The future of the web, isn't the web

#indieweb #metadata #microformats

Why not use it as a syndication target though instead of having an “add an event” UI? Do we not trust our own blogs to handle the markup correctly? :3 #ownyourdata #ownyourevents #IndieWeb #microformats2

#ownyourdata #ownyourevents #IndieWeb #microformats2

This Page is Designed to Last: A Manifesto for Preserving Content on the Web

Geocities, LiveJournal,, now Yahoo Groups. One day, Medium, Twitter, and even hosting services like GitHub Pages will be plundered then discarded when they can no longer grow or cannot find a working business model.

Considering the needs of someone who wants to make and maintain a website, without the ridiculous complexity of “modern” web tooling:

How do we make web content that can last and be maintained for at least 10 years? As someone studying human-computer interaction, I naturally think of the stakeholders we aren’t supporting. Right now putting up web content is optimized for either the professional web developer (who use the latest frameworks and workflows) or the non-tech savvy user (who use a platform).

#digital #preservation #independent #publishing #indieweb #performance #longevity #frontend #development #complexity #simplictiy #tooling

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#indieweb #indiewebcamp #events
Seventeen years ago, I was setting up my first blog using MovableType on my Powerbook G4, and some clever Python scripts. I still have every post, right here in this site! 🎉 #OwnYourData #IndieWeb
#OwnYourData #IndieWeb

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What do all you lovely #IndieWeb folks use to consume Twitter? I'd like to hook some of my favourite people into my reader but not sure the best way to do it

So long Disqus, hello Webmention

#webmention #personal-website
I have repeatedly expressed to peers working on #IndieWeb #SocialWeb #SocialMedia #FederatedSocialWeb that tech/plumbing-centric framing of #dweb "Decentralized Web" "Distributed Web" is heavily problematic. Beyond MastoGab, there is now something much worse (not linking). I’ll follow up with a longer blog post (it’s been in my drafts for a while), explaining why, how we got here, and maybe some ways for how can we replace use of "Decentralized Web" or "Distributed Web" with something human-centric instead.

For a start, re-read Mozilla’s Manifesto and Principles:
#IndieWeb #SocialWeb #SocialMedia #FederatedSocialWeb #dweb

The sad state of personal data and infrastructure

#indieweb #personal-website #ownership

i don’t care if twitter is down tho cause I just use my website to post stuff! #IndieWeb #ownyourdata

#IndieWeb #ownyourdata
link preview agent — n. a user agent that crawls a web page for text, image(s), link(s) etc. to make a link preview

@24ways (ht @KevinMarks): it’s not a “microbrowser” (already an alias for mobile browser^1) #xkcd386


Web searches also reveal that existing definition for “microbrowser”:

E.g. all first page results on:
@Google (which even shows a onebox definition for it!):

It’s futile to attempt to redefine longstanding term/phrase like that.

Always research what you think is a new term or phrase before attempting to define it.

At a minimum do a couple of web searches and check @Wikipedia.

To be fair, naming things is hard (

To be clear, it’s *good* to identify a thing or class of things that exists but isn’t named, and give it a name, so we can talk about it. Reminded me of @timoreilly’s talk at the 2013 Brooklyn Beta (

Instead, when naming something, start with trying a name that is descriptive. E.g. as the @24ways article already mentions “link preview” as the canonical phrase for the thing that is generated and shown, it makes more sense to define “link preview agent” as:

“a class of User-Agents that also visit website links, parse HTML and generate a [non-interactive, representative] user experience”

And before this post, “link preview agent” had *zero* Duck Duck Go or relevant Google results for the actual phrase (just four in Google, two split by periods, and two adjacent text coincidences that are separated by page UI).

A new decade

This is how onboarding will probably look in Kittybox. #IndieWeb

#IndieWeb #onboarding #Kittybox

This is how onboarding would probably look in Kittybox. #IndieWeb

#Kittybox #onboarding #IndieWeb

I Haza Website domain registration

🔵🥧 Baked a #blueberry #pie last Sunday, my third pie, blind to an unexpected change coming just minutes after I put the pie in the oven.

After we wrapped up IndieWebCamp SF, I went home, collected the ingredients from my cupboard, realized I was missing a couple, and picked them up from my local grocery store. Ingredients assembled(2), pie dish lined and #blueberries mixed(3), it didn’t take long to make(4), and place in the oven to bake(1).

Thanks to a ride from a friend, the pie made it to the party intact(5), taking its place among others, surrounded by bakers, friends, and baker friends (6 📷 Andrew Garcia).

#2019_342 #blueberrypie #pie #thirdpie #thirdpieblind #imadethis #baker #homecooking #homebaked #bakers #baked #latergram #nofilter

#blueberry #pie #blueberries #2019_342 #blueberrypie #thirdpie #thirdpieblind #imadethis #baker #homecooking #homebaked #bakers #baked #latergram #nofilter

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