Indy maps

#maps #mapping #geo #polylines #indiewebcamp #brighton #indieweb #visualisation #javascript #code #coding #frontend #development #travelling

inessential: You Choose: Follow-Up

It came to my attention after writing my blog post about how we choose the web we want that the pessimism is about not being able to make a living from blogging.

Brent gives an in-depth response to this concern about not making a living from blogging. It’s well worth a read. I could try to summarise it, but I think it’s better if you read the whole thing for yourself.

#blogs #blogging #writing #sharing #indieweb #independent #publishing #choice

#Redecentralize 2019 Session: IndieWeb Decentralized Standards and Methods

#indieweb #microformats #indieauth #microsub

I’m Officially Part of the IndieWeb

Reader Mail: Webmention Spam

Replying publicly to an email about my continual webmention sending.

Reader Mail: Getting Started with Hugo and Micropub

Answering a question by a reader about how to get started with writing a Micropub endpoint for use with Hugo.

inessential: You Choose

You can entertain, you can have fun, you can push the boundaries of the form, if you want to. Or you can just write about cats as you develop your voice. Whatever you want!

I couldn’t agree more with this sentiment:

You choose the web you want. But you have to do the work.

A lot of people are doing the work. You could keep telling them, discouragingly, that what they’re doing is dead. Or you could join in the fun.

#blogs #blogging #writing #sharing #indieweb #independent #publishing #choice

Register your domain name on

#Redecentralize 2019 Session: IndieWeb Decentralized Standards and Methods

Notes from Redecentralize 2019

Content ownership is not complicated

Swarm check-ins and

@ASpittel The best beginner projects are building things to use for one's self. They could try building and improving their own websites. has lots of ideas, open source code samples, and a helpful community. #hacktoberfest

Why I'm supporting the IndieWeb (and you should too) - marketgoo

Liked How I Set up my WordPress Indieweb Website – 2019 Edition by David ShanskeDavid Shanske
This is an update to my 2018 article on how I set up my WordPress site. Standard Plugins EWWW Image Optimizer(Link) – It reduces file sizes for images to ensure faster loading Pushover Notifications(Link)or the forked alternative Pushbullet Notifications(Link) for WordPress – This plugin sends n...

IndieWebCamp Brighton 2019

Reply to

Woo, thanks to for releasing an update of the wonderful Android app which adds in a fix to not send multiple bearer tokens in Micropub requests ( ) This started breaking for me when I upgraded my Micropub endpoint to use the spring-oauth2-resource-server module ( ) which is a well-formed OAuth2 server, whereas my previous implementation was not. Super speedy fix, and glad to be back to using the app again!

Gave a 3min lightning talk @redecentralize #rdc19, show > tell. #redecentralize links shown & words spoken from memory:

* Started with:

Hi my name is Tantek, the .com is silent.

I’m @t on Twitter when not blocked. I have been posting on my own site instead of Twitter for nearly 10 years now. (

10 years ago I got frustrated with Twitter and built my own way to post notes, similar to what people take for granted today using Mastodon etc. This is the result.


I also post replies, including replies to tweets, from my own site which are then automatically cross-posted to Twitter


and threaded there so I don't have to ask everyone to use my solution. Interoperate with how people work today.


I also post photos on my own site, and similarly automatically send a copy to Twitter:


Also something people are now doing with decentralized solutions.


What about events? I post events on my own site, receive federated RSVPs, and cross post the details to Twitter:


Including the ability to Add to Calendar to your calendar program, whichever you use, using the ICS standard.

We heard about a decentralized git issues project,


well I believe everyone should own their own issues as well, instead of posting them on someone else’s decentralized server, and then syndicate to wherever a project is aggregating their issues, like GitHub:


This is all made possible through services and standards,


like Bridgy. I did not have to write to the GitHub API etc. I used a web standard called Webmention, and Bridgy did the work for me to cross-post.


Webmention is a W3C Recommendation, one of a half dozen we produced during the W3C Social Web Working Group that I chaired.


Webmention is now one of many standards maintained by the IndieWeb community, see spec dot indieweb dot org for more.


And if you want to get started on the IndieWeb, setting up your site, check out IndieWebify dot me which provides step by step instructions and validators / tests. There’s lots more at (


Like all the other awesome projects here we have heard about, the IndieWeb community has a chat channel.

It of course bridges to Matrix, and also Discourse, as well as Slack. (


Because we believe in the value of human interaction and connection we also hold events. I want to invite everyone here to come to an IndieWebCamp in person as well. (

If you’re in Europe please checkout IndieWebCamp Berlin November 23-24th.


And if you’re in the States, please join us in IndieWebCamp San Francisco!

Any questions?

(Thanks to @KevinMarks for live-tweeting as much as he could (tweetlinks inline in parentheses) keep up with my rapid speech and tab-switching :)
#rdc19 #redecentralize
Replied to How do I POSSE to Mastodon now? by an author
This is what I’m running into to try to make new Indieweb technology as simple to explain as possible. Ryan Barrett did some amazing work and made it possible to connect your own Mastodon account to your site. So you can get likes and replies from Mastodon in the comments of your own site. But you...
I wonder if it posted just the title and the link as it recognised this post as an article type (you can see objectType: article in the logs).

If you were to create a note then it would post the full content of the note as a toot, I think.