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Sending Webmentions More Intelligently

Updating my post-deployment tooling to only send Webmentions when they've not already been accepted (or rejected).

Wondering if any of my fellow @AnEventApart speakers will be arriving in San Francisco in time to attend Indie Web Camp:

It will fun! @Una @JenSimmons @Zeldman @MeyerWeb @SaraSoueidan @RachelAndrew @Brad_Frost

Ooh, nice. I was just wondering if it had a microformats version. Looking much better in Monocle now!

Any means of making #GitLab (self-hosted CE) IndieAuth-compatible? I like the CI/CD stuff and the issue boards but I want to use #IndieAuth to allow users to log in. #IndieWeb

#GitLab #IndieAuth #IndieWeb

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Well, I think I've cracked it - after a few weeks of on-and-off work on making my webmention sending not spam everyone (see ) - it's now not re-sending them if they're successful. This is a good first step, but I'll be improving it to re-send if the post's data has changed since last time it tried (in the future). Note that this isn't quite done yet, expect it to be live tomorrow perhaps.


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#indieweb #webmention

Hello, Indieweb!

Made a little progress on my Jekyll IndieWeb project this weekend. Now you can follow @jekyll_indieweb on Twitter to get updates and the demo site is live on (naming things is hard, picking a domain is harder)

Should make quick progress this week knocking out bugs in the theme.

On Blogging Infrastructure

Photo for today’s IndieWeb Meetup NYC

IndieWeb NYC Meetup 2019-11-16 Wrap-Up

#IndieWeb #meetup #HWC #NYC #wrap-up

Waarde van je eigen website

This is a new computing device with a revolutionary form factor, no less. Is this my another birthday present?! #cats #catsofindieweb

#cats #catsofindieweb

The best way to blog in 2020

#personal-website #blogging #indieweb

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My latest thought was to set up an email-based one-time password system so people could log in, RSVP, and select whether they want their RSVP to appear publicly or not.

I will probably experiment with this on my own site, but I could also see it as a Bridgy-like service that generates an RSVP post with mf2 and sends a webmention on your behalf.

The best way to blog in 2020