RSVP no to

It’s just 1 month until IndieWebCamp Austin: the weekend of February 22-23. If you’re interested, please get a ticket so we can better plan for attendees. We’ll also have a meetup the day before, sometime late Friday afternoon.

This week’s episode of Micro Monday features guest Amanda Rush, talking with Jean about the IndieWeb, Webmention,, and behavior on social media. There’s also a transcript available. Lots of good stuff in this one.

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Weekly Roundup 2020 #1

Making Meetable Easier to Install

#meetable #events #indieweb

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Webmentions: Enabling Better Communication on the Internet

The commons we've enclosed

#free-software #linux #open-source #indieweb

#IndieWeb folks using Indigenous for Android ( or at least allowing a Geo URI (geo:51.501476,-0.140634) on their #Micropub endpoint - do you attempt to remap that longitude / latitude ref to a place, or do you currently just render it as-is?

Hey @pushbullet is there any way to see how many API pushes I've got left from the Web/ when it renews? I got a notification saying I was running out, partly due to

Liked: Rebecca Toh - The Old Internet...

"...for now we can take back the internet by going back to creating our own websites and blogs and even newsletters and relying less, far less, on the cursed social networks."

I'm definitely all for taking back the web! I may have sworn off social networks for my own reasons but I think cursed is a bit much; there is undoubtedly good that can come from their use. My wife, for example, is the reverend for an online church holding services, other events, and performing sermons via Facebook Live video. Now, that couldn't happen very easily without such a network.

But there are a lot of problems, not least the image painted by Rebecca of a "faceless person scrolling down a screen endlessly for all eternity, but yet for whom satisfaction never comes."

Use of social media should be intentional, not be the default fallback when bored, the mindless time sink through which we compare ourselves to others and, due to the perils of manufactured perfection, so often come up short.

It is good, therefore, to see when folks like Rebecca state that her site will continue as:

"... A repository for my thoughts and my internet identity... my private playground, my own little corner of the neighbourhood... where I can document my obsessions and do pretty much anything I want."

Also, that "there are no rules" governing what she will post.

Brilliant! A perfect #indieweb attitude.

As I have said, my blog and email addresses are the #canonical+representation">canonical representation of me on the internet and that's just how it should be, not allowing the public facing version of ourselves to be at the mercy of a third party.

I was put on to Rebecca by Patrick and subscribing was a no brainer.

I'm going!

Excited to be hosting my first IndieWeb event of 2020! Come join us at Think Coffee on Mercer in Greenwich Village. We’ll talk about website plans / dreams / goals for 2020, ongoing projects, do some light planning for IndieWebCamp NYC, and more!

Three years ago today:
* First @YogaFlowSF class (by Tom Lee), then signed up for their spring 200 hour yoga teacher training #YTT (completed that May)
* Implemented & deployed peer-to-peer federated #IndieWeb RSVPs on my site:

Indie Web Camp London 2020

#indiewebcamp #london #event #indieweb

Here you go! This will go out in the This Week in the IndieWeb newsletter, too.

@SuzeShardlow It was great meeting you tonight. Here’s the details for IndieWebCamp London I mentioned.

Looking forward to Homebrew Website Club San Diego tonight! @simon_prickett @artlung

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Hey Taylor, sorry for the short notice but we're having our second meetup tomorrow. I think we'll continue meeting monthly and I'll do a better job with advance notice next time!