#indiewebcamp AMS @ton_zylstra:
“The next big thing
 will be a lot of small things.”

#indiewebcamp #indieweb
#indiewebcamp AMS @ton_zylstra: To me, the web was always about agency and providing ways for individuals connect to each other in ways they couldn’t before.
#indiewebcamp #indieweb
going to #IndieWebCamp Amsterdam TODAY 10:00 at Codam Coding College with @aaronpk @ton_zylstra @schmarty @adactio @david_bryant & more!

Looking forward to great #indieweb demos & #barcamp breakout sessions!

about: https://indiewebcamp.nl/
wiki: https://indieweb.org/2019/Amsterdam
#IndieWebCamp #indieweb #barcamp
#indiewebcamp AMS @ton_zylstra: shows and summarizes the #indieweb building blocks of #openweb standard protocols & formats:

#webmention #microformats micropub.rocks #indieauth & more

#indiewebcamp #indieweb #openweb #webmention #microformats #indieauth
Interesting start to the morning at IndieWebCamp Amsterdam - we've spoken about accessibility of the Web and IndieWeb, and about how private posts and privacy should work
I'm really enjoying the intros at IndieWebCamp Amsterdam. Its nice to see the range of websites, the technology usages, and that some folks are posting while they're talking while others haven't touched their sites in years. It's an exciting chance to get reinvigorated!
Kicking off @IndieWebCamp Amsterdam with @ton_zylstra giving an intro to what is the #IndieWeb!
En route to my first IndieWebCamp (Amsterdam) after a great couple of days at DevOpsDays London. I'm really looking forward to meeting some folks and talking about owning more of my little corner of the Web, and meeting the faces behind the websites I frequent!
#IndieWebCamp Amsterdam this weekend!

Sat 28/9 unconference sessions on all things #IndieWeb
Sun 29/9 building your own next step on the IndieWeb.

Register and get more info at indieweb.org/2019/Amsterdam​

On my way to Amsterdam for @IndieWebCamp and @ViewSourceConf!

This 8 hour flight seems like nothing in comparison to last week's 15 hours to Australia!
I have written a post so long my Micropub endpoint rejects it for no reason in particular.

Going offline with microformats

#goingoffline #serviceworkers #cache #caching #microformats #hentry #indieweb #javascript #code #async #await #frontend #development
Why social networks are even called networks? They don't do networking, it's just one site! #IndieWeb is the true social network...

WordPress funding and market dominance

It’s Homebrew Website Club Brighton this evening in the @Clearleft HQ at 6pm:


Come and work on your website (or get some writing done).

A love letter to my website

#personal-website #indieweb

People are developing "addiction" to social media silos. By that logic, I seem to be addicted to the #IndieWeb.

It's a webcomic called The Gamer, and the RSS link is here: https://www.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/the-gamer/rss?title_no=88

It's about a guy who accidentally got magic abilities and turned into a video game character, and the world around him became similar to a videogame - people started having stat blocks, special abilities and other stuff. It's originally Korean, but is translated to English and some other languages.

P.S. While writing this, I discovered my Micropub client doesn't have a field to set the in-reply-to property. I edited the JSON manually to include it. I hope you get a webmention!


I think at https://www.jvt.me/events/homebrew-website-club-nottingham/2019/09/18/ tonight I'm going to write a how-to for setting up your first h-card, similar to https://www.jvt.me/posts/2019/08/21/rsvp-from-your-website/
#indieweb #microformats