Thanks for writing this up! This discussion at Summit reminded me of several Micropub “UX Building Blocks” that would be very neat as reusable components between Micropub clients.

  • Reply context / link preview customizers (like the proof-of-concept Quill demo I showed at Summit, of which this is a test post!)
  • Micropub media upload handling for photo/featured, audio, video
  • Date/time selectors for events
  • “Pill” interfaces for tags/categories
  • Address book / nickname cache integration and autocomplete for @-mentions, venues, …
  • And many more!
Hello from IndieWeb Summit demos! If you look at this post on my website it will have a colorful background!

Jekyll and Dat

#IndieWeb Summit:
reply-contexts should be user-editable in posting UIs
in-reply-to h-cite property: reason, action
* name+summary: too long, truncate
* dt-published: 1969 or future, use present time
* author name: Twitter names/pronouns, use full name
* author icon: campaign banner or solid color or questionable, remove or use a previous icon

IndieWeb Summit 2019, day 1 - fluffy

#indieweb #indieweb-summit

Rendering Webmentions using Client Side JavaScript

Replacing my server-side rendered webmentions with client-side rendering.

Reading through the Etherpad notes from yesterday’s IndieWeb Summit sessions.

Making great progress on my first project for IndieWeb Summit hack day. Always gratifying to actually finish something.

Get off of Twitter | Read the Tea Leaves

You can’t criticize Twitter on Twitter. It just doesn’t work. The medium is the message.

Nolan’s plea for sanity.

Write blog posts. Use RSS. Use Use Mastodon. Use Pleroma. Use whatever you want, as long as it isn’t manipulating you with algorithms or selling access to your data to advertisers.

#twitter #indieweb #social #networks #outrage #blogging #sharing
Meeting with the Known Open Collective! Its a small, but awesome community. Discussing how to evolve the Known platform for the next generation of the IndieWeb.

My biggest side project / product is There’s things about the IndieWeb that I really dig and I want to make it as simple and straight forward as replying to this post!

Amazing dinner with IndieWeb friends at Jackrabbit in Portland. Wonderful food and even better company.

Haven’t been tired in some time. Then again, I’ve been at it for neary 12 hour now! And we still got tomorrow to go for the #IndieWebSummit! Hope to see everyone again in person and online at or one of the myraid of options at!

#IndieWebSummit! #iws2019 #indiewebsummit

Here is the playlist I made for IndieWeb Summit 2019:

  1. “Awake”, Tycho
  2. “Me the Machine”, Imogen Heap
  3. “Shout”, Scandroid
  4. “Computer Love”, Kraftwerk
  5. “Light On”, Maggie Rogers
  6. “Joy Rides”, MUTEMATH
  7. “A Praise Chorus”, Jimmy Eat World
  8. “Never Ending Circles”, CHVRCHES
  9. “I Really Like You”, Carly Rae Jepsen
  10. “Interweb”, Poppy Computer
  11. “Laugh It Off”, Chelsea Jade
  12. “Of the Night”, Bastille
  13. “The Grid (Remixed by the Crystal Method)”, Daft Punk

Jacky Alciné inviting and guiding us towards building an IndieWeb for all!

IndieWeb Dance

So excited to have an IndieWeb Summit day!

I've just removed categories as a thing from my website. I'm still using tags on all the content, but categories no longer exist. This is for a few reasons: - categories are not Microformats2 markup-able (as we can't distinguish between tags and categories, it's just `p-category` which we use for tags) - categories in the site are not currently hierarchical - although they may be defined as such, they're not presented like it - categories are not any more meaningful than tags, as they're almost always the same, or a reduced set, compared to the tags So we may as well just remove support for them, as they serve exactly zero purpose.
Our last keynote of the morning is @jackyalcine talking about making the IndieWeb for all! Live-streaming with captions at