It’s a bit of a ramble! My next video on YouTube and PeerTube

</div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-06T09:58:17.30302-07:00">2019-09-06T09:58:17.30302-07:00</time> &bull;&nbsp;5&nbsp;interactions </a> <ul class="db ma0 pl0 pv2"> <li class="dib ma0"> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="tag">Tags:</i> </li> <li class="dib ma0 pa0"><a class="p-category link underline" href="">video</a></li> </ul> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="note" data-post-id="8eb4870c-6f83-416b-8866-0fb600e11313" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img title="Jacky Alciné" alt="Jacky Alciné" src="" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2 p-name"> <p>TFW when the video render works with no issues overnight.</p> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-06T08:11:17.74529-07:00">2019-09-06T08:11:17.74529-07:00</time> &bull;&nbsp;3&nbsp;interactions </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="photo" data-post-id="ef314625-a2ba-48ac-b96e-6f2e81b03a65" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img title="Jacky Alciné" alt="Jacky Alciné" src="" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap justify-between items-center mv2 w-100"> <picture class="w-100 self-top"> <img alt="" class="u-photo" src="/media/image/entry%24ef314625-a2ba-48ac-b96e-6f2e81b03a65/Screenshot_20190906_000608.png?v=original" /> </picture> </div> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> <p>And now the render begins.</p> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-06T00:06:40.92405-07:00">2019-09-06T00:06:40.92405-07:00</time> &bull;&nbsp;1&nbsp;interaction </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="5a671f76-a432-4fe8-86d4-0b565d72a771" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="Hot Girl Case Manager" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">Hot Girl Case Manager</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> Hot Girl Case Manager on Twitter: "What should we call Jay Z supporters? I vote for Hovteps." </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">What should we call Jay Z supporters? I vote for Hovteps.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T21:35:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T21:35:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="note" data-post-id="efd9372c-0a96-4d30-81de-df8b7c745ddf" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img title="Jacky Alciné" alt="Jacky Alciné" src="" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2 p-name"> <p>ICYMI, there’s a talk I gave at the IndieWeb Summit this year in Portland about it and what we can do to make it more friendly and approachable for all. <a href=""></a></p> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T20:51:31.91156-07:00">2019-09-05T20:51:31.91156-07:00</time> &bull;&nbsp;1&nbsp;interaction </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="4b2aa982-1f28-4189-8f8c-98fa14502b90" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="I’m a guy. 🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">I’m a guy. 🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> I’m a guy. 🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁 on Twitter: "Idk. Dark Knight sold us that BS that a multi-billionaire and the D... </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">Idk. Dark Knight sold us that BS that a multi-billionaire and the DA of the biggest city in the country were competing over Maggie Gyllenhaal.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T19:33:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T19:33:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <nav class="w-70 center pa3 flex flex-row justify-around items-center"> <a href="/stream?page=0" rel="previous" title="Navigate to previous page" class="ttu navy dim link self-start">Previous</a> <span class="f7 black-50 flex-auto flex-grow tc"> page 1 of 972 </span> <a href="/stream?page=2" rel="next" title="Navigate to next page" class="ttu navy dim link self-end">Next</a> </nav> <p class="w-100 pa1 black-40 f6 tc"> <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=all">All</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=article">Blog</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=note">Notes</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=responses">Responses</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=like">Likes</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=rsvp">RSVP</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=checkin">Check-ins</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=event">Events</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=photo">Photos</a> </p> </article> <footer role=main> <div class="mw7 w-100 center flex flex-row items-start justify-between pv3 ph2"> <ul class="list pa0 ma0 lh-copy f6"> <li><a href="/"><i data-feather="home"></i>&nbsp;<span>Home</span></a></li> <li><a href="/follow"><i data-feather="rss"></i>&nbsp;<span>Follow</span></a></li> <li><a rel="nofollow" href="/sessions/new?redirect_to=%2Fstream"><i data-feather="log-in"></i>&nbsp;<span>Sign In</span></a></li> </ul> <div class="f7 mw4"> This site's collected <strong>9887</strong> posts and <strong>5083</strong> mentions. 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It’s a bit of a ramble! My next video on YouTube and PeerTube

</div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-06T09:58:17.30302-07:00">2019-09-06T09:58:17.30302-07:00</time> &bull;&nbsp;5&nbsp;interactions </a> <ul class="db ma0 pl0 pv2"> <li class="dib ma0"> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="tag">Tags:</i> </li> <li class="dib ma0 pa0"><a class="p-category link underline" href="">video</a></li> </ul> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="note" data-post-id="8eb4870c-6f83-416b-8866-0fb600e11313" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img title="Jacky Alciné" alt="Jacky Alciné" src="" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2 p-name"> <p>TFW when the video render works with no issues overnight.</p> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-06T08:11:17.74529-07:00">2019-09-06T08:11:17.74529-07:00</time> &bull;&nbsp;3&nbsp;interactions </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="photo" data-post-id="ef314625-a2ba-48ac-b96e-6f2e81b03a65" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img title="Jacky Alciné" alt="Jacky Alciné" src="" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap justify-between items-center mv2 w-100"> <picture class="w-100 self-top"> <img alt="" class="u-photo" src="/media/image/entry%24ef314625-a2ba-48ac-b96e-6f2e81b03a65/Screenshot_20190906_000608.png?v=original" /> </picture> </div> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> <p>And now the render begins.</p> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-06T00:06:40.92405-07:00">2019-09-06T00:06:40.92405-07:00</time> &bull;&nbsp;1&nbsp;interaction </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="5a671f76-a432-4fe8-86d4-0b565d72a771" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="Hot Girl Case Manager" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">Hot Girl Case Manager</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> Hot Girl Case Manager on Twitter: "What should we call Jay Z supporters? I vote for Hovteps." </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">What should we call Jay Z supporters? I vote for Hovteps.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T21:35:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T21:35:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="note" data-post-id="efd9372c-0a96-4d30-81de-df8b7c745ddf" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img title="Jacky Alciné" alt="Jacky Alciné" src="" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2 p-name"> <p>ICYMI, there’s a talk I gave at the IndieWeb Summit this year in Portland about it and what we can do to make it more friendly and approachable for all. <a href=""></a></p> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T20:51:31.91156-07:00">2019-09-05T20:51:31.91156-07:00</time> &bull;&nbsp;1&nbsp;interaction </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="4b2aa982-1f28-4189-8f8c-98fa14502b90" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="I’m a guy. 🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">I’m a guy. 🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> I’m a guy. 🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁 on Twitter: "Idk. Dark Knight sold us that BS that a multi-billionaire and the D... </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">Idk. Dark Knight sold us that BS that a multi-billionaire and the DA of the biggest city in the country were competing over Maggie Gyllenhaal.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T19:33:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T19:33:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="3449ff1b-4f27-4639-a9bd-6e0512e416d3" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="Anil Dash 🥭" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">Anil Dash 🥭</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> Anil Dash 🥭 on Twitter: "Nearly every single one of the worst moral failings that has ever occurr... </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">Nearly every single one of the worst moral failings that has ever occurred in America was legal at the time it started. Company leadership announcing they will support anything, no matter how violent & reprehensible, is wildly irresponsible. Their workers now know the stakes.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="cba63ac6-9fb0-4890-8109-45f1df66d9c5" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="Anil Dash 🥭" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">Anil Dash 🥭</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> Anil Dash 🥭 on Twitter: "It was legal when IBM sold their mainframes to the Nazis for use in conc... </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">It was legal when IBM sold their mainframes to the Nazis for use in concentration camps. Karp argues here that IBM was right to do this and complicity in those atrocities was the right choice because it was profitable and not enough people had petitioned their lawmakers yet.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="ac032126-8509-4a8c-b00e-090cbac1c548" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="Anil Dash 🥭" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">Anil Dash 🥭</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> Anil Dash 🥭 on Twitter: "And of course it’s worth noting that the headline of the Washington Post... </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">And of course it’s worth noting that the headline of the Washington Post piece is a bald-faced lie: Palantir, and its CEO, *do* want to make policy. The company spends millions (even more than Karp’s salary) on lobbying each year, and that lobbying has rapidly increased.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <nav class="w-70 center pa3 flex flex-row justify-around items-center"> <a href="/stream?page=0" rel="previous" title="Navigate to previous page" class="ttu navy dim link self-start">Previous</a> <span class="f7 black-50 flex-auto flex-grow tc"> page 1 of 971 </span> <a href="/stream?page=2" rel="next" title="Navigate to next page" class="ttu navy dim link self-end">Next</a> </nav> <p class="w-100 pa1 black-40 f6 tc"> <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=all">All</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=article">Blog</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=note">Notes</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=responses">Responses</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=like">Likes</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=rsvp">RSVP</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=checkin">Check-ins</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=event">Events</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=photo">Photos</a> </p> </article> <footer role=main> <div class="mw7 w-100 center flex flex-row items-start justify-between pv3 ph2"> <ul class="list pa0 ma0 lh-copy f6"> <li><a href="/"><i data-feather="home"></i>&nbsp;<span>Home</span></a></li> <li><a href="/follow"><i data-feather="rss"></i>&nbsp;<span>Follow</span></a></li> <li><a rel="nofollow" href="/sessions/new?redirect_to=%2Fstream"><i data-feather="log-in"></i>&nbsp;<span>Sign In</span></a></li> </ul> <div class="f7 mw4"> This site's collected <strong>9887</strong> posts and <strong>5083</strong> mentions. 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It’s a bit of a ramble! My next video on YouTube and PeerTube

</div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-06T09:58:17.30302-07:00">2019-09-06T09:58:17.30302-07:00</time> &bull;&nbsp;5&nbsp;interactions </a> <ul class="db ma0 pl0 pv2"> <li class="dib ma0"> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="tag">Tags:</i> </li> <li class="dib ma0 pa0"><a class="p-category link underline" href="">video</a></li> </ul> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="note" data-post-id="8eb4870c-6f83-416b-8866-0fb600e11313" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img title="Jacky Alciné" alt="Jacky Alciné" src="" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2 p-name"> <p>TFW when the video render works with no issues overnight.</p> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-06T08:11:17.74529-07:00">2019-09-06T08:11:17.74529-07:00</time> &bull;&nbsp;3&nbsp;interactions </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="photo" data-post-id="ef314625-a2ba-48ac-b96e-6f2e81b03a65" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img title="Jacky Alciné" alt="Jacky Alciné" src="" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap justify-between items-center mv2 w-100"> <picture class="w-100 self-top"> <img alt="" class="u-photo" src="/media/image/entry%24ef314625-a2ba-48ac-b96e-6f2e81b03a65/Screenshot_20190906_000608.png?v=original" /> </picture> </div> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> <p>And now the render begins.</p> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-06T00:06:40.92405-07:00">2019-09-06T00:06:40.92405-07:00</time> &bull;&nbsp;1&nbsp;interaction </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="5a671f76-a432-4fe8-86d4-0b565d72a771" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="Hot Girl Case Manager" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">Hot Girl Case Manager</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> Hot Girl Case Manager on Twitter: "What should we call Jay Z supporters? I vote for Hovteps." </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">What should we call Jay Z supporters? I vote for Hovteps.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T21:35:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T21:35:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="note" data-post-id="efd9372c-0a96-4d30-81de-df8b7c745ddf" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img title="Jacky Alciné" alt="Jacky Alciné" src="" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2 p-name"> <p>ICYMI, there’s a talk I gave at the IndieWeb Summit this year in Portland about it and what we can do to make it more friendly and approachable for all. <a href=""></a></p> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T20:51:31.91156-07:00">2019-09-05T20:51:31.91156-07:00</time> &bull;&nbsp;1&nbsp;interaction </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="4b2aa982-1f28-4189-8f8c-98fa14502b90" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="I’m a guy. 🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">I’m a guy. 🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> I’m a guy. 🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁 on Twitter: "Idk. Dark Knight sold us that BS that a multi-billionaire and the D... </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">Idk. Dark Knight sold us that BS that a multi-billionaire and the DA of the biggest city in the country were competing over Maggie Gyllenhaal.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T19:33:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T19:33:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="3449ff1b-4f27-4639-a9bd-6e0512e416d3" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="Anil Dash 🥭" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">Anil Dash 🥭</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> Anil Dash 🥭 on Twitter: "Nearly every single one of the worst moral failings that has ever occurr... </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">Nearly every single one of the worst moral failings that has ever occurred in America was legal at the time it started. Company leadership announcing they will support anything, no matter how violent & reprehensible, is wildly irresponsible. Their workers now know the stakes.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="cba63ac6-9fb0-4890-8109-45f1df66d9c5" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="Anil Dash 🥭" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">Anil Dash 🥭</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> Anil Dash 🥭 on Twitter: "It was legal when IBM sold their mainframes to the Nazis for use in conc... </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">It was legal when IBM sold their mainframes to the Nazis for use in concentration camps. Karp argues here that IBM was right to do this and complicity in those atrocities was the right choice because it was profitable and not enough people had petitioned their lawmakers yet.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="ac032126-8509-4a8c-b00e-090cbac1c548" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="Anil Dash 🥭" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">Anil Dash 🥭</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> Anil Dash 🥭 on Twitter: "And of course it’s worth noting that the headline of the Washington Post... </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">And of course it’s worth noting that the headline of the Washington Post piece is a bald-faced lie: Palantir, and its CEO, *do* want to make policy. The company spends millions (even more than Karp’s salary) on lobbying each year, and that lobbying has rapidly increased.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <nav class="w-70 center pa3 flex flex-row justify-around items-center"> <a href="/stream?page=0" rel="previous" title="Navigate to previous page" class="ttu navy dim link self-start">Previous</a> <span class="f7 black-50 flex-auto flex-grow tc"> page 1 of 971 </span> <a href="/stream?page=2" rel="next" title="Navigate to next page" class="ttu navy dim link self-end">Next</a> </nav> <p class="w-100 pa1 black-40 f6 tc"> <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=all">All</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=article">Blog</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=note">Notes</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=responses">Responses</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=like">Likes</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=rsvp">RSVP</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=checkin">Check-ins</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=event">Events</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=photo">Photos</a> </p> </article> <footer role=main> <div class="mw7 w-100 center flex flex-row items-start justify-between pv3 ph2"> <ul class="list pa0 ma0 lh-copy f6"> <li><a href="/"><i data-feather="home"></i>&nbsp;<span>Home</span></a></li> <li><a href="/follow"><i data-feather="rss"></i>&nbsp;<span>Follow</span></a></li> <li><a rel="nofollow" href="/sessions/new?redirect_to=%2Fstream"><i data-feather="log-in"></i>&nbsp;<span>Sign In</span></a></li> </ul> <div class="f7 mw4"> This site's collected <strong>9887</strong> posts and <strong>5082</strong> mentions. 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going to the @xoxo #indieweb and #xoxo-mastodon breakfast meetup TODAY 8:30am at Cup and Bar with @kevinmarks!

Open to all indieweb #distributedweb #federatedweb fans & enthusiasts, join us!

#indieweb #xoxo-mastodon #distributedweb #federatedweb

It’s a bit of a ramble! My next video on YouTube and PeerTube

</div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-06T09:58:17.30302-07:00">2019-09-06T09:58:17.30302-07:00</time> &bull;&nbsp;5&nbsp;interactions </a> <ul class="db ma0 pl0 pv2"> <li class="dib ma0"> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="tag">Tags:</i> </li> <li class="dib ma0 pa0"><a class="p-category link underline" href="">video</a></li> </ul> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="note" data-post-id="8eb4870c-6f83-416b-8866-0fb600e11313" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img title="Jacky Alciné" alt="Jacky Alciné" src="" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2 p-name"> <p>TFW when the video render works with no issues overnight.</p> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-06T08:11:17.74529-07:00">2019-09-06T08:11:17.74529-07:00</time> &bull;&nbsp;3&nbsp;interactions </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="photo" data-post-id="ef314625-a2ba-48ac-b96e-6f2e81b03a65" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img title="Jacky Alciné" alt="Jacky Alciné" src="" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap justify-between items-center mv2 w-100"> <picture class="w-100 self-top"> <img alt="" class="u-photo" src="/media/image/entry%24ef314625-a2ba-48ac-b96e-6f2e81b03a65/Screenshot_20190906_000608.png?v=original" /> </picture> </div> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> <p>And now the render begins.</p> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-06T00:06:40.92405-07:00">2019-09-06T00:06:40.92405-07:00</time> &bull;&nbsp;1&nbsp;interaction </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="5a671f76-a432-4fe8-86d4-0b565d72a771" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="Hot Girl Case Manager" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">Hot Girl Case Manager</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> Hot Girl Case Manager on Twitter: "What should we call Jay Z supporters? I vote for Hovteps." </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">What should we call Jay Z supporters? I vote for Hovteps.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T21:35:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T21:35:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="note" data-post-id="efd9372c-0a96-4d30-81de-df8b7c745ddf" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img title="Jacky Alciné" alt="Jacky Alciné" src="" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2 p-name"> <p>ICYMI, there’s a talk I gave at the IndieWeb Summit this year in Portland about it and what we can do to make it more friendly and approachable for all. <a href=""></a></p> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T20:51:31.91156-07:00">2019-09-05T20:51:31.91156-07:00</time> &bull;&nbsp;1&nbsp;interaction </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="4b2aa982-1f28-4189-8f8c-98fa14502b90" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="I’m a guy. 🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">I’m a guy. 🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> I’m a guy. 🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁 on Twitter: "Idk. Dark Knight sold us that BS that a multi-billionaire and the D... </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">Idk. Dark Knight sold us that BS that a multi-billionaire and the DA of the biggest city in the country were competing over Maggie Gyllenhaal.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T19:33:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T19:33:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="3449ff1b-4f27-4639-a9bd-6e0512e416d3" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="Anil Dash 🥭" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">Anil Dash 🥭</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> Anil Dash 🥭 on Twitter: "Nearly every single one of the worst moral failings that has ever occurr... </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">Nearly every single one of the worst moral failings that has ever occurred in America was legal at the time it started. Company leadership announcing they will support anything, no matter how violent & reprehensible, is wildly irresponsible. Their workers now know the stakes.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="cba63ac6-9fb0-4890-8109-45f1df66d9c5" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="Anil Dash 🥭" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">Anil Dash 🥭</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> Anil Dash 🥭 on Twitter: "It was legal when IBM sold their mainframes to the Nazis for use in conc... </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">It was legal when IBM sold their mainframes to the Nazis for use in concentration camps. Karp argues here that IBM was right to do this and complicity in those atrocities was the right choice because it was profitable and not enough people had petitioned their lawmakers yet.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="ac032126-8509-4a8c-b00e-090cbac1c548" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="Anil Dash 🥭" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">Anil Dash 🥭</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> Anil Dash 🥭 on Twitter: "And of course it’s worth noting that the headline of the Washington Post... </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">And of course it’s worth noting that the headline of the Washington Post piece is a bald-faced lie: Palantir, and its CEO, *do* want to make policy. The company spends millions (even more than Karp’s salary) on lobbying each year, and that lobbying has rapidly increased.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="8d9e3c9c-b167-42e4-b792-3b1c851f6eb5" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="Anil Dash 🥭" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">Anil Dash 🥭</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> Anil Dash 🥭 on Twitter: "Palantir announces they are willing to be complicit in anything that can... </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">Palantir announces they are willing to be complicit in anything that can be argued is legal in their jurisdiction.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T19:31:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T19:31:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <nav class="w-70 center pa3 flex flex-row justify-around items-center"> <a href="/stream?page=0" rel="previous" title="Navigate to previous page" class="ttu navy dim link self-start">Previous</a> <span class="f7 black-50 flex-auto flex-grow tc"> page 1 of 971 </span> <a href="/stream?page=2" rel="next" title="Navigate to next page" class="ttu navy dim link self-end">Next</a> </nav> <p class="w-100 pa1 black-40 f6 tc"> <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=all">All</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=article">Blog</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=note">Notes</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=responses">Responses</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=like">Likes</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=rsvp">RSVP</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=checkin">Check-ins</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=event">Events</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=photo">Photos</a> </p> </article> <footer role=main> <div class="mw7 w-100 center flex flex-row items-start justify-between pv3 ph2"> <ul class="list pa0 ma0 lh-copy f6"> <li><a href="/"><i data-feather="home"></i>&nbsp;<span>Home</span></a></li> <li><a href="/follow"><i data-feather="rss"></i>&nbsp;<span>Follow</span></a></li> <li><a rel="nofollow" href="/sessions/new?redirect_to=%2Fstream"><i data-feather="log-in"></i>&nbsp;<span>Sign In</span></a></li> </ul> <div class="f7 mw4"> This site's collected <strong>9886</strong> posts and <strong>5082</strong> mentions. 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It’s a bit of a ramble! My next video on YouTube and PeerTube

</div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-06T09:58:17.30302-07:00">2019-09-06T09:58:17.30302-07:00</time> &bull;&nbsp;4&nbsp;interactions </a> <ul class="db ma0 pl0 pv2"> <li class="dib ma0"> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="tag">Tags:</i> </li> <li class="dib ma0 pa0"><a class="p-category link underline" href="">video</a></li> </ul> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="note" data-post-id="8eb4870c-6f83-416b-8866-0fb600e11313" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img title="Jacky Alciné" alt="Jacky Alciné" src="" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2 p-name"> <p>TFW when the video render works with no issues overnight.</p> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-06T08:11:17.74529-07:00">2019-09-06T08:11:17.74529-07:00</time> &bull;&nbsp;3&nbsp;interactions </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="photo" data-post-id="ef314625-a2ba-48ac-b96e-6f2e81b03a65" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img title="Jacky Alciné" alt="Jacky Alciné" src="" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap justify-between items-center mv2 w-100"> <picture class="w-100 self-top"> <img alt="" class="u-photo" src="/media/image/entry%24ef314625-a2ba-48ac-b96e-6f2e81b03a65/Screenshot_20190906_000608.png?v=original" /> </picture> </div> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> <p>And now the render begins.</p> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-06T00:06:40.92405-07:00">2019-09-06T00:06:40.92405-07:00</time> &bull;&nbsp;1&nbsp;interaction </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="5a671f76-a432-4fe8-86d4-0b565d72a771" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="Hot Girl Case Manager" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">Hot Girl Case Manager</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> Hot Girl Case Manager on Twitter: "What should we call Jay Z supporters? I vote for Hovteps." </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">What should we call Jay Z supporters? I vote for Hovteps.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T21:35:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T21:35:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="note" data-post-id="efd9372c-0a96-4d30-81de-df8b7c745ddf" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img title="Jacky Alciné" alt="Jacky Alciné" src="" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2 p-name"> <p>ICYMI, there’s a talk I gave at the IndieWeb Summit this year in Portland about it and what we can do to make it more friendly and approachable for all. <a href=""></a></p> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T20:51:31.91156-07:00">2019-09-05T20:51:31.91156-07:00</time> &bull;&nbsp;1&nbsp;interaction </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="4b2aa982-1f28-4189-8f8c-98fa14502b90" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="I’m a guy. 🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">I’m a guy. 🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> I’m a guy. 🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁 on Twitter: "Idk. Dark Knight sold us that BS that a multi-billionaire and the D... </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">Idk. Dark Knight sold us that BS that a multi-billionaire and the DA of the biggest city in the country were competing over Maggie Gyllenhaal.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T19:33:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T19:33:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="3449ff1b-4f27-4639-a9bd-6e0512e416d3" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="Anil Dash 🥭" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">Anil Dash 🥭</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> Anil Dash 🥭 on Twitter: "Nearly every single one of the worst moral failings that has ever occurr... </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">Nearly every single one of the worst moral failings that has ever occurred in America was legal at the time it started. Company leadership announcing they will support anything, no matter how violent & reprehensible, is wildly irresponsible. Their workers now know the stakes.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="cba63ac6-9fb0-4890-8109-45f1df66d9c5" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="Anil Dash 🥭" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">Anil Dash 🥭</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> Anil Dash 🥭 on Twitter: "It was legal when IBM sold their mainframes to the Nazis for use in conc... </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">It was legal when IBM sold their mainframes to the Nazis for use in concentration camps. Karp argues here that IBM was right to do this and complicity in those atrocities was the right choice because it was profitable and not enough people had petitioned their lawmakers yet.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="ac032126-8509-4a8c-b00e-090cbac1c548" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="Anil Dash 🥭" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">Anil Dash 🥭</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> Anil Dash 🥭 on Twitter: "And of course it’s worth noting that the headline of the Washington Post... </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">And of course it’s worth noting that the headline of the Washington Post piece is a bald-faced lie: Palantir, and its CEO, *do* want to make policy. The company spends millions (even more than Karp’s salary) on lobbying each year, and that lobbying has rapidly increased.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="8d9e3c9c-b167-42e4-b792-3b1c851f6eb5" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="Anil Dash 🥭" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">Anil Dash 🥭</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> Anil Dash 🥭 on Twitter: "Palantir announces they are willing to be complicit in anything that can... </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">Palantir announces they are willing to be complicit in anything that can be argued is legal in their jurisdiction.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T19:31:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T19:31:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <nav class="w-70 center pa3 flex flex-row justify-around items-center"> <a href="/stream?page=0" rel="previous" title="Navigate to previous page" class="ttu navy dim link self-start">Previous</a> <span class="f7 black-50 flex-auto flex-grow tc"> page 1 of 971 </span> <a href="/stream?page=2" rel="next" title="Navigate to next page" class="ttu navy dim link self-end">Next</a> </nav> <p class="w-100 pa1 black-40 f6 tc"> <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=all">All</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=article">Blog</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=note">Notes</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=responses">Responses</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=like">Likes</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=rsvp">RSVP</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=checkin">Check-ins</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=event">Events</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=photo">Photos</a> </p> </article> <footer role=main> <div class="mw7 w-100 center flex flex-row items-start justify-between pv3 ph2"> <ul class="list pa0 ma0 lh-copy f6"> <li><a href="/"><i data-feather="home"></i>&nbsp;<span>Home</span></a></li> <li><a href="/follow"><i data-feather="rss"></i>&nbsp;<span>Follow</span></a></li> <li><a rel="nofollow" href="/sessions/new?redirect_to=%2Fstream"><i data-feather="log-in"></i>&nbsp;<span>Sign In</span></a></li> </ul> <div class="f7 mw4"> This site's collected <strong>9886</strong> posts and <strong>5081</strong> mentions. 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It’s a bit of a ramble! My next video on YouTube and PeerTube

</div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-06T09:58:17.30302-07:00">2019-09-06T09:58:17.30302-07:00</time> &bull;&nbsp;3&nbsp;interactions </a> <ul class="db ma0 pl0 pv2"> <li class="dib ma0"> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="tag">Tags:</i> </li> <li class="dib ma0 pa0"><a class="p-category link underline" href="">video</a></li> </ul> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="note" data-post-id="8eb4870c-6f83-416b-8866-0fb600e11313" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img title="Jacky Alciné" alt="Jacky Alciné" src="" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2 p-name"> <p>TFW when the video render works with no issues overnight.</p> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-06T08:11:17.74529-07:00">2019-09-06T08:11:17.74529-07:00</time> &bull;&nbsp;3&nbsp;interactions </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="photo" data-post-id="ef314625-a2ba-48ac-b96e-6f2e81b03a65" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img title="Jacky Alciné" alt="Jacky Alciné" src="" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap justify-between items-center mv2 w-100"> <picture class="w-100 self-top"> <img alt="" class="u-photo" src="/media/image/entry%24ef314625-a2ba-48ac-b96e-6f2e81b03a65/Screenshot_20190906_000608.png?v=original" /> </picture> </div> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> <p>And now the render begins.</p> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-06T00:06:40.92405-07:00">2019-09-06T00:06:40.92405-07:00</time> &bull;&nbsp;1&nbsp;interaction </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="5a671f76-a432-4fe8-86d4-0b565d72a771" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="Hot Girl Case Manager" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">Hot Girl Case Manager</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> Hot Girl Case Manager on Twitter: "What should we call Jay Z supporters? I vote for Hovteps." </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">What should we call Jay Z supporters? I vote for Hovteps.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T21:35:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T21:35:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="note" data-post-id="efd9372c-0a96-4d30-81de-df8b7c745ddf" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img title="Jacky Alciné" alt="Jacky Alciné" src="" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2 p-name"> <p>ICYMI, there’s a talk I gave at the IndieWeb Summit this year in Portland about it and what we can do to make it more friendly and approachable for all. <a href=""></a></p> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T20:51:31.91156-07:00">2019-09-05T20:51:31.91156-07:00</time> &bull;&nbsp;1&nbsp;interaction </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="4b2aa982-1f28-4189-8f8c-98fa14502b90" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="I’m a guy. 🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">I’m a guy. 🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> I’m a guy. 🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁 on Twitter: "Idk. Dark Knight sold us that BS that a multi-billionaire and the D... </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">Idk. Dark Knight sold us that BS that a multi-billionaire and the DA of the biggest city in the country were competing over Maggie Gyllenhaal.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T19:33:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T19:33:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="3449ff1b-4f27-4639-a9bd-6e0512e416d3" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="Anil Dash 🥭" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">Anil Dash 🥭</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> Anil Dash 🥭 on Twitter: "Nearly every single one of the worst moral failings that has ever occurr... </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">Nearly every single one of the worst moral failings that has ever occurred in America was legal at the time it started. Company leadership announcing they will support anything, no matter how violent & reprehensible, is wildly irresponsible. Their workers now know the stakes.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="cba63ac6-9fb0-4890-8109-45f1df66d9c5" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="Anil Dash 🥭" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">Anil Dash 🥭</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> Anil Dash 🥭 on Twitter: "It was legal when IBM sold their mainframes to the Nazis for use in conc... </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">It was legal when IBM sold their mainframes to the Nazis for use in concentration camps. Karp argues here that IBM was right to do this and complicity in those atrocities was the right choice because it was profitable and not enough people had petitioned their lawmakers yet.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="ac032126-8509-4a8c-b00e-090cbac1c548" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="Anil Dash 🥭" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">Anil Dash 🥭</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> Anil Dash 🥭 on Twitter: "And of course it’s worth noting that the headline of the Washington Post... </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">And of course it’s worth noting that the headline of the Washington Post piece is a bald-faced lie: Palantir, and its CEO, *do* want to make policy. The company spends millions (even more than Karp’s salary) on lobbying each year, and that lobbying has rapidly increased.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T19:32:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <section data-post-type="repost" data-post-id="8d9e3c9c-b167-42e4-b792-3b1c851f6eb5" class="flex flex-row h-entry mv2 measure-wide pa2 br1"> <div class="w3 dib pr2 flex flex-column items-center justify-center"> <a class="w3 dib u-author" href=""> <img src="" title="Anil Dash 🥭" class="mw1 mw3-ns" /> </a> </div> <aside class="self-top mh2 flex-auto flex-grow f7"> <article class="u-repost-of h-cite"> <header class="f5 ba bw2 pa2 ma0 tj br2 br--top truncate"> Shared &nbsp; <a href="" class="u-author link color-inherit">Anil Dash 🥭</a> &mdash; <a class="u-url link p-name link color-inherit underline" href=""> Anil Dash 🥭 on Twitter: "Palantir announces they are willing to be complicit in anything that can... </a> </header> <main class="e-content br2 br--bottom mb2 pa2 f5 lh-copy">Palantir announces they are willing to be complicit in anything that can be argued is legal in their jurisdiction.</main> </article> <!-- TODO: Add support for showing name of events. --> <div class="e-content f5 pt1 measure-wide pa2 pl0 mb2"> </div> <a class="db u-url lh-copy link underline" href=""> <i class="h1 w1 pa1 v-mid" data-feather="clock">posted</i> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-09-05T19:31:00.00000-07:00">2019-09-05T19:31:00.00000-07:00</time> </a> </aside > </section> <nav class="w-70 center pa3 flex flex-row justify-around items-center"> <a href="/stream?page=0" rel="previous" title="Navigate to previous page" class="ttu navy dim link self-start">Previous</a> <span class="f7 black-50 flex-auto flex-grow tc"> page 1 of 971 </span> <a href="/stream?page=2" rel="next" title="Navigate to next page" class="ttu navy dim link self-end">Next</a> </nav> <p class="w-100 pa1 black-40 f6 tc"> <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=all">All</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=article">Blog</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=note">Notes</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=responses">Responses</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=like">Likes</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=rsvp">RSVP</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=checkin">Check-ins</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=event">Events</a> &mdash; <a class="black-70" href="/stream?type=photo">Photos</a> </p> </article> <footer role=main> <div class="mw7 w-100 center flex flex-row items-start justify-between pv3 ph2"> <ul class="list pa0 ma0 lh-copy f6"> <li><a href="/"><i data-feather="home"></i>&nbsp;<span>Home</span></a></li> <li><a href="/follow"><i data-feather="rss"></i>&nbsp;<span>Follow</span></a></li> <li><a rel="nofollow" href="/sessions/new?redirect_to=%2Fstream"><i data-feather="log-in"></i>&nbsp;<span>Sign In</span></a></li> </ul> <div class="f7 mw4"> This site's collected <strong>9886</strong> posts and <strong>5080</strong> mentions. 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ICYMI, there’s a talk I gave at the IndieWeb Summit this year in Portland about it and what we can do to make it more friendly and approachable for all.

#indieweb and #xoxo-mastodon meetup

A breakfast meetup for Indieweb people in Portland for XOXO and those who live there too.

Why I Have a Website and You Should Too · Jamie Tanna | Software (Quality) Engineer

I know a number of people who blog as a way to express themselves, for expression’s sake, rather than for anyone else wanting to read it. It’s a great way to have a place to “scream into the void” and share your thoughts.

#indieweb #personal #publishing #homepages #websites #independent #ownership

I might be a bit late, but I’ll be at IndieWeb Meetup tonight, 6:30pm at Mozart’s Coffee. We usually grab a table on the deck outside. ☕

Just getting back from college. I have a branch for venues and check-ins almost done, but I also need to make a filter for queries to not show private posts to unauthorized users and to make draft posts. Probably it's time to make my DB backend modular. This'll cause a merge conflict though... Git is still saving me
#IndieWeb #pyindieblog

All of the ‘happy’ tests I’d need to have passing for Lwa in order to get Microsub support working. Might take about a month

A mockup of what I want the preview view to look like. Going to add a bit more interactivity to it when I get my Microsub logic working. Planning to use Phoenix.LiveView to give it a client-side feel while still keeping it with the server-side rendering.

Accidentally reversed order of posts on my testing instance while rewriting the cache.
#IndieWeb #pyindieblog #oops
Can really be called if it only serves as an input, not output for webmentions?
#IndieWeb #webmentions

⛰🏃🏻‍♂️ 15km & ~2k' in #Marin 8/31 to finish #August at 216km & 7116m. Grateful for a month of consistent training at home.
Traveling a lot soon — HMU to #run in Portland @XOXO, Fukuoka @W3C #TPAC2019, Amsterdam @IndieWebCamp #ViewSource, NYC & Brighton IndieWebCamps, London #MozFest, St. Louis @WordCampUS #WCUS!

August was a monthly distance running PR and my second highest vertical climbing month after last October’s 207km & 8932m (also only my second time running 200km+ or climbing 5km+ in any month).

Got a late start that morning and drove myself directly to the Tennessee Valley parking lot. Having forgotten to check the #SFRC route direction, I ran the opposite way again, up Fox with less fog(2) than last week, down Coastal to an ominously overcast Muir Beach(3). Touched the water(4) and noticed blue skies in the distance to the northwest(5). I cut the route short via the beautiful Middle Green Gulch trail up to Coyote Ridge. From the Coyotoe Ridge peak(6) I could see the north side of Muir beach, and a thin blue line of clear Pacific Ocean over the clouds(1). Looking south the city was still covered by fog, just a few buildings and Sutro tower poking through(7). Ran back down Miwok(8) to the Tennessee Valley parking lot and up/down a bit of Marincello to reach 15km.

I’ll be making good use of the few September and October mornings I’m home and joining up with runners (especially on trails) on my travels when missing Marin #trails(9). Hope to see you out there!

#runner #MarinHeadlands #trail #trailrun #50ktraining #ultratraining #optoutside #getoutside #fog #KarlTheFog #Muirbeach #2019_243 #20190831 #Saturday #latergram #nofilter

Previous Saturday:
#Marin #August #run #TPAC2019 #ViewSource #MozFest #WCUS #SFRC #trails #runner #MarinHeadlands #trail #trailrun #50ktraining #ultratraining #optoutside #getoutside #fog #KarlTheFog #Muirbeach #2019_243 #20190831 #Saturday #latergram #nofilter
i literally can't stop posting because my new site is THAT FAST. Faster than my local social network... I'm not even using HTTP 202 response and threads in Micropub yet
#IndieWeb #pyindieblog

Passive and active posts

#IndieWeb #quantified self