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#indiewebcamp #indieweb #p3k
Amsterdam, #indieweb, and #viewsource friends, join us at The Jitterbug Saloon! Opened it up with @schmarty @sebandeweg @neb @aaronpk and expecting @adactio soon. Taking over tables in the back, plenty of room https://foursquare.com/v/the-jitterbug-saloon/5bf1c1521cf2e1002c48cce4
This would be cool, but don't think I'll be able to do two IndieWebCamps in a row, especially across the world!
#indiewebcamp AMS #hackday second project:

✅ ➕ Add to Calendar links in Event POSSE tweets with emoji!


See https://indieweb.org/Add_to_Calendar for why and how to.
#indiewebcamp #hackday
Liked a post by Ton Zijlstra
On my way to Amsterdam for day two of IndieWebCamp, that I’m co-hosting with Frank. Today’s focus will be on doing, based on the conversations and ideas we had yesterday. I’ve published a few pics on Flickr. IndieWebCamp Lunch The IndieWebCamp Amsterdam bunch at lunch I have three ideas I migh...

Homebrew Website Club SF!

The Homebrew Website Club is a growing world-wide network of meetups for everyone who wants to take back their web experience from social media silos, and own their online identities, content, and interactions.
Testing my new video posting Shortcut at #IndieWebCamp lunch!
#IndieWebCamp #indiewebcamp

I'm thinking of how to pull my Google Maps Timeline data in a machine-readable format. I want a GPS tracker project like @aaronpk's!

also I need a nickname cache and interface for posting those checkin spots! #itches

#indieweb #ownyourdata #quantifiedself #itches #geo
#indiewebcamp AMS #hackday first project done:

✅ rel=canonical links from http permalinks to https permalinks

See https://indieweb.org/rel-canonical for why and how to.
#indiewebcamp #hackday

Proposing a Microformats2 Markup for Licensing Information

Some recommendations for how to mark up licensing information with Microformats, for making license information machine-discoverable and machine-readable.
IndieWebCamp Amsterdam day 1 was amazing! Lots of great discussions, and as usual, I end the day with so many more ideas for what I want to create for my website next.

Tomorrow's challenge will be to figure out which I can accomplish in a day, and then do that.
#indieweb #indiewebcamp

Indieweb Camp Oxford 2019

It's been an awesome day at IndieWebCamp Amsterdam! The afternoon was chatting about licenses and ownership, then looking at how to migrate folks from silos to IndieWeb with a long term strategy, then some discussions about events, RSVPs and calendars, and finally all things syndication. Got some great discussions, and lots of interesting things to play with tomorrow at the hack day!
#indiewebcamp AMS @ton_zylstra:
“The next big thing
 will be a lot of small things.”

#indiewebcamp #indieweb
#indiewebcamp AMS @ton_zylstra: To me, the web was always about agency and providing ways for individuals connect to each other in ways they couldn’t before.
#indiewebcamp #indieweb
going to #IndieWebCamp Amsterdam TODAY 10:00 at Codam Coding College with @aaronpk @ton_zylstra @schmarty @adactio @david_bryant & more!

Looking forward to great #indieweb demos & #barcamp breakout sessions!

about: https://indiewebcamp.nl/
wiki: https://indieweb.org/2019/Amsterdam
#IndieWebCamp #indieweb #barcamp
#indiewebcamp AMS @ton_zylstra: shows and summarizes the #indieweb building blocks of #openweb standard protocols & formats:

#webmention #microformats micropub.rocks #indieauth & more

#indiewebcamp #indieweb #openweb #webmention #microformats #indieauth
Interesting start to the morning at IndieWebCamp Amsterdam - we've spoken about accessibility of the Web and IndieWeb, and about how private posts and privacy should work
I'm really enjoying the intros at IndieWebCamp Amsterdam. Its nice to see the range of websites, the technology usages, and that some folks are posting while they're talking while others haven't touched their sites in years. It's an exciting chance to get reinvigorated!
Kicking off @IndieWebCamp Amsterdam with @ton_zylstra giving an intro to what is the #IndieWeb!