
The New Yorker: Can “Indie” Social Media Save Us? — by Cal Newport, featuring Micro.blog, Mastodon, and the IndieWeb alternative to big social networks. Welcome everyone discovering Micro.blog today!



The New Yorker features the IndieWeb and Micro.blog

I'm looking forward to attending my first IndieWebCamp!


Finally booked my travel for the 2019 IndieWeb Summit next month in Portland, OR. One of my favorite events of the year in one of my favorite cities to visit. – https://2019.indieweb.org/summit
Finally booked my travel for the 2019 IndieWeb Summit next month in Portland, OR. One of my favorite events of the year in one of my favorite cities to visit. – https://2019.indieweb.org/summit
Finally booked my travel for the 2019 IndieWeb Summit next month in Portland, OR. One of my favorite events of the year in one of my favorite cities to visit. – https://2019.indieweb.org/summit

Take Back Your Web by Tantek Çelik – Fantastic Talk!

Great talk from Tantek at Beyond Tellerrand this week about the IndieWeb.

You can now follow any blog on Micro.blog

#9rules #blogging #get satisfaction #indie web #indieweb #manton reece #mastodon #micro.blog #microblogging #webmention

I watched Tantek’s presentation Take Back Your Web from Beyond Tellerrand during lunch. Great presentation. From it I added Mattias Ott’s blog post and this one by Aaron Parecki to Unmark to read later. Via Jeremy Keith.

#aaron parecki #beyond tellarrand #blogging #indieweb #internet #jeremy keith #mattias ott #micro.blog #microblogging #microformats #Tantek Çelik #unmark #video #web

I still need to find time to improve my site’s webmentions. They are terrible.

Eintrag “Take back your web – Tantek Çelik @ Beyond Tellerrand Conference, Düsseldorf 2019” beim Webrocker

Tom share’s his thoughts on Tantek’s excellent closing talk at Beyond Tellerrand this week:

Yes, the message of this rather sombre closing talk of this year’s Beyond Tellerrand Conference Düsseldorf is important. Watch it. And then go out, take care of yourself and others, away from the screen. And then come back and publish your own stuff on your own site. Still not convinced? ok, then, please read Matthias Ott’s great article (published on his own site btw), and then start using your own site.

#indieweb #presentation #conference #talk #silos #control #btconf #beyondtellerrand

iPad Pro Impressions

@SandraPersing thanks for the photo — nice capture of a debugging moment! #indieweb #takebackyourweb https://twitter.com/SandraPersing/status/1128318159495340032
#indieweb #takebackyourweb
@alexcio_ great capture! #StopScrollingFacebook
Nice to meet you and looking forward to seeing what you do with your #indieweb site! #takebackyourweb https://twitter.com/alexcio_/status/1128328622463434752
#StopScrollingFacebook #indieweb #takebackyourweb
@Synaltic thanks for the photos and all your notes! Merci! #indieweb #takebackyourweb https://twitter.com/Synaltic/status/1128322939835887617
#indieweb #takebackyourweb