Own your Git repositories; a concept for IndieWeb-replacement of GitHub features

#GitHub #IndieWeb #ownyourdata

Reply to https://www.zachleat.com/web/own-my-tweets/

I’m Taking Ownership of My Tweets—zachleat.com

I fully expect my personal website to outlive Twitter and as such have decided to take full ownership of the content I’ve posted there. In true IndieWeb fashion, I’m taking ownership of my data.

#indieweb #tweets #twitter #digital #preservation #archives #hosting

I tried Matrix and almost crashed my server (because my server is crap)

@tElizaRose @tw2113 I've been taking some time off/away from it in the late summer, but I've got some pieces (esp. for/from #WordPress perspective) started:
@EddieHinkle so, what's the status of
I suppose I should apologize for what (at least in my timezone) was feeding a lot of test posts in your timeline. micropub.rocks doesn't allow unlisted posts and I have no "deletion" yet. yet.
#IndieWeb #pyindieblog #micropub.rocks
Test of querying the endpoint for the source content
Micropub test of creating an h-entry with one category. This post should have one category, test1
Micropub test of creating a photo referenced by URL
Micropub test of creating an h-entry with categories. This post should have two categories, test1 and test2
Micropub test of creating a basic h-entry
Micropub test of creating multiple photos referenced by URL. This post should include a photo of a city at night.
Micropub test of creating a photo referenced by URL with alt text. This post should include a photo of a sunset.
Micropub test of creating an h-entry with a JSON request containing multiple categories. This post should have two categories, test1 and test2.

Aperture was down, IndieAuth.com token endpoint was down, and I couldn't access my own site (since renderer uses a token to read posts). Thankfully @aaronpk fixed it all. Thank you ❤

#IndieWeb #SinglePointOfAaron #bugs

@help these, https://micro.blog/islandinthenet.com, are all Webmention replies from my WordPress to Micro.blog posts. Are they supposed to appear as a separate account under islandinthenet.com? Are they linked to micro.blog account?

Quickly provisioned CouchDB to play around with. It seems like a natural choice when working with MF2-JSON, and Fauxton shows a post I uploaded as a beautiful document.

Now I only need to connect it to my Micropub endpoint by writing a DB backend.

#IndieWeb #pyindieblog #CouchDB

Google: yeah, we KNOW these values actually have value but fuck a standard - y’all appointed us as one.


Specs: http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-nofollow