Because of work, I haven’t had much time to work on my F/LOSS projects. I got something ironed out now and I think I might aim to stream some of it soon. My list right now is kind of wild though, lol.

@generativist @feross sorry to miss you!

Next #IndieWeb meetup @MozSF will be Wednesday 2019-08-07 at 17:30 — save the date! Will follow-up with event/wiki links.

All #DWebCamp and #distributedweb folks are welcome!

cc: @dietrich @html5cat
#IndieWeb #DWebCamp #distributedweb
Replied to How to add webmentions to a Laravel powered blog (
The comment section of this blog used to be powered by Disqus. At its core, Disqus works pretty well. But I don't like the fact that it pulls in a lot of JavaScript to make it work. It's also not the prettiest UI. I've recently replaced Disqus comments with webmentions.
One of the nice things about webmentions is that I can like or reply to your post from my own site, too. No Twitter required, and no character limit 🙂
Liked How to add webmentions to a Laravel powered blog | (
The comment section of this blog used to be powered by Disqus. At its core, Disqus works pretty well. But I don't like the fact that it pulls in a lot of JavaScript to make it work. It's also not the prettiest UI. I've recently replaced Disqus comments with webmentions.
hosting Homebrew Website Club #SF #IndieWeb meetup *TONIGHT* 17:30 @MozSF!

@dietrich will tell us #DWebCamp stories; come tell yours too! @maira @NurtureGirl @html5cat @ArtsEd4All @feross @generativist et al

#SF #IndieWeb #DWebCamp

IndieWeb Goals

That’s real. I think I might just focus on getting it on my site first (in true IndieWeb style) then see if I can get some kind of bridge. I’d like it to be visible by others still ‘stuck’ in those communities and see if I can pull them over.

Can 'Indie' Social Media Save Us?

#indieweb #social-media

Indieweb principles

Simon Collison | Timeline

I’ve shaped this timeline over five months. It might look simple, but it most definitely was not. I liken it to chipping away at a block of marble, or the slow process of evolving a painting, or constructing a poem; endless edits, questions, doubling back, doubts. It was so good to have something meaty to get stuck into, but sometimes it was awful, and many times I considered throwing it away. Overall it was challenging, fun, and worth the effort.

Simon describes the process of curating the lovely timeline on his personal homepage.

My timeline is just like me, and just like my life: unfinished, and far from perfect.

#timeline #homepage #personal #publishing #curation #indieweb #life

How to run a small social network site for your friends

This is a great how-to from Darius Kazemi!

The main reason to run a small social network site is that you can create an online environment tailored to the needs of your community in a way that a big corporation like Facebook or Twitter never could. Yes, you can always start a Facebook Group for your community and moderate that how you like, but only within certain bounds set by Facebook. If you (or your community) run the whole site, then you are ultimately the boss of what goes on. It is harder work than letting Facebook or Twitter or Slack or Basecamp or whoever else take care of everything, but I believe it’s worth it.

There’s a lot of good advice for community management and the whole thing is a lesson in writing excellent documentation.

#social #networks #indieweb #documentation #mastadon #friends #culture #community

Fetching profile information isn’t part of it because it lets people do it in the way that they feel most comfortable. Conventionally, though, you can pull the useful bits by fetching their h-card as noted here

That’s not true. People use popular things, not better or good. And I don’t think there is one yet but I refuse to wait on it. There’s some beginning thoughts on it via the IndieWeb imo (and this is after years of reading and discovery that I decided to double down on that)

Following on his post, I think I identify more like a “primitive” engineer that ends up working on product because I want to see the primitive used in a particular way. I see this with IndieWeb things I work on as well as other projects for work.

How do y’all identify? Primitives or product?

IndieWeb Meetup NYC 2019-07-13 Wrap-Up

#IndieWeb #meetup #NYC #HWC #wrap-up

Photo for today’s IndieWeb Meetup NYC!

Going to stick to using Koype Publish now as my Micropub client of choice. This way, I can make sure features are tested in the real world (testing in production, anyone?) and that they continue to make sense. I definitely enjoy the automatic formatting detection in the editor - makes it easy to just keep typing. I'd want an option for intelligent character insertion (like quotation marks, da...

Alright, so the latest version of supports images. I’m going to have to make a light stylesheet to impose some visual constraints on my end. Namely on the maximum dimensions that images can have in the editor. I’m also itching to have extend Koype’s implementation of Micropub to allow for template blocks to be sent back. This way, I’d know how exactly to send what an image should look like to the endpoint under the user’s ex...

Homebrew Website Club SF!

Homebrew Website Club retro 1980s-style logo Topics for this week: IndieWeb Summit Notes & Videos! Upcoming IndieWebCamps! IndieWebCamp Amsterdam IndieWebCamp Oxford IndieWebCamp Brighton Take Back Your Web talk at Beyond Tellerand Düsseldorf The New Yorker: Can Indie Social Media Save Us Demos of personal website breakthroughs Create or update your personal web site! Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site, or are interested in a healthy, independent web! Any questions? Ask in #indieweb Slack or IRC More information: IndieWeb Wiki Event Page RSVP: post an indie RSVP on your own site!
#indieweb #hwc #hwc-sf