up!
#indieweb #takebackyourweb
#indieweb #takebackyourweb
@hirsebirse louder for the people in the back!
#HTMLfirst #semanticHTML #indieweb #takebackyourweb
#HTMLfirst #semanticHTML #indieweb #takebackyourweb
@mozTechSpeakers always worth remembering and thanks for the photo! We all started somewhere. We all deserve our own #indieweb sites. #takebackyourweb
#indieweb #takebackyourweb
@Synaltic and this photo too! What if we all shared (perhaps even sold) our photos, thoughts, songs, and more on our own sites like Bowie, and connected directly with each others’s #indieweb sites?
#indieweb #takebackyourweb
@webgefrickel @btconf great seeing you again @IndieWebCamp! Maybe see you at #IndieWebCamp Brighton?