Marking up my pronouns with Microformats

Adding my pronouns to my personal h-card to help others determine how I identify.

Sunday Paper – Philosophy and Science, Understanding AI, Cultural Appropriation Police, Indie Social Media



IWC Utrecht & a trip to Holland


Good morning! Watch this video

and then go sign up for IndieWeb Summit in Portland!

#TakeBackYourWeb #indieweb #takebackyourweb



Bridging the IndieWeb and the Fediverse, part 3 – WordPress ActivityPub plugin

Can “Indie” Social Media Save Us? | The New Yorker

This is a really great, balanced profile of the Indie Web movement. There’s thoughtful criticism alongside some well-deserved praise:

If we itemize the woes currently afflicting the major platforms, there’s a strong case to be made that the IndieWeb avoids them. When social-media servers aren’t controlled by a small number of massive public companies, the incentive to exploit users diminishes. The homegrown, community-oriented feel of the IndieWeb is superior to the vibe of anxious narcissism that’s degrading existing services.

#indieweb #social #networks #ownership #control #facebook #twitter #mastadon #personal #publishing #sharing #newyorker

Take Back Your Web - Tantek Çelik on Vimeo

Tantek’s barnstorming closing talk from Beyond Tellerrand. This is well worth 30 minutes of your time.

Own your domain. Own your content. Own your social connections. Own your reading experience. IndieWeb services, tools, and standards enable you to take back your web.

#vimeo #video #indieweb #btconf #beyondtellerrand #tantek #facebook #social #networks #personal #publishing #sharing

IndieWebCamp Utrecht

Another absolutely brilliant IndieWebCamp, this time in Utrecht. By now I feel like a bit of an old hand, and it was nice to see old friends and make new ones. The first day, as usual, was devoted to group-organised sessions on different topics. More this way ...

Just remembered I did this last night. Part of my contribution to the IndieWeb. Coming soon…



#IndieWeb in The @NewYorker!
Can “Indie” Social Media Save Us?
“Who owns the servers?

 everyone posting to @microdotblog does so on his or her own domain

 POSSE, for “publish on your own site, syndicate elsewhere”

Making Progress on Jekyll-IndieWeb v2

I've been working on v2 of Jekyll-indieweb and the main change is that its a gem based theme. What was holding me back for a long time was that only whitelisted theme gems were allowed on GitHub Pages, with no clear path to how a theme could get whitelisted. Then I found Jekyll Remote Theme… Read the Article

Alan Jacobs makes a good point: it’s a feature that the IndieWeb won’t exactly replace existing social media or replicate its worst features. It can scale by encouraging communities with standards, and no single Facebook-like point of failure (or control).

More on The New Yorker