IndieWeb Summit 2019

After a conversation over drinks at IndieWeb Summit, I am re-reading Y: The Last Man, and have realized that I never finished the entire series the first time around. Such a great graphic novel! /cc @atmlutter

Indieweb Summit 2019 Thoughts

Still feeling blown away by all the speakers, sessions, and demos @IndieWebSummit. So many expectations exceeded. From poignant & real keynotes to inspiring sessions to demos of many new personal sites, UX innovations, and #IndieWeb protocol breakthroughs

I might have to POSSE manual for a while, for Twitter already blocked me once when following a few people at once, but: got a new Twitter account to talk and read about codes and web! #indieweb #manualuntilithurts

#indieweb #manualuntilithurts

Great to hear about last weekend’s IndieWeb Summit from @tomwiththeweather at tonight’s Homebrew Website Club (aka IndieWeb Meetup). The rain let up just in time to sit outside at Mozart’s Coffee. Next meetup in Austin is August 7th.

Was hoping to have this ready in time for the IndieWeb summit but maybe before my birthday will suffice!

Great question! I talk to Aperture via the Microsub API. You can check out the code that I use here:

First Known Open Collective meeting

Each time I read one of Jeremy’s posts on how he handles POSSE, Webmention, or other neat Indiewebby things – I get the urge to write some code for my site. But then I get into it a little and get overwhelmed. Too much work to support all these social networks. I do, however, want to improve how my webmentions look on other people’s sites. I need to fix that.


I just released a completely rewritten version of Gimme A Token, which hopefully does a better job of explaining the IndieAuth flow as you go.

My email inbox was so backlogged after @IndieWebSummit that I missed the emails I was getting that was about to expire! I've renewed it, so it'll be back up and running shortly!
#webmention #indieweb
OStatus is very IndieWeb-esque in some ways, but the WebFinger account discovery spoils it and Salmon makes it worse - using URLs is actually much better than any of this.

Following IndieWeb

IndieWeb Summit 2019

The IndieWeb Summit last weekend left me with so many ideas and potential for things we can do to help foster a people-focused version of the Web. There’s like 6 blog posts I’m working on but I’m going to put some polish to first to demostrate one of the ideas. Very excited!

Bridgy for Webmentions with Brotli—

This is good to know! Because of a bug in Google App Engine, won’t work for sites using Brotli compression on HTML.

#bridgy #webmentions #compression #indieweb #bug

@atmlutter It was great meeting you this weekend! I didn't realize until last night that you were from Toronto. Maybe you and @jackjamieson could start up a Toronto #indieweb meetup? :)

See you later, Portland! It was a blast hanging out with friends old and new at the IndieWeb Summit. I’m hoping to write a recap on my flight! Thanks Delta for the upgrade 😍